Wednesday, July 21, 2021

What Year Is It, Ladies?

 1970.  I'm nearly 15 years old.  The very first year of high school, for the graduating class of 1974, is about to begin.  As of this writing, it was 51 years ago.  A freaking lifetime.  

I want to take Ag, aka shop.  My friend, a female friend, she is with me on this idea.  We are denied.  Girls do not take Ag, aka shop.  51 years ago.....a freaking lifetime.

1970, again.  First year of high school.  Girls are not allowed to wear pants to school.  51 years ago.  That freaking lifetime ago.  True story, girls were not allowed to wear any sort of pants to school.  Let that sink in.  51 short years ago.  

FACT: for the fact checkers.  In 1970, the first year of high school for the graduating class of 1974 at Griggsville High School in Griggsville, Illinois.  This particular class had a fresh out of college English teacher.  Our class nearly drove her crazy.  I'm not sure any of us realized at the time, she was just a few years older than we were.  She survived and she showed the females of this class that we had power.  She led us onto a battlefield.  Not one with guns and cannons, but one with cotton and cloth.  She alone, helped us design and put into action a petition to the powers that be.  We, the female students of that graduating class of 1974, wanted to wear pants to school.  AND.  WE.  WON.   Oh yes, there were limits and rules to follow.  Things like absolutely no denim jeans, no shorts and whatever else the shell shocked administration could think of at the time.  Shortly after, surrounding school districts followed in our path.  So, young ladies of today, as you slide into your most favorite pair of jeans this coming school year, give your grandmothers a special nod, perhaps a word of thanks, for something you take for absolute granted.

1974.  We were not only wearing, rocking, I might add, bell bottom blue denim jeans, but shorts as well.  BUT........there were still no females allowed in Ag, aka shop class.  47 years ago.  Let that sink in.

The women's liberation movement lasted nearly 20 years.  It's purpose was to put women on the same level with men.  Not only in the work force, but in the brain department.  I never doubted the idea, over 40 years ago and when I hear women today saying they are still not equal, it makes me want to PUKE.  Again, I never doubted the idea and went into an occupation completely dominated by men.   I wanted to build stuff, I wanted to be a carpenter.   My wonderful father, who told me, "Girls do not drive pickup trucks.", relented and went with me to purchase my first one.  This was 43 years ago.  The timeline is getting shorter.

The movement of women's liberation should have never meant to put the two sexes at war against each other.  It should have meant a level playing field and for women, a choice.  A choice to be a mother, a homemaker and still have a tool box, with the knowledge of how to use all the tools within.   I applaud all women who have entered the workforce in what ever occupation they BELIEVED they could do.   For the women who chose to enter a predominately male line of work, kudos to you.  You know first hand how hard it can be.  To work along side the male species, in the same capacity, trying to match strength, can be daunting.  There was no shame in asking for help because we know that male bodies differ from ours and that is ok.  We are different, have been for millennia and most likely will continue to be.

2021.  Fast forward.  We are supposed to be living in an "accepting" society, anything goes.  There is no more reason to think for one's self because if one disagrees with the main stream narrative, they are labeled and singled out.  So much for the accepting society.  

I'm not sure what has happened to the women's movement of yesteryear.  Today, on several social media platforms, there are channels dedicated to showing videos of women making absolute idiots of themselves.  This has earned them the name of "Karens". They have totally lost control, scream, curse, get into fights and accept no responsibility for their actions.  Yes, mental illness is partially to blame, but not for all of them.  They feel entitled to act, however they see fit, with no repercussions.  I admit, I have watched many of these videos.  I'm not quite sure why, other than thinking maybe I will finally see one where the woman, someone's mother, sister, daughter, friend, has a moment of clarity and begins to wonder what on earth she is doing.  These videos, in my opinion, set the movement of being on a level playing field back decades, if not eons. All for one simple keep their emotions in check far better than women.  Obviously, teaching this to the last few decades of females has fallen short. 

Now, men who want to be identified as women are taking the spotlight.  Although I have always had an opinion, something on the back burner of my grey matter, about beauty contests for women, they are still a thing.  I would reckon that it might have something to do with the difference between the female and male physique.  But now, it is permissible, in many areas, for men, who identify as woman, to compete against biological women in above mentioned contests......and win.  It is possible for men, who identify as women, to participate in women's athletic contests.  It is even possible for men, who identify as women, to dang near be named woman of the year.......even though, as biological men, they still have all their man package.  Some have had surgeries and implants but the package of man contains something the female body has, but not near the quantity and that is testosterone.  If ever there were a magic potion, testosterone would be it.  But, if the biological women were to use testosterone, to even their playing field against the man who identifies as a woman, they would be banned from their sport, or whatever they were competing in.

2021.  Where everything is supposed to be acceptable, except facts.  Ladies, are you going to continue to back peddle yourselves to a point where your voice falls on deaf ears?  I sincerely hope not.