Monday, December 28, 2020

Happy Holiday Kitchen Madness

 Holidays tend to bring out the long buried chef in people.  It is difficult, in this digital society, to ignore the umpteen million recipes.  Even the best fast forward scrollers can come to a screeching halt, reverse engines and find that particular picture that had only been seen for a fraction of a millisecond.  Usually, it had some form of whipped cream in the picture.

Getting to host the family get together, for the first time in over 4 years, it was time for my infamous breakfast casserole.  As usual, thoughts of easy-peezy drifted in the recessed areas of my brain matter.  Breakfast is always a cinch.

There is no particular rhyme or reason to the casserole recipe, only on deciding how big it needs to be.  We were expecting 10 mouths to feed.  At least doubling it seemed to be an excellent idea.

The idea was excellent.  The baking pan, maybe not.  The broiler pan has never been used for its intended purpose, only as a baking component.  Its length and depth looked to be perfect for the plan. 

The ingredients are as follows:  Please be advised that this is from a deeply inner chef idea of how much food they think 10 people can consume.  1 bag of seasoned tater tots, thawed and smushed. (Substituting seasoned, smushed tater tots for hashbrowns reigns supreme in this household.)  1 stick of butter.  A pound, or so, each of sausage and bacon, cooked, crumbled and drained.  3 dozen eggs.  Shredded cheddar cheese.  Cheese is a gift from God, one can never use too much.  

Set oven to 350 degrees. Put smushed tots in preferred casserole baking dish.  Melt butter in same pan used to cook the meat. Pour butter over smushed tots and mix well.  Flatten tot mix in the bottom of the dish.  Layer sausage and bacon over tots.  Gently scramble eggs in large bowl.  During this step, it helps to gently scramble the eggs as they are added.  Not necessarily one at a time, but putting all 36 eggs in the bowl at once gives several yolks the ability to "ghost" during the scramble process.  This will be evident during the pouring process.  Pour gently scrambled eggs over smushed tots and meat.  If any ninja yolks appear at this time, stab them repeatedly with a knife or fork.  This also helps to relieve any holiday pressure that may have been fermenting in one's soul.  Top with desired amount of cheese.  Bake for 30 minutes, after which time, test doneness with a knife. (Not the one used to slaughter the ninjas.)  Do this every 5 minutes until knife blade comes out clean.  Remove from oven and enjoy. (There are no seasonings added to this as the tots have plenty.  Let guests season their own portion.)

The chosen pan for this delicacy was full, dang near to the top.  It made the journey to the oven without loosing any of its contents.

A little oven history:  Having baked a pizza, in said oven, a few days before, a piece of it had fallen off during baking.  This was discovered, unfortunately, too late.  There was a slight trail of smoke coming from the oven vent.  Upon opening the oven door, it released a billowing cloud of smoke that nearly equaled that of Mt. Saint Helens'.  This set off a chain reaction.  First, Runtly, the ever so entertaining Jack Russell Terrier, went into full blown spastic mode.  This involves jumping straight up and down, while barking the highest octave he can reach.  This activity is also non-stop.  He does this because he is well aware of what is going to happen next.  Just like a well written script, the smoke alarm began blaring.  Runtly was in full "save the freaking family" mode.  By the time all the smoke had cleared, another thought wafted through.  Surely, the pizza piece had been fully carbonized. 

While placing the breakfast casserole in the oven, the above mentioned scenario, replayed, somewhere on the back pun intended.  With that thought, came another.  The months before purchase of an oven liner.  Why not put that in there too.  Splendid idea.  Knowing where the liner was, after that much time, was certainly a gift of fate saying "All is well."

Did the casserole out grow the pan while it baked? Did the past pizza piece still have fuel to burn?  Was the oven liner sent directly from the depths of Hell?  The answer to these questions shall forever remain a mystery.  What is for certain is what happened next.  Turning around to grab a bowl, something in the outer area of peripheral vision sent a new message to the grey matter.  FIRE!  

There, in the middle of the oven, on the brand new, albeit a few months old, oven liner was a single flame.  Although it did take the thoughts back to a time in the past, of visiting the JFK memorial, there was no time for fond thoughts of yesteryear.  

It had obviously been burning long enough because the burnt pizza piece replay button had just been pushed.  Smoke billowed, dogs barked (Runtly's momma was in the mix as well.) Smoke alarm blared.  House filled with smoke. Everyone is talking.  Really loud. 

Grabbing a pair of long tongs, while shouting to "clear the way!" to the back door, the oven liner was snatched and flung out the door in one fluid motion.

After the haze lifted and the windows were able to be shut, the casserole was a huge success.  The oven liner was last seen, trailing in the wind, from the mouth of a large, black German Shepherd.

Monday, December 21, 2020



The lights from the Christmas tree reflect in the glass of the window.  Giving it a nearly ethereal glow.  Additional lights were added to the pre-lit tree.  With the obscure view, it was true.  The section of lights, at the top of the tree, that went out 10 minutes after all the decorations had been put on, was not nearly as noticeable.  

Thoughts of Christmas' past begin to filter through.  Standing on the stairs, looking out the window.  Waiting.  Waiting for a familiar car to be seen coming down the street.  Only after its occupants arrived, could the festivities of Christmas morning begin.  They were always late.

Remembering certain toys that were a 'have to have' affair.  The doll.  She walked, talked and had her own little school desk.  A set of magnets, that provided endless hours of constructive ideas.  The slot car race track.  It was later set up in the basement.  Drivers of all ages raced and occasionally, sent a car flying off the curve to land in a pile of laundry on the other side of the room.  The year that contained no toys.  Supposedly a rite of passage.  Whose idea was that?

Having Christmas someplace other than what was considered 'home'. It was time for the older fledglings to start their own traditions.  New people began to be added.  The season of toys had returned.  The Christmas cycle was beginning to come full circle.  But, not quite.

The year of the absence.  Was the first one noticed as much as the second?  The second one was the glue.  Although her time of matriarch extraordinaire, the person who did it all, had passed, her presence was always a present.  Her 'goneness' was a gaping hole. Would it ever be the same?  The simple answer was "No".  Plain and simple.  "Nevermore, quoth the raven".  Stupid bird.

Looking back at the reflection.  Fast forwarding to the present.  The world did not stop spinning.  Even when thought it should have.  The choice is simple.  Things happen, life goes on, holidays will come and go.  The most important thing is the reaction to what has unfolded.  Not always easy, but simple.

May the reaction to the reflections of Christmas' past and present be filled with love and fond memories.  May those, not as fortunate be among that love and not forgotten.  Let not the reason for the season be forgotten beneath a cardboard box and crumpled paper.  May the choice be for a very merry Christmas.  


Monday, December 14, 2020

From The Desk of The Dog: Weirdness & Ruff Times

 I'm back again!!  Mom says I might get to do this full time!  She says that folks like me cos' I not very serious and I have poor grammer.  I say grammer scrammer, who wants to be serious all the time!?

Since I'm bein' funny though, Mom says I have to tell my serious story first.  It falls under the 'Ruff Times'.  A few days back, I was outside with my peeps.  A dogs' duty always comes first and foremost to the family.  Unless, of course, something distracting a squirrel or a mouse.  Anyway, Mom and Dad were outside workin' in the yard.  I had been doin' dog stuff.  Sniffin', diggin' and barkin'.  The neighbor peeps came over to help.  Of course, my buddy Max and Dumbo Thor had to come over too.  D Thor likes my Mom and I'm not sure, but I think Mom likes him.  Sometimes, that idea stays in my head.  The more I think about it, the more I don't like it.  

After I had thought about it for quite awhile, I came up with the bestest idea.  I was gonna do something about it.  I decided it was time to show D Thor who was the boss of this side of the creek.  For no reason, that anyone else could see, I showed my teeth, raised my hackles and lunged at DT (for short).  He didn't like it much and tried to get away from me.  That just stoked the fire!  I lunged again and he kept backing up!  By this time, I'm soundin' like a ferocious critter and Mom and Dad were heading my way.  That's when I thought it was important to show my family saving attributes so.... I lunged again.

Things then took a turn for the worst.  DT had reached the point of 'enough'.  In my defense, I did have him at a place of no return.  I had him backed up against the propane tank.  In his defense, Mom says I hafta put this part in my story, he really had done about everything possible to get away from me.  Thor bit me.  Not hard.  At least that is what Mom says.  I beg to differ, cos Mom wasn't the one who got bit.  It was at this exact moment though, that Mom and Dad got between us and stopped the fight.  It was too late.  I was layin' on the ground, wailing like a banshee!  Mom tried to pick me up and that made me wail even louder!  I had to follow Mom to the house and I walked sideways the whole distance.  When I got inside, I looked real sad, but I did let Mom look me over.  She said there was no blood and it seemed to be a long way from my heart and that I was fine.  Mom is mean.

