Friday, October 10, 2014

So Much Better

     There was a poem swimming around inside of my head yesterday, but it must have swam out to sea because today there are just lingering tid bits of it washing up on the banks of my brain.

     I scanned the newspaper for some bloggery content.  So much of the same ole stuff.  I searched for word on the border town, far away on the other side of the earth, that has been trying to fight off the head loppers.  It seems they are now fighting within the town.  I'm no expert on warfare but it seems, from the pictures on the news and in the paper, that the land over there is pretty barren.  Lots of rocks, sand and wide open spaces.  The residents of this border town could see the enemy coming, for a long time......wouldn't that have been a good time for an airstrike?.....before they made it all the way to the town.......?

     I watched the neighborhood buzzards soar around the block this morning.  I've watched them all summer wondering where they roosted at night.  I figured it must be close because I have seen them daily.  I wondered if they would actually land if some small animal unfortunately met its demise on the street.  The answer to that question came one day this week as I was returning home from taking my granddaughter to school.  There they were, in the middle of the road, inside our small city limits, feasting on an unlucky bunny, who should have zigged instead of zagged.

     I slowed the car and took a couple of pictures before the buzzards left the scene of the crime.  By the time I parked in my driveway, they had circled and landed to resume the feast.  I walked across the alley to try and get a close up picture, but since I had left the confines of the yard, Tigger thought I was lost and followed me bellowing like a bull.  Buzzards are a large bird and rather menacing by looks, after all, they eat dead stuff, but they aren't very brave and Tigger's howls frightened them off.

     Tigger is in the house this morning.  He has walked across the top of my desk and tried unsuccessfully to lay his head on my keyboard.  He has finally taken refuge behind me, in the chair in which I'm sitting.  Cats pass gas......and like most members of the male species, I'm sure he purposely waited until he was in my personal space to release.  

     I feel so much better now, better than I have felt in months.  I should not have ignored the symptoms for so long.  Pay attention to what your body tells you, it's a marvelous machine.  

     Feeling better has brought back my old self.  The old self who always likes to tear into some project.  I did just that the other day. Needing a better way to take pictures of the jewelry and other items I make out of flowers, I decided to construct a couple of light boxes.  After a quick trip to Youtube for some tutorials, I gathered the supplies.  I had forgotten how much fun it was to cut up cardboard boxes.  Half way through the project, which was taking up the entire kitchen, I sent a picture of my mess to my oldest daughter with a message that read, "wait for it....".  She assured me she was on pins and needles.  When the project was complete, I sent her another picture.  She responded with "I'm so glad you're back!"

     So am I dear, so am I. 

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