Monday, November 30, 2020

From The Desk of The Dog: Busy Me

 I'm back already!  The ever so entertaining JRT returns!  (Jack Russell Terrier)  Here to give you a report on my latest shenanigans while Mom continues to search for her marbles.  I've tried to help, but so far, no luck.

This last week has been the 'week of the towel'.  I had to have three baths in as many days!  I will never understand the human nose.  So many things they like to wrinkle their noses up about.  They have no idea the amount of scents that waft through the air at any given moment.  For instance, just because I seemingly bark at nothing every morning, does not mean that there isn't something out there.  There is!  I can smell it!  Right through the walls and windows!  A dog's nose can pick up scents that come from far away and ride on the wind.  It's important to me to sound the alarm when such a thing happens.  I'm all about keeping tabs on the perimeter.  My momma does that and she taught me well.  

To explain how well my nose works, I gonna share a little story.  I was sound asleep in Dad's lap.  That's one of my most favorite things, nappin' with Dad.  So, I'm sleepin' and across the room, Mom slowly and carefully took the plastic lid off of a can of nuts.  In less time than it takes to cross a dog hair, I was wide awake and looking in Mom's direction.  The nose knows.  Plus, I love nuts!

Where was I?  Oh yeah, bath time.  The reason I had to have three baths is not my fault.  It was not me who told the raccoon to do his business in my yard. (But I was so glad that he did!)  Humans just do not understand that there is something simply more than delightful about raccoon poop.  The aroma is heavenly!  When I find some and this particular gift from Mr. Ringtail was exceptionally fresh, there is only one thing to do.  The famous 'Dip & Dive'!

The D&D is a maneuver........oh, that rhymes with manure!  Mom says I'm getting off track.  Anyway, I have been perfecting the D&D for most all of my 6 years.  Mom says if there were a scoring system, I'd get a 10 every time.  First, when I come across that mesmerizing scent and find the source, I gently dip my head enough to dab some behind each ear.  When I'm overcome with the scent wafting between my ears, it's time for the dive.  I stand up on my back legs, turn my head to one side and dive for the prize! Once the dive is completed, the roll over begins.  This helps to grind the delicacy into my fur so the scent will last for as long as possible.  I musta executed a perfect 10 this time cos' when I ran full speed to Mom, to show her, she was none too happy.  She said I had a smile running from ear to ear, like some crazed clown.

And that's how the beginning of the 'week of the towel' started.  I didn't even get to enjoy the fruits of my labor!  Mom snatched me up and headed straight to the bathtub.  She even had to give the buzzing collar a bath too.  It always takes two towels per bath, sometimes three.  I might be little but, I gots lots of fur and it stays wet for a long time.   

The next day, I did it again.  Two days after that, I dug a hole half way to the other side of the planet, in the mud.  I'm pretty sure there was a mouse down there.....somewhere.  Mom's washin' towels.  Woof!

Monday, November 23, 2020


A square of tin foil sits on top of a small tripod.  The tripod is supposed to be used for soldering.  Something not yet mastered.  On the tin foil is a small pile of sugar.  Not real sugar, but small grains of some kind of organic sweetener none the less.  Next to this contraption lies the tuning fork.  Tuned to 528hz.  It also has a 'C' below the number, but scholarly minds and musicians do not agree on this connection.  Way deeper than a need to go.

The experiment was to try and see a pattern form.  The small grains of sweetness were to dance into formation from the vibration of the tuning fork.  This had been tried before.  Without much luck.  But, it never hertz to try again.  No pun intended.  The grains did dance, but not long enough.  This was due to the tin foil stopping the vibration of the tuning fork.  Another world wide web search produced many ways to achieve the desired outcome.  None included tin foil and a tuning fork.....imagine that.  A new weekend project may be in order.

