Friday, June 29, 2018

The Pursuit

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

This is the part that most people can relate to, or recall from memory.  Most even think it is the first few lines of the Declaration of Independence, but they would be wrong in that thought.  

Right after we have been told that equality is for all people, and we have the right to pursue our hopes and dreams, comes the next few lines:

"That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed....." 

Out of several hundred contacts through a social media platform, there are three who are not happy with the current administration in the White House.  There are surely more than three, but the others keep their opinions to themselves. The 3 have been unhappy since election day.  Every day since, they have spent countless hours digging up and posting everything negative they can possibly find about the POTUS.......even though the world has not stopped spinning, there has not been a mass exodus from the USA, as predicted, and Russia is still in Russia.

Treading lightly on the political platform, because the damage of 'only one way to be' thinking has done to friendships and families, it seems the people of this country have missed something.....something big.

They actually believe that what is going on in Washington, DC is reality.  That this is the place of our government....for the people, by the people.  Perhaps in days gone by, it was, but WE no longer run the show.

This country runs on banks and big corporations, plain and simple.  One banking giant has been in trouble numerous times, was considered a major player in the housing crash a few years back and yet they are still in business and able to pay billion dollar fines. The major corporations have the money to put as many lobbyists as it takes to sway the members of Congress.  Most of these sways are not for the good of the people as a whole, but a definite benefit to the company they represent. 

So, what is the answer to our dwindling independence and constant rat race in pursuit of trying to be happy?  Maybe we should take heed of the next few lines written over 240 years ago:

"That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government.........."

Let Freedom Ring.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Down The Rabbit Hole #6 Water, Water Everywhere?

Anomaly: a deviation from the common rule, type, arrangement or odd, peculiar, or strange condition, situation, quality, etc....."Somethin' ain't quite right".

Last year, Hurricane Irma slammed into Florida and created a huge mess.  She was a beast by all accounts and one of the strongest storms on record.  She measured 400 miles across and traveled over many hundreds of miles of ocean, which helped to strengthen her fury as she used warm waters as her fuel.  

As she was making her way through Florida, something odd happened.  As Linda Moulton Howe would say, "there was some high strangeness" going on.  The water in Tampa Bay was gone.  What?!?  There are pictures to confirm this.  What is even weirder is the fact that we humans are such slow learners because not only are there pictures of the bay with no water, there are pictures of lots of people standing out in the empty bay.  Where did the water go?  There had not been a known earthquake at the time, which is why people must have thought it was OK to walk out into the water-less bay, since they obviously had no fear of a tsunami chasing them back to the shoreline. 

The scientific reason for the water leaving the bay was this: Wind.
The wind from Irma, along with an exceptional low tide, caused by the moon, pushed the water out of the bay. 

Tampa Bay covers over 2000 square miles and provides, on average, 171,000,000 gallons of drinking water, per day.  A gallon of water, on average, salt water weighs a bit more, weighs around 8 pounds.  171 million gallons of water weighs around 1.4 billion pounds and we are to believe that the wind was holding all the water at bay, no pun intended, out of Tampa Bay, while people and their pets roamed the now empty sea bed.....wouldn't that be a mighty powerful breeze?  The kind that would be really hard to stand up in?  Many people who have lived in this area for decades were having a hard time buying the reason.  They had lived through many strong storms and had never been witness to this before.

This mass disappearance of water has been happening all over the globe.  There are reports from Belize, Newfoundland, Ecuador, Italy, Brazil and more.  In a couple of the cases in South America, when the water disappeared off the shoreline on one side of the continent, it rose on the other side.  Folk, that is a massive happening, covering thousands of miles, in an instant.  One report from a fisherman in Belize said the ocean currents were crossing each other, making the water look as if it were boiling.  Due to the high turbulence it created, he stayed away from the area.

