Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Dwindling The List

     Yesterday was a good day.  Unfortunately, most of it was spent at my desk, but that was pay back for procrastination.  The first major thing on my list has a nice black line drawn through it, that alone makes for some mighty fine satisfaction.

     A big dent was made in the second most important item on the list, but I ran out of day before I could accomplish it.  It now ranks in first place.  Hopefully there will be enough to go around, if not, they will just have to wait until next week.  Hate that, but that's the way it goes.

     The morning started out on a good note.  I read a fellow blogger's blog and was laughing out loud.  Doing that before 5 a.m. is good for the soul.  It's amazing how laughter can lift the spirit.  I must put that on the list too: Laugh many times today.

     Ms. Sassafrass will be here shortly, so I must be short in today's writing.  I need to be ready to tackle the next list item before she gets here.  Concentration seems to wane with Dora and Boots in the background and I really don't like to have her spend all our time in front of the TV.  She's a good helper, maybe she can put the stamps and return address labels on the envelopes and I can tell her a tale of how, many moons ago, we had to lick the stamps first.  

     The weather is going to be gorgeous today, it will be hard to stay inside, but stay inside I must, at least until there are two more black lines on my list.  I do have to water a few plants, so that will be a grand excuse to excuse myself for a few minutes.  Plus, I can't wait to tell you about my bleach bottle project, but that story will have to wait, it's at the end of the list.


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