Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Makes No Scents To Me

     Some people have recurring dreams.  Mother used to have one about some guy who showed up at the farm one day.  He was very strange and posed some kind of a threat.  The next thing she knew, she had killed him, stuffed him in the trunk of the car, loaded up Lela and Blanche and took off driving.  That's how it ended each time, with her driving around with some dead weirdo in her trunk.

     She always wondered what the meaning of the dream was.

     Dreams can carry a message.  Many of the visions in dreams are usually symbolic.  For instance, having a dream about a fish can mean money is headed your way.  If the fish is rotting, it means lots of money.

     Recently I have had a recurring dream.  I'm standing in my neighbor's back yard.  There are other people there, but I'm not sure who they are.  In the middle of the yard are two large skunks. These skunks are big, the size of a Labrador Retriever.  One skunk has two white stripes on its back, the other has one white stripe. No one seems to be concerned about the skunks, except me.  I do not speak, but the entire time I'm thinking those are some really big skunks.

     A week or so later, I have the same dream again.  And again I found myself wondering why no one is noticing those two huge ma-honkin' skunks.

     After doing a bit of research into the meaning of animals in dreams, I found the following information:  A skunk is usually a peaceful animal, it poses no threat of its own, unless it is threatened.  When threatened, a skunk will send a clear message of "Do Not Mess With Me!", or else.   Most people understand what the 'or else' means.

     The comic section of the Sunday paper always has a space dedicated to explaining a certain topic.  It could be a place, person, critter, etc.  Last Sunday's topic was skunks.

     Since the night time temperatures are staying in the 50's, we are still sleeping with the windows open.  Two days ago, about four o'clock in the morning, I was awakened by the strong, pungent odor of skunk musk.

     I'm still searching for the meaning of all this skunkiness, but for now, it just doesn't make scents.


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