Wednesday, March 5, 2014


     The dial spins left, then right.  The numbers click silently into place and the tumblers inside the steel door fall away.  The door to my brain vault swings wide.  "What's in there today?", I ask myself.

     "Just a bunch of gobbledigook."

     Today is Whacky Wednesday.  Not this particular Wednesday, every Wednesday is whacky.  I don't know what the science is behind it or if it happens world wide, but it happens here every week.  

     I first noticed the Wacky Wednesday phenomenon several years ago while driving a school bus.  The route I drove at the time was to a school about 35 miles away and allowed me to use the interstate to get there.  There is always more traffic on Wednesdays than any other week day.  It is the same for my paper route.  There are more people out and about at 5 in the morning on Wednesdays than any day of the week.  Plus, it is the only day of the week some of my customers are up, dressed and meet me at the door.  I don't know why this happens but I may consider fixing my hair on Wednesdays from now on.

     I like numerology and have several books on the subject.  Numerology is a system of understanding that numbers also have meanings or definitions.  Numerology is the belief that your birth date has and holds significant information about yourself.  To figure out what your number is, you add all the numbers of your birth date together.  For instance, September 8, 1956 adds up like this: 9+8+1+9+5+6=38.  Most numerologist ratchet this down to a single digit, so 3+8=11 and 1+1=2.  11's and 33's are thought to hold an even greater value and are referred to as master numbers.  They are usually not reduced.  Those are my numbers, 11 indicating the necessity to use and develop a spiritual understanding of life. Reduced to 2, the peacekeeper.  The more in-depth meanings of these numbers has me pegged to a T.  If only for fun, you should find out what your number is.

     In the past few days I have watched two videos that were shot using personal drones.  They were flying above the surface of the ocean and captured the most amazing footage of dolphins and whales.  My beloved Amazon, which ranks right up there with Google in my book, is considering using drones to deliver purchases made on their website.  That sounds fantastically futuristic and I look forward to the day I can watch a drone land on my front porch.  I fear though, that since the area I live in has unending hunting seasons, my drone will be shot down.  The hunter will think he has gotten quite a prize until he opens the box and finds a book titled "Forex Patterns & Probabilities".

     The last thing in the brain vault was a simple command.  Give thanks.  I've been writing this blog since last October and it has been the best thing I've ever done.  So I want to take this space and give some thanks.  Thank-you to the Master of the Universe, I don't come up with all this stuff without your help.  Thank-you to my proof reader who encourages me daily and whose idea it was for me to do this in the first place.   Thank-you to my family, even my husband asks me now if I've done my writing.  Thank-you to my readers, I'm not sure I could do this without you.  Thank-you to the readers I know personally, I appreciate your following and your comments.  Thank-you to my readers in Europe, Asia, South America and the northern part of North America, I am deeply humbled that you take the time to read my thoughts.


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