Monday, October 5, 2020

Bits & Pieces

 Soft elevator music plays in the background.  My husband is on hold with a government entity.  The wait time is nearly an hour......the music is bad.  Technology keeps taking us to new levels of not having to speak face to face, or ear to ear in this particular scenario, with another human being.  All this pain and agony, just to get a new driver's license.  Unfortunately, this battle may be a long one.  Word to the wise:  Never change the information on above mentioned document.....especially ones' weight.

Being thankful for everything that happens in a person's life is a hard pill to swallow.  Humans like to blame someone else for their misery.  Maybe that is what separates us from the divine.  It would be a charmed life to have never made any bad decisions, but perhaps a bit boring.  That comes from someone who has rarely been inside of the box, or lines.  There are surely many people who have made right decisions, for themselves and are perfectly content with the results of those actions.  One thing for sure though, if there have been consequences for the wrong decisions and a person learned from those consequences, the knowledge and wisdom gained is priceless.  In that respect, being thankful for all the things that have happened is another way to look at how all those choices have brought us to this point in time.

Speaking of time.  How much is left.  According to one of the Psalms, our days are numbered.  Let's say we all have 100 years to be here on the spinning rock.  The next time an argument arises, about anything under the sun, ask if in 100 years, will anyone care?  It gives another perspective, or angle, to visually see if the argument is worth the precious time we've been allotted.  It is easy to lose track of time.  Some people are way past the half way point.  Have they accomplished the things they wanted to achieve in this lifetime?  If not, it might be time to not worry about what someone else thinks and follow ones' heart.  We spend the first quarter, or so, of our lives, wanting to be older and the rest wishing we were not. Living in the "now" would be a good rule to follow, because it's actually the only time we have.  The bad music is still playing in the background.  Probably not a good time to bring up 'living in the moment'.

Back to consequences.  Recently, a parent made the statement that they had rewarded their child for causing their neighbors grief, defacing public property and disagreeing with their, the neighbors', choice of politics.  Having no respect for that pesky first amendment, which entitles folks to their own opinion, without retaliation, as long as they are not axe murderers and such, is an odd way to raise a child.  Usually does not end well.

After being their own boss for years, someone went back to work.  There was a reason for doing so that had nothing to do with money. They simply wanted to manage their time better (there's that time thing again) and figured with someone else managing part their time, they would get more accomplished.  They chose an occupation of their youth.  Something they had enjoyed, perhaps more than any other.  Youth is the key word.  They applied and got the job of working in a fast pace bar & grill kitchen.  The owners asked if this person had been drinking, while making the decision to apply for the position.  The person had not.....but perhaps the person should have been.

Leaves are falling.  Another season coming to fruition, while the last one wanes.  Long shadows and darkness lie ahead.  Still the same 24 hours in a day, but darkness is always a good excuse to turn in early.  Like a bear, during the winter.  The clock is still ticking......closer to 100.  

The music stopped, the information received took about 1 minute.  What a waste.  55 minutes that he will never get back.

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