A couple of days later, a little red place did appear on my tummy, so see, I wasn't fakin'.  But, anytime Mom tried to pick me up, I would let out a loud yelp.  Mom thinks the fight may have been a necessary evil, whatever that is, because Dumbo and I now seem to have a healthy respect of each other's space.  I think Mom has been in the eggnog. Sometimes I need time to plot my next move. 

I'm all better now, but I'm a bit worried about Mom.  I think that those marbles she lost musta been real important.  She did the weirdest thing ever.  She brought a tree into the house and put a bunch of stuff on it.  Even stuff that makes it light up the room at night!  But, here's the very weirdest part about it......I'm not supposed to use it like I do the outside trees!  

I gots to go look for those marbles!  Woof! 

Monday, December 7, 2020

An Amazing Time

 Few would argue that 2020 has been a year that will forever be etched into the chronicles of time.  It came into our existence, seemingly harmless and has left us scratching our heads, wondering why things came about the way they did.

It could be referred to as the year of fear.  But, also one of great sadness.  The year of great healings and the year of tearful good-byes.

Many see it as the year of destruction.  The country's finest, the youth, have been left to suffer.  Their demise in learning, to be seen as the greater good, among a sea of division, delusion and misinformation.

A year where technology runs the show.  Where MSM feeds its listeners with, not what they need to hear, but what the media wants them to hear.  They alone have sown the seeds of division. Giant social media platforms are allowed to censor anything that runs contrary to the way they want things to be.  Even so much as silencing forever, from their platform, an idea that might give a person a reason to actually think for themselves.  Or, simply, to enjoy a rhetoric, that goes against their very belief system, but, perhaps, they find it entertaining.  A year of 'The Tech Giants' know best.

By far, it has been a year of learning to not take things for granted.  Especially paper products.  At least the idea that everything a human needs to stay alive, can be found at the grocery, or big box store has slowly awakened people to the truth.  One can only hope.

A year where public officials, elected by the people, make rules for their constituents to follow, but do not follow those same rules for themselves.  Then, stand by and watch hard working people lose their livelihood and could care less.  But again, for the greater good.

A year of uncertainty, as the very process that makes this country free, has been turned completely upside down.  Particularly, in a way that has even the staunchest believer wondering what just happened.

2020, a year of complexities.  It certainly is an amazing time to be alive.  To be witness to what has transpired over the past few months.  Some will think this presumptive but, "It ain't over till' the fat lady sings."  

Monday, November 30, 2020

From The Desk of The Dog: Busy Me

 I'm back already!  The ever so entertaining JRT returns!  (Jack Russell Terrier)  Here to give you a report on my latest shenanigans while Mom continues to search for her marbles.  I've tried to help, but so far, no luck.

This last week has been the 'week of the towel'.  I had to have three baths in as many days!  I will never understand the human nose.  So many things they like to wrinkle their noses up about.  They have no idea the amount of scents that waft through the air at any given moment.  For instance, just because I seemingly bark at nothing every morning, does not mean that there isn't something out there.  There is!  I can smell it!  Right through the walls and windows!  A dog's nose can pick up scents that come from far away and ride on the wind.  It's important to me to sound the alarm when such a thing happens.  I'm all about keeping tabs on the perimeter.  My momma does that and she taught me well.  

To explain how well my nose works, I gonna share a little story.  I was sound asleep in Dad's lap.  That's one of my most favorite things, nappin' with Dad.  So, I'm sleepin' and across the room, Mom slowly and carefully took the plastic lid off of a can of nuts.  In less time than it takes to cross a dog hair, I was wide awake and looking in Mom's direction.  The nose knows.  Plus, I love nuts!

Where was I?  Oh yeah, bath time.  The reason I had to have three baths is not my fault.  It was not me who told the raccoon to do his business in my yard. (But I was so glad that he did!)  Humans just do not understand that there is something simply more than delightful about raccoon poop.  The aroma is heavenly!  When I find some and this particular gift from Mr. Ringtail was exceptionally fresh, there is only one thing to do.  The famous 'Dip & Dive'!

The D&D is a maneuver........oh, that rhymes with manure!  Mom says I'm getting off track.  Anyway, I have been perfecting the D&D for most all of my 6 years.  Mom says if there were a scoring system, I'd get a 10 every time.  First, when I come across that mesmerizing scent and find the source, I gently dip my head enough to dab some behind each ear.  When I'm overcome with the scent wafting between my ears, it's time for the dive.  I stand up on my back legs, turn my head to one side and dive for the prize! Once the dive is completed, the roll over begins.  This helps to grind the delicacy into my fur so the scent will last for as long as possible.  I musta executed a perfect 10 this time cos' when I ran full speed to Mom, to show her, she was none too happy.  She said I had a smile running from ear to ear, like some crazed clown.

And that's how the beginning of the 'week of the towel' started.  I didn't even get to enjoy the fruits of my labor!  Mom snatched me up and headed straight to the bathtub.  She even had to give the buzzing collar a bath too.  It always takes two towels per bath, sometimes three.  I might be little but, I gots lots of fur and it stays wet for a long time.   

The next day, I did it again.  Two days after that, I dug a hole half way to the other side of the planet, in the mud.  I'm pretty sure there was a mouse down there.....somewhere.  Mom's washin' towels.  Woof!

Monday, November 23, 2020


A square of tin foil sits on top of a small tripod.  The tripod is supposed to be used for soldering.  Something not yet mastered.  On the tin foil is a small pile of sugar.  Not real sugar, but small grains of some kind of organic sweetener none the less.  Next to this contraption lies the tuning fork.  Tuned to 528hz.  It also has a 'C' below the number, but scholarly minds and musicians do not agree on this connection.  Way deeper than a need to go.

The experiment was to try and see a pattern form.  The small grains of sweetness were to dance into formation from the vibration of the tuning fork.  This had been tried before.  Without much luck.  But, it never hertz to try again.  No pun intended.  The grains did dance, but not long enough.  This was due to the tin foil stopping the vibration of the tuning fork.  Another world wide web search produced many ways to achieve the desired outcome.  None included tin foil and a tuning fork.....imagine that.  A new weekend project may be in order.

The science behind this magical phenomenon makes visible part of the invisible world.  Seeing sound equates to an oxymoron.  Right?  Just as light has different waves, some seen and some unseen, so does sound.  A good example of how light works is the small bird called the Indigo Bunting.  It is really a black bird, but the feathers refract the sunlight making it appear blue.  Back to sound.  Tones have different vibrations and those vibrations have a pattern.  The patterns are not just random shapes.  They are complex and unique.  When seen, they give the viewer a sense of wonderment.  A sense of being part of something that is much bigger than imagined.

The theory behind the 528hz is that the frequency has the ability to positively affect water.  Since the human body is nearly 70% water, it stands to reason that vibrations play a part in how the body functions.  Does not music soothe the savage beast? 528hz is even considered to be divine, or supernatural.  Perhaps even connected to God.   It is also interesting to note that the earth is also covered 70% in water.  Another connection that might be considered, to be given more consideration.  

If being surrounded with good, soothing vibration can help to heal the body and soul, can it be said that being surrounded by the opposite has the opposite outcome?  Constant yelling, fighting, bickering must surely take its toll on the physique.

In a universe so vast and unknown, it is comforting to know that there is a vibration of not only sound, but of a design that comes from something not of this world.  Something that, perhaps, would like humanity to be still and listen.

Monday, November 16, 2020

From The Desk of The Dog: Good Times

Hello everyone!  It's Runtly, the ever so entertaining Jack Russell Terrier!  JRT for short!  Mom says since everyone has lost their marbles, I should share a few thoughts of my own.  My first thought is what are marbles and if everyone has lost them, shouldn't they be easy to find?  I need to remember to ask Mom if I have any, they sound kinda fun.   

My Momma came to visit!  Twice!  I just love it when she stays here with us.  I don't think Momma feels the same way though.  The first time her peeps dropped her off, she stood in the window and cried as they drove down the driveway.  Momma is really nervous, she has a hard time relaxing when she is away from her home.  I know how she feels, I don't really like to stay at her house either.  But, I did my best to try and cheer her up!

We spent a lot of time outside and Momma got to meet Max and Dumbo.  They are giant German shepherds.  Dumbo isn't the right name, his name is Thor.  I call him Dumbo and I'll tell more about him later.  Momma is so brave when Max and Thor (Dumbo) come over.  She stands up on her hind legs and looks them right in the eye!  That makes her look like she is as big as they are!  At least, that is what she told me.  I think it works too 'cause they think she is pretty cool.

Momma and I sang the song of our people about a hundred times.  It's the only time I will howl.  Momma sings high and I sing low and it sounds amazing!  We have two windows that look out at the front yard.  Momma gets in one and I get in the other.  Then we look for something to bark about.  It doesn't have to be much.  I can bark at the air.  When we find something and start barking, Momma begins to howl first and then I join in.  It's a wonderful sound! Usually, somebody has to make us quit.  We just can't help it.