The science behind this magical phenomenon makes visible part of the invisible world.  Seeing sound equates to an oxymoron.  Right?  Just as light has different waves, some seen and some unseen, so does sound.  A good example of how light works is the small bird called the Indigo Bunting.  It is really a black bird, but the feathers refract the sunlight making it appear blue.  Back to sound.  Tones have different vibrations and those vibrations have a pattern.  The patterns are not just random shapes.  They are complex and unique.  When seen, they give the viewer a sense of wonderment.  A sense of being part of something that is much bigger than imagined.

The theory behind the 528hz is that the frequency has the ability to positively affect water.  Since the human body is nearly 70% water, it stands to reason that vibrations play a part in how the body functions.  Does not music soothe the savage beast? 528hz is even considered to be divine, or supernatural.  Perhaps even connected to God.   It is also interesting to note that the earth is also covered 70% in water.  Another connection that might be considered, to be given more consideration.  

If being surrounded with good, soothing vibration can help to heal the body and soul, can it be said that being surrounded by the opposite has the opposite outcome?  Constant yelling, fighting, bickering must surely take its toll on the physique.

In a universe so vast and unknown, it is comforting to know that there is a vibration of not only sound, but of a design that comes from something not of this world.  Something that, perhaps, would like humanity to be still and listen.

Monday, November 16, 2020

From The Desk of The Dog: Good Times

Hello everyone!  It's Runtly, the ever so entertaining Jack Russell Terrier!  JRT for short!  Mom says since everyone has lost their marbles, I should share a few thoughts of my own.  My first thought is what are marbles and if everyone has lost them, shouldn't they be easy to find?  I need to remember to ask Mom if I have any, they sound kinda fun.   

My Momma came to visit!  Twice!  I just love it when she stays here with us.  I don't think Momma feels the same way though.  The first time her peeps dropped her off, she stood in the window and cried as they drove down the driveway.  Momma is really nervous, she has a hard time relaxing when she is away from her home.  I know how she feels, I don't really like to stay at her house either.  But, I did my best to try and cheer her up!

We spent a lot of time outside and Momma got to meet Max and Dumbo.  They are giant German shepherds.  Dumbo isn't the right name, his name is Thor.  I call him Dumbo and I'll tell more about him later.  Momma is so brave when Max and Thor (Dumbo) come over.  She stands up on her hind legs and looks them right in the eye!  That makes her look like she is as big as they are!  At least, that is what she told me.  I think it works too 'cause they think she is pretty cool.

Momma and I sang the song of our people about a hundred times.  It's the only time I will howl.  Momma sings high and I sing low and it sounds amazing!  We have two windows that look out at the front yard.  Momma gets in one and I get in the other.  Then we look for something to bark about.  It doesn't have to be much.  I can bark at the air.  When we find something and start barking, Momma begins to howl first and then I join in.  It's a wonderful sound! Usually, somebody has to make us quit.  We just can't help it.

Mom says calling Thor Dumbo is not very nice.  Well, it's not very nice that he takes my toys!  If I leave anything that is mine, in MY yard, Dumbo takes it!  I have lost count the amount of times that I found one of my toys in his yard.  But, rest assured, I bring it back to my house every time!  In fact, the other day I was in their yard and found a great big bone.  Yes, yes I did.  I packed that thing home and chewed, licked and slobbered on it all day.  I even took it in the house.  When Max and Thor D came over later, I went in the house and brought the bone out to show them "who's da boss?".  Mom said I was being an instigator.  Heh, heh, heh, Mom mighta been right.  Almost everyday, Thor D comes over and gets on the back deck and looks through the glass in the door.  That makes me hoppin' mad and I give him the what for.  I jump, bark and snarl at him and even show him the hair standing up on my back.  Every time I jump, he shows me his teeth......what a dumbo.

I sure like all the crackling leaves on the ground.  Especially the ones in the woods.  They are really deep and make a great place to do what Dad calls 'donuts'.  The four legged kick is most impressive when I'm chest deep in leaves too.

I had to go outside a bit ago.  While I was out there I had to bark so Max and Thor D knew I was out.  It always works like a charm.  So, I thought I would show them my bouncing expertise in the tall grass, across the road, in the meadow.  Once I knew I had their attention, I then calculated my escape route back to the house.  They like to chase me when I go fast.  I took off like a streak of lightning and just as I got up to speed, I fell in a hole.  It made me do a complete somersault.  How embarrassing.  I heard Dumbo snickering as I composed myself and trotted back to the house.  