Indeed, there is some 'high strangeness' going on and it leaves me to ponder on the wonderous weirdness of it all.  There is a lot more information to be found on this topic and much of it can be found on YouTube.  Just type in "Earth Water Anomalies" by MrMBB333.  He does all the hard work for me, because he has tons of scientific data to back up his work.  In the meantime, if you see the water receding, make sure you have on some good water/mud proof running shoes, just in case.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Death By Kitchen

It is my hope that you find this not only entertaining, but educational as well.  I'm cooking.  Really.  Not just fixing stuff, like stuff out of a box, actually cooking.  I now know why my mother's in law refrigerator was always full.  Full, like not being able to wedge a stick of butter, up right, into the smallest crevice.  She cooked and having a stocked frig meant most everything she needed was in there.....somewhere.

There is a lot of talk about meal prepping.  This is planning and pre-cooking meals ahead of time.  This technique works well for those who are watching their diet and helps to eliminate stuffing one's face with an unhealthy tidbit when the hunger bell goes off in the brain.  Although prepping is not necessary in my case, it is handy to have a few things bacon.

Bacon ranks right up there with air.  Bacon just makes everything better, kind of like cheese.  It is handy to have the bacon cooked ahead of time, especially when craving a piece of bacon, or when fixing a dish that calls for a couple of slices.

Cooking bacon can be a chore though.  It isn't one of those things that can be thrown on the stove and forgot about...unless a person enjoys their home filled with the odor of burnt bacon smoke...for days.  Having been given an air fryer, I have discovered that for me, cooking bacon in it, is by far the best and safest method.....even though I did manage to set the smoke detector off while cooking said bacon the other day.  In my defense, I was cooking two packages and should have drained the grease from the pan after the first package.

In preparation of baking a pumpkin pie, I discovered that pumpkin pie spice must be a seasonal item as it was not to be found in any of the stores I visited.  A quick search on my phone led me to a page that explained this spice was a mixture of four ingredients, ground cinnamon, ground cloves, ground nutmeg and ground ginger....ground being the key word for each spice.  It also stated that in order to create pumpkin pie spice, all that was necessary was to use an equal measurement of each spice and place in a sealed container until ready to use.   Easy peasy.  I grabbed the spices I needed and headed for home.

As I put a tablespoon of the spices into a small dish, I came to my small container of ground cloves, that were not ground, but whole.
Since I had already opened this pricey little item, along with the fact that is was super hot outside and I had managed to get all my errands done in one trip, I was not going back out the door.  Another Google search informed me that it took three whole cloves to make 1/4 teaspoon of ground cloves.  I calculated that I would need 36 cloves to make a tablespoon and proceeded to count them, wondering if the little stems that did not have a seed on the end counted as a whole clove.  The next step was to grind them.  I did not have a grinder so I put them in a plastic bag, placed that on a plastic cutting board and beat the bejabbers out of them with my hammer.  Whole cloves are really hard.  After I had pulverized them as much as possible, I poured the crushed cloves into a wire mesh strainer and sifted the powder into a bowl.  Peering into the bowl, I knew it was going to take more than 36 cloves and poured some more into the plastic bag.  After several rounds of the hammer, I finally had what I considered as close an amount of ground cloves that would suffice for the mix.

Now, what to do with all the excess cloves left in the bag?  It didn't seem right to throw them away, or put them back in the jar.  Then, a wonderful thought came to mind, even the Voice, that lives inside my head thought it was a good idea.  Since the place did have the lingering aroma of bacon, why not boil the leftover shards of cloves?  Perfect!  I put some water in a small saucepan along with the clove parts, placed it on the burner and turned it to the highest setting.  

As I was going about cleaning up the mess I had made, I noticed something odd.  The cloves smelled wonderful, but it seemed I was having trouble breathing.  I turned the burner down to simmer.  That didn't seem to help and as I was doing yet another Google search for the side effects of cloves, my eyes began to feel like there was a film forming over them.  Just as my search revealed that too many cloves could create respiratory difficulties, the Voice ran by me with a gas mask on and went straight out the door.