Mom says calling Thor Dumbo is not very nice.  Well, it's not very nice that he takes my toys!  If I leave anything that is mine, in MY yard, Dumbo takes it!  I have lost count the amount of times that I found one of my toys in his yard.  But, rest assured, I bring it back to my house every time!  In fact, the other day I was in their yard and found a great big bone.  Yes, yes I did.  I packed that thing home and chewed, licked and slobbered on it all day.  I even took it in the house.  When Max and Thor D came over later, I went in the house and brought the bone out to show them "who's da boss?".  Mom said I was being an instigator.  Heh, heh, heh, Mom mighta been right.  Almost everyday, Thor D comes over and gets on the back deck and looks through the glass in the door.  That makes me hoppin' mad and I give him the what for.  I jump, bark and snarl at him and even show him the hair standing up on my back.  Every time I jump, he shows me his teeth......what a dumbo.

I sure like all the crackling leaves on the ground.  Especially the ones in the woods.  They are really deep and make a great place to do what Dad calls 'donuts'.  The four legged kick is most impressive when I'm chest deep in leaves too.

I had to go outside a bit ago.  While I was out there I had to bark so Max and Thor D knew I was out.  It always works like a charm.  So, I thought I would show them my bouncing expertise in the tall grass, across the road, in the meadow.  Once I knew I had their attention, I then calculated my escape route back to the house.  They like to chase me when I go fast.  I took off like a streak of lightning and just as I got up to speed, I fell in a hole.  It made me do a complete somersault.  How embarrassing.  I heard Dumbo snickering as I composed myself and trotted back to the house.  

Time to plan my revenge.  Woof!    


Monday, November 9, 2020

Beautiful Day

It was a beautiful day.  There can be no complaints made about 75 degrees in the first part of November.  The sun was shining.  A light breeze helped the last of the stubborn leaves to give up their stronghold and take flight.  

Although, there were lots of items on the list of 'to dos', responsibility was cast out, to ride the thermals with the leaves.  It had been a long while since the last road trip.  Road trips do not fall under going from point A to point B.  They fall under following a meandering, winding road and turning onto another, having no clue where it might emerge. 

There were others who were ready to rumble.  The choice of travel were the chariots of old.  Hot rods.  Muscle cars.  Even new ones, that look like the old ones, were in the mix.  

One of the most amazing things about this particular part of the country, is its ability to change its scenery, in an instant.  After riding through a few miles of barren fields, that had given up their harvest, the road drops into deep valleys and rolling hills.   The twists and turns become more frequent.  Looking in the rear view mirror and seeing a long curve of antiques, equally spaced, rolling at the same speed, gives the rider a sense of being in the right place.  At exactly the right time.

This particular route spilled the steel gathering into the valley where the Illinois River pours into the mighty Mississippi.  The road rides the rocky coast, just mere feet from the banks of the river.  For the passengers, the view is nearly majestic.  The river is wide, sail boats dotted the surface and barges plowed a path to their next destination.  In the distance, a bridge could be seen.  Spanning the river into another state.  Looking the other direction, the water stretched as far as the eye could see.  A haunting thought floated through, wondering at the awe that was surely felt, seeing this magnificent sight for the first time. 

The navigators, of the chariots, kept their eyes on the road.  For they had been swept into a mighty gathering of their collective brethren.  Many waves and 'thumbs up' were given, in each direction.  

An eatery was found and pleasant conversation exchanged.  The trip home was through familiar territory.  Everyone wanted to arrive before the long shadows made the grand whitetail bucks harder to see.  It was a beautiful day.

Monday, November 2, 2020

The Beautiful Dance

It happens slowly.  Most of the time, it is so subtle, it is hardly noticeable.  The days begin to shorten, the shadows grow long. Perhaps the colors of the trees help to take the away the fact that long days of sunshine are coming to an end.  For some, who live where time is changeable, the falling backward of an hour is a rude shock to the system.  Even the family pets are confused at the sudden odd behavior of their human caretakers.

The Earth, the home of humanity, for the time being, is not doing anything new.  It has taken these dance steps for as long as it has been spinning.  Its yearly journey around the sun.  A journey that has no rest stops along the route.  The route changes each year.  If the route could be viewed from above, it would show that Earth traces a pattern in space that is not round.  It never starts exactly where it ends.  This is why the stars were so important to the ancients.  Knowledge taken for granted today.

Earth, on its yearly trek, passes through different areas of the cosmos and through twelve astrological signs.  During the trip, the axis of Earth draws a circle overhead.  It takes nearly 26,000 years for a complete passage through all twelve signs.  The reason why the North Star changes throughout the journey.  

2012 is considered the year Earth entered into the Age of Aquarius.  A song now drifts somewhere on the back burners of several brains.  Peace. Harmony.  Understanding.  Considering the length of time it takes to pass through one of twelve, we have not even fastened the seat belts.  

Humanity has been witness to some "high strangeness".  Maybe the journey to a new way of living is just around the bend.  Change never comes easy, especially if it is in our favor.  Comfort zones are being completely disheveled.  

Enjoy the ride.  If it seems too long, consider that in a few short weeks, things will change.  The first day of winter is when we, in the northern hemisphere, receive the shortest amount of sunlight.  From that point, each day gets a little longer.  Most of the time, it is so subtle, it is hardy noticeable.

Take notice.  Earthlings have the best partner for such a beautiful dance.

Monday, October 26, 2020

Dear Sports

This letter is to inform you, in whatever shape or form you find yourself....  It could be football.  Basketball.  Volleyball.  Softball.  Tennis.  Golf.  Soccer.  Hockey.  Baseball.  Lacrosse.  Ping Pong. Racing.  Pickle Ball, or even a rousing game of Croquet, that we need to have a serious conversation.  

First, I suppose, I should tell you a little bit about myself.  I am most definitely not your enemy, adversary or even anyone you would need to worry about.  In fact, when it comes to sports, I have little interest.  Why that is, is still a mystery, as I came from and am surrounded by, a very sports minded family.  It would be safe to say that playing fetch with Runtly, the ever so entertaining Jack Russell Terrier, is about as sportsy as I get.  So, just to be clear, you have no threat from me and certainly no competition.  

I would like to explain something to you that I feel you have forgotten.  Something that should be at the very heart of your existence.  Indeed, without it, you would most likely cease to be.  That 'something' is the people.  All the people who flock to you.  These people come to you for a variety of reasons.  Some folks just need to be entertained.  Some come for the love of whatever form tends to be their favorite.  To others, competition is the name of the game, regardless the form.  To many, your are a bastion of comradery.  A place where like minded individuals gather together and for a moment in time, the game is all that matters.  During these times, memories are made, friendships are bonded and skills are improved.  

Sports, you are also a safe haven for many.  Some young people would have had a much tougher time in life, had it not been for you.  Sometimes the mere mention of an upcoming game can be the difference between a passing grade on a classroom assignment, or a failing grade for someone who had nothing to look forward to.  You have helped people to understand the "thrill of the victory and the agony of defeat".  Yes, unfortunately, there are those who never quite grasped the meaning of that phrase, their entire life, but for others, it was their turning point.  It showed them they could get up, brush the dust off, realize the world did not end and practice makes perfect.  You have taught people discipline that will last them a lifetime.  See, Sports, even though I don't have a lot of interest in you, millions of others do.  They need you.  To many, you are a beacon in the storm.

The storm is why I'm writing to you.  Times are crazy right now.  Folks are confused, scared, angry and sad, all at the same time.  They need an outlet.  An outlet that you provide, if only for a little while, that takes their minds off the troubles of our times.  With that said, Sports, this is my message for you.  Stay. Out. Of. Politics. And all the screwed up messages they blab all the time.  You are not part of it, so leave it be.  Stick to what you are good at.  If you have forgotten what you are good at, please refer to the first paragraph.  You should be able to find yourself in the list. 


One who is not sports minded, but loves a lot of folks who are.

Monday, October 12, 2020


 It was a perfect autumn day.  Typical of the Midwest, even for mid October.  The sun was shining and a slight breeze came in from the south west.  The temperature had been reaching into the low 80's for a couple of days, but that was not totally unusual. The colors, though not quite at their peak, were amazing.  Deep burgundy, bright crisp orange and a yellow that seemed to glow when the rays of the sun kissed them, ever so lightly.  Even the white pine, towering at nearly 90 feet, was full of yellow needles.  A thought passed through quietly, was that normal, for the pine and would they all fall off at the same time.

The leaves were falling too.  Lots of leaves.  The circle, inside of the driveway, where 14 trees of varying species have staked their claim, was ankle deep in leaves.  The goal was to get all those leaves into a pile, on the circle drive.  The procedure would be simple.  Simply start in the middle and work to the outer edge.  It went like clock work.  Thirty minutes later, the driveway had a full circle of leaves.  Ah, the magic of a gas powered leaf blower.

