Monday, October 13, 2014

The Short Report

     Although math, beyond simple equations, eludes me, I'm a huge fan of quantum physics.  I find the study of particles, sub atomic particles and the "God" particle fascinating.  

     This brings me to the recent book I am reading, "E Squared  Nine Do It Yourself Experiments That Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality", by Pam Grout.

     The title is rather self explanatory, if you have ever given this sort of topic any interest.  If not, it means what is says, we create our own reality.  We get what we think about.  "Really", you say, "I've been thinking about money forever, and I still don't have any." Have you been thinking about having money, or the lack of it?

     Now that the 'eye rollers' have left the room, let me share with you the first part of this book.  My Kindle is showing I have only read 32%, so it will be a short report.  I would also like to add that this is not the first book about this subject that I have read. It is just one of many that are tucked neatly within the digital pages of my electronic book reader.

     Quantum physics proves to us that the universe, or Grand Master of the Universe, is with us at all times.  It shows that this Source is not locked behind sky high gates, sitting inaccessible to the human race, casting judgement in our direction.

     The first experiment in the book is called "The Dude Abides Principle" and is very easy to conduct.  

     First, pick a time to start.  Second, write down the time and date. Third, ask this Source, Master, God, for a blessing.  

     You do not get to choose the blessing.  You are simply asking for a blessing that you will know, without a doubt, like getting smacked up along side the head with a large stick, that the Source is making itself known to you.  The only thing you get to "demand", so to speak, is the time frame in which this blessing will come to you, 48 hours.

     It is a good idea to write this down, perhaps on a recipe card or note pad and the only requirement of yourself is to look and watch for the blessing.  

     Ready. Set. Go!

     Just imagine what could happen if, for the next 48 hours, everyone began watching, looking and listening for a sign, instead of worrying, fighting, and running the rat race.


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