Monday, October 6, 2014

Influential Feline Fancy

     Whether you are a lover of cats or someone who despises them, there is little doubt they have had an impact on the human race.  I get a lot of enjoyment out of my cats, much more so than my husband.  As I observed my two cats, these things came to mind:

     The Cat's Meow.  This means something of great importance.  Both of my cats rarely meow.  The Queen of the Yard cat is old and deaf, so I suppose she does not meow because she can't hear it herself.  The only time she does meow is when her bowl is still empty and it's past five o'clock in the afternoon.  Tigger, the youngest of the two, only meows when he can't find me.  It is more of a wail than a meow and, believe it or not, it always sounds like a question.

     Scaredy Cat / Fraidy Cat.  Most of us have heard this phrase since childhood.  It was usually aimed at whoever would not follow through with some grand jumping off the garage roof.  Tigger is the ultimate scaredy/fraidy cat.  The neighbors left a large piece of tar paper on their roof after replacing the shingles on one side.  It stayed up there for several days, until the wind decided to blow.  When that happened, this once flat harmless black sheet became a breathing, moving, mystical creature.  Tigger spent most of the day with his tail the size of a baseball bat and his eyes as big as saucers.

     Copycat.  Yet another childhood saying, probably most used by siblings right before they called for the folks.  This phrase actually has a true meaning, cats do copy each other.  The Queen learned many years ago that in order to get a drink from the top of the swimming pool cover, she merely had to walk towards the collected rain water and her weight would bring the water to her. Tigger has watched this lesson in thirst quenching with great earnest.  He has yet to figure out that he is causing the water to come to him and thinks it is chasing him.  Still a fraidy cat.

     Something The Cats Chewed On.   This was a common phrase used by the original Lela.  It was usually directed at someone's hair style.....or her own.

     Let The Cat Out Of The Bag.  This usually refers to some secret that is no longer a secret.  But, if you have never seen a cat in a bag, it can be quite entertaining.

     Although there are many more cat sayings, I will close with just one more.

     Curiosity Killed The Cat.  Pretty much self explanatory.  It does carry a good message of 'be careful where you poke your nose' and applies to people, as well as cats.

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