The rest of the yard waited its turn.  The 14 trees were not alone, another 46 stood, like gentle giants, throughout the yard.  The ones next to the road were kind.  Most of their leaves blew down the road or across the small gully into the woodlands.  But, the remaining trees were doing their best to keep up with the ones inside of the circle.  They stand protected from the wind, as they are surrounded by their many relatives that make up the border of the yard.  Most of their leaves fall directly under their assigned tree.  With the power of artificial wind, they joined their family in the forest.

The best of the day was nearing.  The time of the long shadows and encroaching darkness.  The culmination of the original plan.  It was time to start.  Perhaps it would turn into a yearly ritual.  It had to be done in darkness.  Darkness was the only time the wind was still.  The lighting of the 'Ring Of Fire' commenced.  It did not disappoint.  The glow lit up the neighbors' garage like a Jack O' Lantern on steroids.  Lucky for them, they had been told of the plan.  The circle of fire was perfect.  Something about it was, oh, so satisfying.  Mother would be proud, she loved to burn things.  On occasion, some things burned that were not part of her plan.  Yes.  Lois would approve of the 'Ring Of Fire'.

As quickly as it had happened, it was over.  Only a few embers remained.  A quick swirl with a rake, a real rake with a wooden handle, took care of the embers' glow and the first ceremony had come to an end.  Perfect ending to a perfect day.

The next day, the weather took a turn.  Just as typical of the Midwest.  Rain brewed in from the west.  As quickly as that happened, the wind shifted and with a fury, blew in from the north.  It was raining.  Raining leaves.  Again.  Yes, all the needles fell off at one time.  The white pine is once again green.

Monday, October 5, 2020

Bits & Pieces

 Soft elevator music plays in the background.  My husband is on hold with a government entity.  The wait time is nearly an hour......the music is bad.  Technology keeps taking us to new levels of not having to speak face to face, or ear to ear in this particular scenario, with another human being.  All this pain and agony, just to get a new driver's license.  Unfortunately, this battle may be a long one.  Word to the wise:  Never change the information on above mentioned document.....especially ones' weight.

Being thankful for everything that happens in a person's life is a hard pill to swallow.  Humans like to blame someone else for their misery.  Maybe that is what separates us from the divine.  It would be a charmed life to have never made any bad decisions, but perhaps a bit boring.  That comes from someone who has rarely been inside of the box, or lines.  There are surely many people who have made right decisions, for themselves and are perfectly content with the results of those actions.  One thing for sure though, if there have been consequences for the wrong decisions and a person learned from those consequences, the knowledge and wisdom gained is priceless.  In that respect, being thankful for all the things that have happened is another way to look at how all those choices have brought us to this point in time.

Speaking of time.  How much is left.  According to one of the Psalms, our days are numbered.  Let's say we all have 100 years to be here on the spinning rock.  The next time an argument arises, about anything under the sun, ask if in 100 years, will anyone care?  It gives another perspective, or angle, to visually see if the argument is worth the precious time we've been allotted.  It is easy to lose track of time.  Some people are way past the half way point.  Have they accomplished the things they wanted to achieve in this lifetime?  If not, it might be time to not worry about what someone else thinks and follow ones' heart.  We spend the first quarter, or so, of our lives, wanting to be older and the rest wishing we were not. Living in the "now" would be a good rule to follow, because it's actually the only time we have.  The bad music is still playing in the background.  Probably not a good time to bring up 'living in the moment'.

Back to consequences.  Recently, a parent made the statement that they had rewarded their child for causing their neighbors grief, defacing public property and disagreeing with their, the neighbors', choice of politics.  Having no respect for that pesky first amendment, which entitles folks to their own opinion, without retaliation, as long as they are not axe murderers and such, is an odd way to raise a child.  Usually does not end well.

After being their own boss for years, someone went back to work.  There was a reason for doing so that had nothing to do with money. They simply wanted to manage their time better (there's that time thing again) and figured with someone else managing part their time, they would get more accomplished.  They chose an occupation of their youth.  Something they had enjoyed, perhaps more than any other.  Youth is the key word.  They applied and got the job of working in a fast pace bar & grill kitchen.  The owners asked if this person had been drinking, while making the decision to apply for the position.  The person had not.....but perhaps the person should have been.

Leaves are falling.  Another season coming to fruition, while the last one wanes.  Long shadows and darkness lie ahead.  Still the same 24 hours in a day, but darkness is always a good excuse to turn in early.  Like a bear, during the winter.  The clock is still ticking......closer to 100.  

The music stopped, the information received took about 1 minute.  What a waste.  55 minutes that he will never get back.

Monday, September 28, 2020

From The Desk of The Dog: I Be In Trouble.....Again

Hello everyone!  It's me, Runtly, the ever so entertaining Jack Russell Terrier!  JRT for short!  I'm writing to you from a place of deep ponderment.  Mom says that is not a word and I should have titled my piece, Whoa Is Me.  Mom is mean.

I don't know what is going on, but I seem to be in constant trouble.  I have to wear my buzzing collar every time I go outside.  I can't help it that I'm just a curious doggy soul.  Plus, I'm brave and ferocious.  Just the other day, while I was out in the middle of the road, a giant truck came down the road.  I showed it who the boss was and stood my ground.  It had to come to a complete stop and I barked it up good!  Mom was behind me the whole time and every time she got too close, I ran a little farther ahead.  Hey! I had to protect Mom!  She was in the middle of the road!  Mom was not too happy about my bravery and as I let the truck pass, Mom had to apologize to the driver and the driver wished her good luck.

I have two friends, Max and Thor.  They are really big dogs, German Shepherds.  I like Max, he is my bestest buddy, but I don't like Thor.  He steals my toys.  They live next door and every time I go over there, I find one of my toys and I have to bring it back home.  When Thor comes over, which is every stinking day, I have to constantly remind him that I be the boss of this yard.  I show him my teeth and if that doesn't work, I throw in a growl.  Thor likes to chase me too.  Mom says Thor thinks I am a white rabbit.  How insulting!  He is getting faster, but I can still out maneuver him.  My zag is quicker than his zip.  Mom has a big water bowl outside just for us dogs.  I don't drink out of it much, but Max and Thor drink it dry about everyday.  The other day, Mom was filling the bowl because Thor was thirsty.  It was my dog felt duty to get the first lap of water though and it did not go well.  Thor was really thirsty and when he went for the water, I went for him.  Mom still had the hose in her had and she sprayed us with it to get us to stop fighting.  We were soaking wet before we quit.  Mom was not too happy about that.  She tries to remind me that Max and Thor are way bigger than me.  Mom just doesn't understand that I could care less.  I be the boss of this yard!

So, now I have to wear the buzzing collar.  But, I know if I can make it over the bank, it can't buzz me there.  Mom knows this too and she is getting quicker about catching up with me.  Sometimes the buzzing turns into a bite and I don't like that at all, but it does make me quit whatever I had in mind of doing.  I did figure out that if I shake enough, it loosens the collar and then it doesn't bite me.  Mom figured it out too when she had to chase me again with the remote control zapper.  It was shortly after that that she super glued the end of the collar.  Mom is mean.

There's a whole list of other festivities that I have accomplished, but I will save them for later.  Besides, there's a squirrel on the bird feeder!  Woof! 


Monday, September 7, 2020


 The three trees, located just off the back porch, made a perfect setting.  Just a few feet beyond the three trees, the woodland edge starts.  The combination of the two made a perfect spot for a bird feeder.....or two.  

It was not long before one feeder became two feeders.  It wasn't long after that, the two became four and then five.....six.  There is a long cylinder type feeder, with six feeding stations.  This particular feeder is supposed to be squirrel proof.  It is as far as the squirrels chewing on it because the perches and the piece that surround the holes is made of metal.  But, one squirrel has gotten quite good at hanging, upside down, by grasping two stations with its back feet.  Then it does sit ups to reach in, grab a seed and then resume the upside down position to eat it.  So, in retrospect, it is not totally squirrel proof.  This feeder hangs on a double hook pole and the other hook sports a flat box, supported by a cable from each corner.  The bottom of the box is a screen that allows the rain to drain.  This gives some of the ground feeding birds, that do not fit well on the standard feeder, a chance to munch above the ground.....the squirrels like it too.  Much handier than having to hang upside down.  Plus, when they leap off of it, most of the seeds do too.

On the top of the pole, where the two hooks split, is a piece of copper wire wrapped and shaped into a smaller hook.  This is where the homemade grape jelly feeder hangs.  The orioles have made good use of it, along with bees and even a hummingbird.  Who knew that squirrels have a hankering for grape jelly?  

On the center tree hang two small wire boxes.  These hold a suet cake each.  The small nuthatch and many variety of woodpeckers love to feed from them.  On the edge of the porch is a hummingbird feeder, that sits on a small table.  Who knew squirrels like sugar water?