The lesson here, I guess, is don't boil cloves...especially in a small space.  One thing for sure though, my garbage disposal smells amazing.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Happy Dance

During a journey to the Land of Pike, Runtly, the ever so entertaining Jack Russell Terrier, re-discovered himself.  Life in the city had rendered him into a position where he had forgot a very important fact.  He had forgot he was a dog and so had his owners.

Runtly re-united with his mother.  She is never as elated to see him and he is her, but she does tolerate him to the best of her ability.  He met his old buddy Max....actually, since Max is a male dog too, the term 'buddy' is probably not correct, it should be jousting partner....some things in the male kingdom never change.  Max was just a puppy the first time he and Runtly met.  Even though at the puppy stage, Max, a German Shepherd, was bigger than Runtly, the Runtmiester showed him who was the boss.

I really did not think it was a good idea for Runtly and Max to meet again.  Max was no longer a half grown pup.  He had expanded into a dog about the size of a small pony.  He was also death on four paws to chickens, squirrels and most anything that moved.  I recalled the words of my good neighbor who operates a dog day care...."you have to let them meet and do their own thing.  As long as one does not clamp onto the other, they will set their own limits."  He was right.  I had been terrified of letting Runtly get too close to his dogs, Biggie and Claire.  They are bulladors, a cross between a bull dog and a labrador and they look like war tanks as they come galloping across the lawn.  This neighbor told me that most of Runtly's actions were because of my reaction to the situation.  When I finally relented and stood back, sure that my precious Runt would be nothing but shredded strips of white, what I witnessed was an eye opener.  Runtly met Biggie and Claire with all the gusto a small dog can muster.  Every hair was standing at attention, he showed his teeth and did his best snarl.  When Biggie and Claire understood he did not want to play, they simply turned around and walked off.  Even though I had seen this with my own eyes, I was not convinced the same would happen when meeting Max.

What did happen was beyond funny.  Runtly did his, by now famous, meet and greet and Max believed every snarl of it.  Each time Max would get too close, Runtly would raise the corner of his lip, just enough to show some teeth and Max would give him a wide berth. 

Runtly ran in the open fields and vast lawns of country homes.  He discovered a patch of tall grass and popped up every ten feet or so to check his location.  He rolled in the most delightful stuff that looked like black tar, although I suspected it had something to do with a raccoon and he was most disappointed to have it washed off.  Luckily for all concerned, he was inside the house, looking out the large picture window, when the deer walked down the road.  Had he been outside, he may have still been running.  He ran more in 11 days than he had in the last 11 months and lost one pound in the process.

Yes, Runtly discovered his doggie origins and we were reminded that even though he might be a "fur baby", he's still a dog and always will be. 

I watch him now, back in the city, on the end of a leash.  It's molting season for the geese.  Runtly picks up a large wing feather and proceeds to prance gaily ahead of me.  All four feet are flailing out to the sides as he packs his trophy for all to see.  It really does not matter to him where his location might be, he is doing his happy dance.   There may be a lot to learn from an ever so entertaining Jack Russell Terrier.


Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Down The Rabbit Hole #5 Does This Make Scents?

Having been on vacation, please enjoy what should have been last month's episode of "Down The Rabbit Hole".

They are everywhere.  In our homes.  In the places we shop.  In our vehicles.  Everywhere.  It is nearly impossible to find a safe place to escape them.  Fragrances.  

It seems society has become obsessed with scents.  On one hand, this may not be anything new.  The ancient Egyptians were very fond of perfume and to possess it, was a trait of being well known and wealthy.   But, what has taken place over the last couple of decades goes beyond a favorite fragrance worn on or about the neck.

It is a proven fact that the olfactory nerves and receptors are human kind's ability to be thrown back in time.  A certain scent can put us back in grandma's kitchen or make us believe we can literally feel the sand beneath our feet at the ocean's shore.The fact that it is nearly impossible to buy a personal care product without a scent, shows that marketing agents could smell the money.  Practically every household has some sort of air freshener, be it a candle, a diffuser or an automatic gadget that releases a blast of fragrance every 20 minutes.  I was once in a home that had so many scent burners going at one time, I could hardly take a breath.