Time to plan my revenge.  Woof!    


Monday, November 9, 2020

Beautiful Day

It was a beautiful day.  There can be no complaints made about 75 degrees in the first part of November.  The sun was shining.  A light breeze helped the last of the stubborn leaves to give up their stronghold and take flight.  

Although, there were lots of items on the list of 'to dos', responsibility was cast out, to ride the thermals with the leaves.  It had been a long while since the last road trip.  Road trips do not fall under going from point A to point B.  They fall under following a meandering, winding road and turning onto another, having no clue where it might emerge. 

There were others who were ready to rumble.  The choice of travel were the chariots of old.  Hot rods.  Muscle cars.  Even new ones, that look like the old ones, were in the mix.  

One of the most amazing things about this particular part of the country, is its ability to change its scenery, in an instant.  After riding through a few miles of barren fields, that had given up their harvest, the road drops into deep valleys and rolling hills.   The twists and turns become more frequent.  Looking in the rear view mirror and seeing a long curve of antiques, equally spaced, rolling at the same speed, gives the rider a sense of being in the right place.  At exactly the right time.

This particular route spilled the steel gathering into the valley where the Illinois River pours into the mighty Mississippi.  The road rides the rocky coast, just mere feet from the banks of the river.  For the passengers, the view is nearly majestic.  The river is wide, sail boats dotted the surface and barges plowed a path to their next destination.  In the distance, a bridge could be seen.  Spanning the river into another state.  Looking the other direction, the water stretched as far as the eye could see.  A haunting thought floated through, wondering at the awe that was surely felt, seeing this magnificent sight for the first time. 

The navigators, of the chariots, kept their eyes on the road.  For they had been swept into a mighty gathering of their collective brethren.  Many waves and 'thumbs up' were given, in each direction.  

An eatery was found and pleasant conversation exchanged.  The trip home was through familiar territory.  Everyone wanted to arrive before the long shadows made the grand whitetail bucks harder to see.  It was a beautiful day.

Monday, November 2, 2020

The Beautiful Dance

It happens slowly.  Most of the time, it is so subtle, it is hardly noticeable.  The days begin to shorten, the shadows grow long. Perhaps the colors of the trees help to take the away the fact that long days of sunshine are coming to an end.  For some, who live where time is changeable, the falling backward of an hour is a rude shock to the system.  Even the family pets are confused at the sudden odd behavior of their human caretakers.

The Earth, the home of humanity, for the time being, is not doing anything new.  It has taken these dance steps for as long as it has been spinning.  Its yearly journey around the sun.  A journey that has no rest stops along the route.  The route changes each year.  If the route could be viewed from above, it would show that Earth traces a pattern in space that is not round.  It never starts exactly where it ends.  This is why the stars were so important to the ancients.  Knowledge taken for granted today.

Earth, on its yearly trek, passes through different areas of the cosmos and through twelve astrological signs.  During the trip, the axis of Earth draws a circle overhead.  It takes nearly 26,000 years for a complete passage through all twelve signs.  The reason why the North Star changes throughout the journey.  

2012 is considered the year Earth entered into the Age of Aquarius.  A song now drifts somewhere on the back burners of several brains.  Peace. Harmony.  Understanding.  Considering the length of time it takes to pass through one of twelve, we have not even fastened the seat belts.  

Humanity has been witness to some "high strangeness".  Maybe the journey to a new way of living is just around the bend.  Change never comes easy, especially if it is in our favor.  Comfort zones are being completely disheveled.  

Enjoy the ride.  If it seems too long, consider that in a few short weeks, things will change.  The first day of winter is when we, in the northern hemisphere, receive the shortest amount of sunlight.  From that point, each day gets a little longer.  Most of the time, it is so subtle, it is hardy noticeable.

Take notice.  Earthlings have the best partner for such a beautiful dance.