One morning, the suet feeders were missing.  Not a trace of them were to be found.  Shortly there after, new wire boxes replaced the ones missing in action.  They ended up having an added feature as they were secured to the tree with more wire that circumvented the trunk.  The next morning, the suet feeders were still there but, most of their contents had been squished out, between the small wires and eaten.  Replacing the suet cakes resulted in the same outcome a morning later.

One very early morning, the most logical suspect was seen sitting in the feeder area.  A raccoon was rummaging through the seeds on the ground.  It did not hear the door open nor the soft footsteps onto the porch.  It did hear the "spttt" sound, looked up with the best "busted" face and high tailed it to the timber.

After that, it became necessary to bring in four of the six feeders inside......every night. The two suet feeders, the grape jelly express and the hummingbird juice. If a night was missed, something would be missing come morning.

Taking the four feeders out the other morning, a surprise awaited.  On the ground, below where the suet feeders hang, was a empty suet feeder had been returned.  Had the masked bandit had a change of heart.  Had it returned one of the feeders, perhaps in the form of a truce?  

As much as that idea sounded magical, it fit more into the category of non sensible.  A search party had been sent out, when it originally went missing, but no trace of it was ever found.  Rather than a guilt ridden raccoon, it most likely had fallen from the tree. 

Obviously, the search party had never given thought to looking up.  When the leaves have fallen, a new search will begin for the one still in hiding.   Hmmmm, that would make eight, maybe they were re-gifted.

Monday, August 31, 2020

Things That Might Help

 During these crazy times, times of staying away from people, family, friends, it is not only easy, it is a fact, people are getting bored.  They are not only bored, they are lonely, fearful and depressed.  Although sights of angry mobs make us wonder if humanity is really all it's cracked up to be, we really do need community.  

Having dealt with the pandemic, by trying to eat my way through it, I was not any happier.  Knowing that happiness comes from the inside and not the out, I thought of ways to combat my despair, besides eating an entire bag of chips or a whole jar of peanut butter......which is really not a favorite food to start with.

I had plenty to do, to keep me busy and focused, but only a fellow artist understands an artists' funk.  I tried reading, because I really like to read.  While reading, my mind would wander to the things I should be doing.  That made me feel worse.  I would clean house and do laundry.  That only lasted a short while, two people don't make a huge mess or have mountains of dirty clothes.

Thinking about what had worked in the past, I decided to do a breathing technique I had learned the year before.  It's a process of getting as much oxygen in the system and then learning to hold the breath for as long as possible.  Actually, one doesn't hold the breath in, so to speak, rather on the last exhale, one does not take another breath in.  It sounds weird, but it is an amazing process to eliminate lots of ailments, depression being one of them.  Do some research first, just look up Wim Hoff.

So, after the breathing exercise, I started to meditate.  All that is needed is 10-15 minutes.  The difference between prayer and meditation has been described as prayer is talking to God, meditation is listening.  Learning to meditate is not hard.  If there is anything hard about it, it is learning to quiet the mind.  I still find myself wandering off wondering what I'm going to eat when I'm done.  But, it does help lift the spirits of darkness, especially if practiced regularly.  

Then, despite all my efforts of finding self comfort, I knew that I needed to throw some movement into the mix. I started walking.  I mapped out a course and walked one mile each day.  Being impatient and not seeing any results, I read an article that stated by packing more weight, while walking, helped reduce weight.  I borrowed a 20 pound walking vest and removed 10 pounds.  I know myself well enough to realize "go big, or go home" is not the best advice for me to follow.....unless, of course, I want to quit on about the third or fourth day.  Walking, carrying an extra 10 pounds, was harder than I imagined, but I kept going.  After the first two weeks, I started to jog.

I have always thought being a runner would be a cool thing.  But, I have never seen a runner running who looked like they were having a good time.  That is probably my biggest problem in life, always wanting to have a good time.  Anyway, I started to add a jogging lap between my walking laps.  Now I'm jogging the entire mile.  Do not envision me gliding along that magnificent mile.  It's rather more like an old lady shuffle, just faster, because when I'm coming down that last lap, my feet are just barely above skimming the earth.

These are a few things that might help, if you are struggling with the loneliness.  Besides making you feel better, you may surprise yourself on what you are able to accomplish, no matter where you find yourself on the timeline of life.

Monday, August 24, 2020

When That Door Closes

The house was old.  Built somewhere during the first quarter of the 1900's.  Its walls were constructed of plaster and lathes.  There was an open staircase, right inside the front door.  Upstairs, there were four bedrooms and the only full bathroom in the entire house.  Four bedrooms were perfect for that family.  Besides the couple, who bought the house, there were three daughters.  Throughout the years of young girls growing into adults, there were many times the staircase endured angry steps, traversing upward, only to be finished with a grand finale of a slamming door.  Tiny pieces of plaster could be heard falling inside of the walls.

When the oldest daughter was ready to leave the nest, the couple gathered her meager belongings.  When it was determined that the car held the most important items, they left the comforts of the small rural town and headed for the city.  It was there, that the young mother was about to learn something that no one can ever prepare for.  After leaving their firstborn alone, in a tiny apartment.  The mother shut the car door and burst into tears.  She knew at that moment, life, as they had been so accustomed to, would never be the same.  She and her husband sat silently for a bit.  Just when he thought it would be a good time to leave, the young mother realized she had left her purse behind.  She jumped out of the car and ran up the steps to the apartment door.  She hurried in and there, sitting in a rocking chair, the only piece of furniture in the tiny front room, was her oldest daughter, tears streaming down her face.  With all the courage she could muster, less she gather her daughter into her arms and take her back home, she grabbed her purse and left.

It is the season for new beginnings.  The young fledglings are trying out their wings, wanting to taste freedom on their own.  The hope of a job well done rests in the forefront of every parents' mind as they let go and watch their child walk through a door that they themselves  cannot enter.  A mother's heart knows that when that door closes, it is true that another one opens.  But it does not do so without leaving a scar upon her heart.

Monday, August 17, 2020

Laughter Past

If there is one thing the scamdemic, excuse me again, pandemic has caused, it's boredom and loneliness.  With those two things comes not only a lack of communication, but a lack of laughter.  I have been trying to remember the last time I really laughed, especially at myself.  It seemed like years since I have done something crazy that I could share and hopefully make other people laugh too.  Then I saw a notice that an old acquaintance had passed.  

It had been years since we had visited and even more than a few years that we had shared time together.  She had moved next door before I was a teenager.  Her laughter was so contagious and her sense of humor ran right alongside of mine.  As I thought about her, I remembered a few of our times together, where we laughed like idiots and thought those memories might bring a smile to someone else.

We both loved music and we both loved to dance.  One night, having nothing much to do, we sat in her bedroom listening to music.  She had a small record player and a stack of 45's.  Man, those were the days!  After a few tunes, she had the most wonderful idea.  We would dance around a fire in the dark.  Thinking it sounded like a great time, I quizzed her about where we would get a fire.  I guess I thought maybe she had a candle stashed somewhere in her room.  She thought for a moment and then her face lit up and her eyes sparkled.  I don't remember if she had the items in her room or if she went downstairs to get them.  What I do remember is her setting a ceramic cereal bowl in the middle of the room, filling it about half full of lighter fluid, striking a match and there it was, a bowl of fire.  She doused the lights and cranked up to volume to "Born To Be Wild", seemed fitting, and we boogied around the bowl full of dancing flames.  When the song was over, she turned the lights back on.  I will never forget the look on her face.  The room was so full of smoke that we could barely see each other.  We surely opened a window or two, but all I can remember is the hysterical laughter.

The next one is probably my most favorite and even after all this time, when I replay it over in my head, I can barely keep from laughing out loud.  This time we were on my front porch steps.  It was a warm summer night and already dark.  There were a couple of guys cruising around the block in a car.  One of the guys liked my friend, but she had no real interest in him.  Each time they would drive by, the one guy would holler at her house.  They didn't see that she was with me on the steps.  After three or four rounds of this, she had an idea.  As soon as the car sped around the corner, she told me she would be right back.  She ran as fast as she could to her house, grabbed an egg out of their refrigerator and ran back to me.  Then she told me her plan.  From there, she ran directly across the street from my house and laid down in the ditch.  I waited and it wasn't but a minute or two that I could hear the car approaching again.  Our street ended right in front of her house and the car had to stop under the street light.  This time, the infatuated guy hopped up on the door through the open window on the passenger side.  He was whooping and calling out to her and that's when the magic happened.  There was just enough light for me to see it.  She raised up out of that ditch and let the egg fly.  It could not have been a more perfect shot.  It landed on the roof of the car directly in front of 'Romeo'.   I nearly fell off the steps laughing as the spurned wanna be boyfriend and his friend screeched around the corner.  When they were out of sight, she came back across the road and asked if she hit the target.   When she discovered her aim had been perfect, peals of laughter split the hot summer night air.

It was good to think of her and those times so many years ago and I hope the stories brought a smile to your face and spurred an event in your past that you haven't thought about in a long time.