Could there be a downside to having everything we use loaded with fragrances?  Studies show that some side effects to fragrances include allergies, asthma, dizziness, headaches and even cancer, kidney damage and autism starting in the womb.   Most of the scents today are synthetic, man made.  Some are even made from crude oil.  The unfortunate knowledge for us is the fact that many of the chemicals used do not have to be listed in the ingredients.  They can hide behind the word 'fragrance' and no one needs to know any more.  I checked a few of the products I have and three out of three had 'fragrance' listed in the ingredients, not what the fragrance was made of.

The following was taken from an article on the Scientific American website, titled, Scent of Danger:  Are there Toxic Ingredients in Perfumes and Colognes? :  The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics, a coalition of over 100 groups seeking transparency about chemicals in cosmetics, commissioned independent laboratory tests that revealed 38 secret chemicals in 17 leading fragrances.  The top offenders?  American Eagle Seventy Seven topped the list with 24, followed by Chanel Coco with 18 and Britney Spears Curious and Giorgio Armani Acqua Di Gio each with 17.  "The average fragrance product tested contained 14 secret chemicals not listed on the label", reports EWG, which analyzed the Campaign's data.  "Among them are chemicals associated with hormone disruption and allergic reactions and many substances that have not been assessed for safety in personal care products."  EWG adds that some of the undisclosed ingredients are chemicals "with troubling hazardous properties or with a propensity to accumulate in human tissues."  Examples include diethyl phthalate, a chemical found in 97% of Americans and linked to sperm damage in human epidemiological studies and musk ketone, which concentrates in human fat tissue and breast milk.

I find that frightening.  

My most recent search for something unscented was in the deodorant isle.  As I searched for my favorite brand, there were none labeled as unscented.  I finally settled for original clean.  Although deodorant itself could be fodder for another blog, if I want my armpits to smell like apples, I could just grab a couple of apples off the produce rack and place them under my arms.  There are some things in life that do not need to smell like anything and perhaps we should re-learn to open the windows.

Walk Through

We pulled into a small town cafe, in search of breakfast.  It was the typical small town eatery, the place where the locals gather for coffee and the latest scoop on whatever is going on at the time.  Many a world wide crisis have been solved around the coffee drinkers table.  

We sat facing each other in a booth and chatted with one of the local patrons at the counter.  Our waitress came, took our order and delivered our drinks.

The place was not too busy and the young man in the kitchen fixed our food in record time.  Our waitress set my husbands' plate in front of him.  Anyone who knows this man, knows what was on his plate.  Gravy.  Sausage gravy.  As far as the eye could see.  There were biscuits and hash browns in there too, but they stayed concealed under the gravy avalanche.  The waitress returned with my order, a double egg, bacon and cheese sandwich on toast.  It looked delicious and the first bite confirmed that.

We were not too many bites into breakfast when an older couple came into the restaurant.  Although there were several places to choose from to sit, the chose the booth that connected to ours, right behind me.  

I've seen the signs on many different occasions.  Mostly in a doctors office. They are the ones warning the patient that if they have on perfume, due to allergies, they may be asked to reschedule their appointment and come back scent free.  I always wondered about that.......

I was in to about bite number four when it hit me.  I looked at my husband and he just grinned.  The aroma of Evening In Paris came over me like a tsunami.  Seriously, it nearly rolled me over in my seat.  I tried not to breathe, but of course, that is impossible whilst one is eating.  The next time I opened my mouth to eat, the Eiffel Tower slammed into the back of my throat.  I was most grateful for the first few bites, because it was a great sandwich.

There is a rule of thumb for applying perfume.  First, spray it into the air and then, walk through the mist.  Do not worry if you cannot smell it.  The rest of us can.