Monday, August 10, 2020

From The Desk of The Dog: My Terrible Time

Hello!  Hello!  It's Runtly, the ever so entertaining Jack Russell Terrier, JRT for short!  I have a sad tail to tell you about my terrible time.
My Dad doesn't feel very well.  Mom told me he had to go away for awhile and I was going to get to stay with my Momma and Grammie.  I thought this was great, I love to see my Momma.  You know, dogs don't really keep track of time.  The only time we have is the moment we are in.  I knew the day was approaching when Mom and Dad packed my bag with my dish, food and blankie, then we took a car ride to Momma's house.  I never really noticed when Mom and Dad left, cause' I was havin' fun playing with Momma and the rest of my peeps.
The very next day, Grammie put the buzzing collar on me.  Grammie does not like it when I jump on people and she set out to change my bad ways.  She said I needed to learn to behave.  I thought I musta done something bad to be treated this way and surely Mom and Dad would come to save me.  They did not.
I did get used to the buzzing collar, but I sure was lonesome.  If Grammie sat on the couch, I would sit next to her.  If she worked upstairs, I would find one of my peeps' bed and sleep there.   My Momma has her own space for sleeping and getting away from me, so I'm not allowed there.  I watch Momma though, when she gets ready for some peace and quiet.  Momma is so smart!  She pulls her blankies out of her crate and gets them just right.  Then she puts her head under one edge of her blankies and some how gets them clear over her back!  When she is satisfied with her blankie placement, she walks back into her crate, walks in a circle, this makes her blankies tuck around her and then she lays down.  She is so good at this that once she is in there, you can't even tell it.  It's like she just distapeered.  
So, the sun and moon had been here and gone so many times that I lost count.  Two times I got to see Mom and Dad, but they were in the tiny box and I could not get in there with them.  One of those times was when the giant sky hawk went over the house and was really loud.  Grammie said it was a fighter jet, but looks like a giant sky hawk to me!  It scared me bad, but after hearing Mom and Dad's voice, I was better.  
After what seemed like forever, Grammie packed my bag.  I knew something was happening.  Not only that, Grammie and Momma seemed awfully happy.  Grammie and one of my peeps loaded me in the car and we took another ride.  We drove for awhile and then I began to see things that looked familiar to me.  Then we pulled into the driveway and I was home!  I looked out the big window in Grammie's car and there was my Mom waiting for me and Dad was on the porch!  Grammie had to stop and let me out, I was so excited!  Oh boy, was I so happy to see Mom and Dad!
That first day back home, I was a pretty good dog.  The second day, not so much.  I went next door to see my other peeps.  When Mom called me home, I came home and then I wouldn't let Mom get close enough to pick me up and I went back to my peeps house.  Then later, I chased just about every vehicle that went past our house....something I've never done before.  I showed Mom and Dad what I thought about them leaving me!  Mom wasn't too happy with me and put new batteries in my buzzing collar.....sigh.
It sure is good to be back home!  I was so happy to get to sleep with Mom and Dad again.  I watched my Momma every time she did that trick with her blankies and I be practicing it at home now, at bed time.  Mom and Dad say I look like a bulldozer, but I don't know what that is.
Mom says some of my spelling is not correct.  I don't care, I'm just glad my terrible time is over.  Woof!

Monday, August 3, 2020

Little Things

To occupy my time, I've been trying to take notice of things that we simply, not only take for granted, but things we tend to think we are entitled to.  
The first thing that came to mind, during this hospital stay, was our bed at home.  It's nothing fancy and some would say it's hard, like a rock, but it's our bed and it's in our home.  When my better half and I arrived at the hospital, for the beginning of a stem cell transplant, I was pleased to see a small love seat sized couch that obviously made into some kind of bed.  Having spent a night or two in those lovely hospital recliners, this thing looked like heaven.  I must admit, the little couch is long enough for a very tall person and about as wide as a cot.  Since I'm used to sleeping on 6 inches of bed, because a small dog seems to take up the entire center of a king size, I was pleased with the amount of room I was going to have.  That pleasure was over about the second night when I realized that the cushions were just a tad bit softer than the floor.  Then, I noticed something.
This room is one with a view.  It is on the 9th floor and the entire wall that faces the outside is glass.  From the floor to the ceiling.  If we were here for any other reason, it would certainly fall under the heading, "A Room With A View".  Nine stories down and across the street is a large church.  At the end of the church, that is visible from our view point, is a small patch of grass and a sidewalk that runs to the back side of the church grounds.  It is in this small space that I realized how fortunate I was to have this small bed.  This place is where the homeless gather of an evening.  There are usually four people to start with.  In the morning, as long as it is not raining, there is one couple left.  I watched them as the man folded up all the bedding and placed it into a large black garbage bag, and the woman began to fold the cardboard pieces, that they use between their bedding and the earth and concrete.  There is a retaining wall at the end of the small patch of grass that separates them from a parking lot for an apartment complex.  This is where they urinate.  After that, they pick up any trash that may be laying around and they take their belongings behind the church.  When they emerge from the other side of the building, they no longer have their belongings.  There must be a place in the back where they can leave them and obviously expect them to be there when they return.  My hand runs over the top of my bed and I think "there but for the grace of God, go I".
I will be forever grateful for silverware that is made out of metal.  I hope to never need to use a plastic fork, spoon or knife again.  Plastic is a God-send for the medical community.  I don't think we have any idea the service plastic provides.  Tubing, bags of saline or medicine, shots, gloves, bed rails, furniture coverings, corner guards, medicine cups....the list is endless.  A huge percent of this plastic is thrown away on a daily basis.  There are 32 rooms on this floor alone.  There are three more floors above and at least seven below.  That is a lot of plastic and this scenario is like our Earth, a speck in the Milky Way.  I vow to be more resourceful and try to reuse as much as I can.  Mother's cottage cheese cartons are floating in the back of my mind.  
The view is full of cityscape.  Towering apartment complexes, one topped with a townhouse and numerous medical buildings.  Parking garages that start below ground level and climb five stories or more.  To look down at the busy streets is like looking at a child's play rug, complete with tiny cars that buzz back and forth.  To see this is one thing, to be there is another.  I will sneak down again today.  Just to go outside and breathe in the air.  Air that, may not be as fresh as what I would receive outside my front door, but air that is not filtered and recycled.  I make another mental note to not forget that sweetness that greets me every morning and pledge to leave the phone in the house.  
Then, I feel guilty.  My husband has not had a breath of fresh air for over two weeks.  I think of the young woman on the elevator, she and her family member have been on this floor since the middle of June. I'm selfish, I still look forward to an early dismissal.
The list of things, little things, that are taken for granted could be long, should be long.  I should be more aware of my surroundings, show more gratitude for what I have and perhaps, what I do not have.  One thing is certain, an entitled attitude does no one any favors.  All these things are gifts, that are freely given, from the greatest love in all the universe.  Lest we not forget.

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Wild Tails

Looking up to find a 5 lined skink stuck to the screen on the outside of the kitchen window, makes my day.  For those who may not know, a 5 lined skink is a lizard.  They have a bright neon blue tail and if caught by their tail, will snap it off to escape.  This particular skink was bigger than most of the ones I have seen around the house, being approximately 6-7 inches long.

The other day, while looking out the back door, another, smaller skink crawled up between the deck boards.  Not knowing just what a skink does to entertain itself, I watched as it made its way to a patch of sunshine.  To my delight, it flattened out on the deck board and then placed its front legs behind its back and held its feet together.  It did the same with its hind legs although they did not touch like the front legs.  

Discussing some of my lizard 'tails' the other day, brought up a few memories of animal strangeness I have witnessed over the years.  Staying with the lizard theme for now, there was a time I was driving a school bus out through what I always called Old Blue.  This is east of the Pittsfield Lake towards the Detroit cut through.  There is a deep valley before reaching the Detroit blacktop and it has always looked like it could be the 'land of the lost'. It always felt old when I would drive through it.  As I was heading east and starting down the west side of the valley, I observed a lizard emerge from the right side of the road at the bottom of the hill, a good distance away.  As it crossed to the other side and was completely visible in the road, it must have been at least nearly two feet long.  I clearly remember thinking, land of the lost and there goes a dinosaur.

On another bus route, I was delivering a couple of youngsters to their home in the country.  The lane to there house was one lane when it left the main gravel and before we reached the house, we passed a hay shed that sits on the left side of the road.  As we approached the shed, again from the right side of the road, a snake crawled out of the grass heading for the hay shed.  I'm not sure, but I believe this particular reptile is known as a bull snake.  When it reached the other side of the road, its tail was just coming out of the grass on the other side.  I calculated it must have been 10 feet long, maybe twelve and although I have no argument with snakes, I was glad I did not have to gather any hay.

Perhaps one of my favorite wildlife stories is what I witnessed one morning after delivering a student to a neighboring district.  Driving north down Blue Creek hill, I watch two deer come down the bank on the left side of the road. This was happening at the bottom of the hill, just past the bridge.  The car that was in that space at the same time saw them and ended up coming to a complete stop as they were waiting for the deer to cross the highway.  I'm still making my descent behind them and begin to slow down too.  Suddenly, one of the deer jumped straight up and landed on the roof of this car, stood there for a few seconds and then jumped off the other side and continued on its way.  This happened just before Christmas break and I thought that those people had proof to show the kids that Santa might be coming early or was at least checking to make sure they were being good.

Now that I'm living a country life, there is probably many more wildlife tails to be experienced in the future.  But, if you have one, I'd love to hear it!  Email them to me at and maybe they can be put in a future story!

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

When We Do

As long as I could keep my head in the sand, then it didn't bother me.  I could ignore the whole of it, the enormity of it, I could act like it did not exist.  Out of sight, out of mind.

It certainly was not something on the wish list.  Nothing I ever wanted to do, or be a part of.  It seemed 'ignorance is bliss' fit the situation well.  I wondered if there were others like me.  Was I just some odd freak of nature with no compassion?  Was it because there are times that I feel the pain of others so intensely that it feels  better to build a wall of safety and non-coherence?  After all, I had been able to skate past this concern for a really long time.  In that respect, I should have considered myself blessed.

My beloved, my better half, my soul mate has a cancer that falls under the heading of multiple myeloma and is a cancer of the blood.  It is not curable, but treatable.  

Being his caregiver, I've had to face this head on and I will be brutally honest, I don't like it.  But, I suppose that no one does.  It's not the role, it's the reason.  No one wants to be sick or see others sick.  It throws such a wrench in the gears.  Bringing all thoughts of future plans and adventures to a screeching halt.  

Although I am a big believer in the idea that cancer treatment is much more profitable than cancer cure, I have been humbled by what I have seen in the place where my husband is receiving his treatment.  This place is huge and I look at all the many hundreds of people who walk these isles daily and I realize they don't want to be there either.  Their dreams and plans were also put on hold.  Their caregiver did not wish to take that position.  They had better things to do.

It's not just cancer.  The lists of things that deteriorate our health is long and never ending.  Sometimes we see it coming and other times it takes the wind from our sails so quickly it leaves us feeling like we are standing over a void so deep, there is no bottom.  

Sometimes, the caregiver needs to weep.  When we do, tiny parts of our soul leaves with the tears.

Monday, July 6, 2020

That Is The Question

Reading the side of the box, full of face masks, I discovered they were not considered medical grade.  Doing a brief online search, it seemed they were identical, in construction, to other masks that claimed to be medical grade. Prices on the masks varied from 50 cents to $1 per mask, despite all being nearly identical. The box went on to state that the mask should not be worn more than 4 hours, that it should not be used more than once and to be sure to inspect it, before wearing, in case there were any damage to said mask.  It also states that this mask is not suitable for children or infants.  Besides all this information, it is also necessary to make sure the mask is kept in an area that is under 80% humidity, that it does not get wet, aka rain, or too hot, aka on fire. Best of all, the masks should stay out of direct sunlight.

This made me think about the guide lines for the upcoming school year.  The children are supposed to social distance and wear a mask, while at school.  This idea made me think about the cost, among other things, associated with this edict from the powers that be.  Since math was never my strongest suit, I will try to keep it simple.  Let's say a mask cost 50 cents each.  It can only be worn for a maximum of four hours so the child will need at least two per day.  It's probably a good idea to factor in some other issues that may take place during the four hour time period.  For instance, when the mask accidentally falls on the floor, that's an automatic out or when a child forgets to social distance or they touch their face/mask, there's another for the trash.  Keeping in mind that many boys will be boys, when one pulls on another's mask, to see just how far those little ear bands will stretch, that would also be cause for a new mask. Or, when someone thinks their friend's mask is so much cooler than their own and they swap, there's two down before the first bell has rung.  So, for the sake of simplicity, let's figure each child will need a minimum of 4 masks per day.  At 50 cents a piece, that is a total of $2 a day or $10 per week, per child.  Since many parents have either been furloughed, or without a job during this scamdemic, excuse me, pandemic, would an extra $40 per month be a strain?  What about if families have more than one school age child?  What if they have four?  Is $160 per month figured into their budget?   Will the teachers, who already spend a good deal of their own money trying to keep their classroom stocked with essentials, be responsible for an extra mask in case the 4 per day limit is exceeded?  

Thinking about the teachers, who are there to teach, must they now become the mask gestapo?  It is hard enough to keep a room full of children focused on the task at hand without having to watch for any foul play going on with the mask.  It also seems that standing before a room full of masked children will be a daunting challenge because we, as humans, rely so much on facial expressions to communicate with each other.  Not being able to see a grimace or tongue pointed in their direction could be exasperating, not to mention another reason for a new mask.  Oh, and the thought of the projectile puker puts an image in ones' brain that is hard to remove.

Just imagine how many trips a school bus will have to make to get all the kids to school.  What time will that first pick up need to start?  So many questions! Having been in the student transportation business, good luck with social distancing on a bus.  The backs of bus seats are tall....yes, they do, and will, crawl under the seats to get to another.   But, for now, we can only wish it could be as simple a solution as Mr. Miyagi's 'wax on, wax off'.  Mask on?  Mask off?  THAT is the question.

Monday, June 29, 2020

We Never Know

Although I had given some serious thought to making one, I couldn't pass it up.  After all, it was only $5 and in a weird sort of way, it was cute.  A small piece of corrugated metal curved over a backing of hard fiber board with another piece of fiber board for the front.  The front had been decorated in a southwestern theme, complete with a cactus and a 'Welcome' sign over the opening.  It was a bird house and just the size I was thinking about.

Living in the country has been a treat when it comes to the bird world.  There are so many different species that I had never seen all the years I lived in town.  But, one of my favorites, even in town, is the house wren.  When spring arrived, it wasn't long before I heard the familiar chatter of a wren looking for a nesting spot.  

The handy, ever at the ready, bird book states that the male wren will place two or three twigs in two or three locations.  When the female shows up, she will choose which site she likes the best and finish with the nest building.  

I attached my bargain bird house to the top of one of the post on the back deck the day I brought it home.  The next morning, there was a twig sticking out of the hole.  From that point on, the nest building was a frenzy of activity.  It was amusing to watch the wren navigate a long twig into a small opening.  Most times she was successful and other times the longer twigs were laying on the floor of the deck.  Once I broke some of these cast offs into smaller pieces and the next day they were all gone.  She really didn't need my help, but I was pleased that I had contributed to the project.  Within a few days, eggs were laid and the incubation period had begun.

The bird book also stated that the incubation period would last a couple of weeks and then another two weeks after that, the fledglings would be nearly ready for first flight.  There was never a time, during the day, that the adult wrens were not tag teaming to raise their brood.  After the first two weeks, tiny chirping could be heard and not long after that, they were big enough to peek out of the hole.

Then, one morning, as I walked out onto the deck, it was very quiet.  My first thought was that I had missed the first flight event and I was disappointed because it is always a treat to watch the adults protect their young as they learn how to make their wings work.  Suddenly, one of the adults landed on the railing and began to chatter, chatter, chatter.  When it quit, there was no response.  There was no response from the mate and no response of chirping from the chicks.  I just happened to look down at the floor and my heart sunk.  The deck was littered with nesting material and tiny feathers. The family was gone.

The one remaining adult continued to call for its mate.  The next day another adult did show up, but it did not stick around long.  Now, every morning, the lonely wren sits on the deck railing, tilts its head toward the bird house, listening for some sign of life.  At times, it sits in the house with its head sticking out of the hole but there is no other wren around and this adult has quit chattering.  It just sits silently.

It's a heart breaking scenario.  I do not know if it is grieving, but by human standards, it seems to be.  I have no idea what got into the nest, it could have been a raccoon or possibly a feral cat.  It really does not matter who or what did the damage because there is no changing the outcome.  We never know when something will come along and take the wind from our sails, but we must carry on.

Monday, June 22, 2020

From The Desk of The Dog: Mom's Really Bad Day

Hello everyone!  It's Runtly, the ever so entertaining Jack Russell Terrier, JRT for short!  Boy oh boy, do I have a story for you all!

See, I live in the country now and I just love it.  There are so many things to sniff each day and a new adventure waits around each corner.  I have a nice big yard that I can explore and the other day a deer was in my yard.  I didn't know what it was, but I sure gave it a run for its money!  Even though I have a big place to roam, I pretty much stay close to the house.  I really don't like to be too far from my peeps.

Mom bought a gadget for the house awhile back that is supposed to get rid of the mice.  It took a couple of days for it to work and the last mouse in the house had the misfortune of setting off a trap at 4:30 in the morning.  THAT was a lot of fun!  Mom had hoped I didn't hear the trap spring, but I did!  I shot out of Mom and Dad's bed like a SpaceX rocket headed for Mars!  That crazy mouse was between the clothes dryer and the wall.   J
ust enough room for the mouse, but not enough room for me.  I was in mouser mode and began to scratch and claw and howl like a banshee!  Mom had to pull the dryer completely out of its spot and as soon as she did, I was on the mouse!  This turned out to be a good thing because the mouse had only been caught by one of its tiny back feet and it got loose just as I got to it.  I was so proud that I wanted to take it back to bed to show Dad, but Mom thought it was better to take it outside.  Mom decided after all that excitement, going back to bed was out of the question.

The other morning, I went outside with Mom and Dad.  They like to sit on the front porch, drink their tea and coffee and watch the meadow to see if the deer are moving.  This is the time I get to investigate around the house.  Of course, the first rule of engagement is to check the bench on the porch.  There was no mouse there, so I headed out and around the house.  The next thing to do was to see if anyone had left the shed door open.  When it is open, I can sit in there for hours, in the seat of the lawn mower and watch for mice.  It's like the easiest job ever, like shootin' fish in a barrel, whatever that means.  The shed was all closed, but I was in luck, the garage door was up.  That gadget thing Mom put in the house did not seem to work in the garage area as far as mice were concerned.  

Mom and Dad sat on the porch for about an hour that morning.  It had been really quiet and they even thought that there had been no traffic, cars or people.  Mom decided to come look for me.......and I was nowhere to be found.  She searched the garage and then she searched the house.  She thought maybe I had gone back inside, but neither she nor Dad was sure about that.  She looked everywhere in the house.  She checked the pantry because one day I got shut in there and stayed for over two hours and never made a peep.  I wasn't in the pantry.  She searched everywhere imaginable and still no me.  Then Dad got in on the search.  They figured I had been MIA for at least and hour, maybe more.

They walked around the yard and the house, calling for me and whistling.  Still no me.  The yard is surrounded by forest on three sides with a gravel road in the front.  They were sure if I had gone down the road, they would have seen me.  They began to search the tree line, still calling and still no me.

Mom began to cry.  Her youngest human pup came over and together they drove around the lake looking for me.  They spotted something white, against a tree, at the far end of a trail that lead to the edge of the lake.....but it was just an empty gallon jug.  They returned to the house, empty handed.  There seemed to be only two explanations, either someone, somehow, had taken me or something had decided I was lookin' like a tasty snack.  Mom cried more.  They searched for blood, but none was to be found.  By this time, Dad was even a bit upset.  They searched the woods behind the house, clear to the waters' edge looking for whatever remnant might be left.....but there was nothing.  

Mom cried some more.  She tried to tell herself that she was being foolish.  After all, I's just a dog, but Mom was really sad.  I had been missing three or four hours and although Mom had posted my disappearance on social media and lots and lots of folks had shared it and were praying for my return, there was still no me.  I had simply vanished.

Mom finally sent a message to her friend, who is a psychic, to ask if I was dead.  Her friend immediately called her, to tell her that I was not dead, but Mom was too sad to talk.  Her friend told her that I had chased something, I was near a foundation and that there was a wooden gate, or something that was painted a bluish color.  

Mom and Dad decided to go look for such a place at the neighbors' house.  Mom grabbed the car keys and as she and Dad went out the door to the garage, she heard something.  

See, the garage is hooked to the house, but it is on ground level.  There are steps and a landing, that sit in the corner, that go up to the door to get into the house.  There is a door, or gate, on the side of the landing, facing inside the garage, to be able to store stuff under the landing.  On the other side of the landing and steps, next to the wall is a gap of about 4 inches.  The reason for this is because the foundation for the house runs through the garage walls, about two feet high and extends into the garage.....about 4 inches. 

Mom stood on the landing, shook the car keys and again heard a scratching noise.  She ran down the steps, opened the door and there I was!   She picked me up and put me on the landing.  I looked at Mom and Dad and after realizing they were really not going to leave in the car (hey, jingling car keys are always my cue that I might be getting left behind) I noticed the shed doors were open.  I trotted out of the garage, into the shed and took my place on the mower seat.  Mom and Dad didn't know whether to be happy or wring my neck, but I guess they were happy.  

Mom's friend had sent her a message at 2:28.  It was a picture of a note from me and it said, "I'm Home!"  They found me ten minutes later.  

Mom is covered in chigger bites and has been overheard muttering something about never having another dog.  Why would she, she's got me!  Woof!

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Believe It Or Not

I like weird things.  Things like UFO's, sasquatch, aliens and conspiracy theories.  My three favorite listed weird things fall into  conspiracy theories.  The best part about conspiracy theories is when they are proven to be true.  UFO and alien proof are now backed up by, not only witness testimony, but tons of government documents.  Even the Navy has admitted to alien craft, sighted by skilled pilots and videoed, that are capable of speeds that far exceed anything our military branches have. Did you know there is a list of nonterrestrial officers? Believe it or not.

Sasquatch, that huge hairy critter who lives mostly in dense forests and mountains is a real thing.  I must add here that the main stream network  TV shows about the Sasquatch are far from being truthful on this subject.  They need ratings, so relying on facts doesn't happen much.  The truth about Sasquatch is that there is plenty of proof of their existence, they are not apes and their DNA leads to a human mother and a father that is not yet in the DNA database.....not of this world.  Believe it or not.

Why, if there is proof, are we not told these things?  Would it cause mass panic?  It would certainly upset the apple cart as far as what we have been drilled with to believe is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.  Who sits behind the curtain, with the control button, deciding what we can and cannot be told?  Do the powers that be want to keep us asleep?  

Now, as I stated in my last blog post, we, as a country, stand on the precipice of going one of two directions......entering a black hole or a great awakening.  What brings me to this belief?  I will list a few things, but first I want to explain something.  I never gave much thought to politics, or how the government works.  I did not even vote in the last presidential election because I had pretty much given up hope in a system that was full of so many flaws.  When, after the election, people began to lose their sanity, out of curiosity, I began to take notice.  It has been nearly four years and here is what I have found.

First, we were fed, nearly intravenously, that Russia had interfered in our election.  Russia.  Russia.  Russia.  Over and over again.  Then a bazillion dollars was spent investigating this idea, which was debunked.

Next, a member of Congress stood in front of the main stream media and read a completely bogus, made up, statement that stated, word for word, what the President had said to the leader of  Ukraine.  When the transcript of that call was instantly revealed, that statement was not in there.  But, that was never questioned, there was a new road to run down now, looking to for ways to get rid of the POTUS.  

Then came the impeachment process.  Meetings behind closed and locked doors.  Witnesses were hand picked to give the best damning evidence.  When they had reached their vote of impeachment the next weird thing came into play.....

The articles of impeachment were not handed to the next branch until the first mention of COV-19 hit the airways.  How weird is that?  Coincidence?

The MSM hit the ground running with the COV-19 scare.  The country was shut down for three months.  Nursing homes, in certain states, were forced to take back, into their facilities, from the hospitals, their COV-19 positive residents.  This backfired as nearly 44% percent of the COV-19 deaths, in the states that mandated this, were from nursing homes and the elderly who were infected by the return of positive patients.  

We were told to stay home.  Graduates did not get to celebrate with Pomp & Circumstance.  Weddings were put on hold.  Family members died, in lonely isolation, at hospitals.  Family owned businesses crumbled while Wal-Mart was considered essential.  Daring business owners were arrested and told they were selfish for wanting to provide for their families.  People isolated themselves from each other, in fear.  Social distancing rules were put into place.  Tape was put on the floors of businesses, considered essential, pointing to the direction of which to shop.  Masks had to be worn.  

Then a man died at the hands of another man.  Someone videoed this event.....that's called murder porn.  Yes, that's a real thing.  The city of Minneapolis exploded into riots and was nearly burnt to the ground.  From there, people in cities across the nation took to the streets.  In some of those streets were conveniently placed pallets of bricks.  Where did those come from? 

I know, I mentioned all this before, but there was something else that happened during this that is really weird.  80% of the rioters arrested in Minneapolis were from out of state and then, as law enforcement were preparing to diffuse the situation, their entire computer system was hacked with a denial of service.  Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz said, "Before our operation kicked off last night, a very sophisticated denial of service attack on all computers was executed.  That's not somebody sitting in their basement.  That's pretty sophisticated"................WHAT?!?  Does that not make you scratch your head and go hmmmmmm?

Then suddenly, COV-19 is gently swept under the rug as thousands of protesters gathered together.  The MSM now tells us that people who may have been carriers of covid, but who were not sick, RARELY infect other people.

Now, the weirdest thing of all is happening and little is being said about it.  There is now proof that the last administration formed a coup to take out a duly elected POTUS.  Is this not an act of treason?  The American people have been played once again in the biggest scandal in our government and no one seems to care.  This isn't about Russia, Ukraine, COV-19 or police brutality. It's about an election.  People all over the world are not laughing at us, they are watching us, they are praying for us because this country is the greatest country in the world and they do not want to see it crumble.  Believe it or not.