Wednesday, January 8, 2014

In The News

     I woke up early this morning, and that was a good thing.  I felt like things were finally getting back to normal, back to a routine.

     Then I realized I was as blank as a post, again.  That might have something to do with not leaving the house for so many days, but the blog must go on.

     Yesterday's paper, plus the day before yesterday's paper, arrived at the front door at exactly 3:30 in the afternoon, yesterday.  Who says we can't get back yesterday?  It's really hard to get in the mood for reading the morning paper in the middle of the afternoon.  Since there is no morning paper today, I decided to read the old ones, looking for some blog topic.

     I didn't find a thing in them that I figured most people didn't already know.  What to do?  I decided to check out what Facebook had to offer.  

     I found a short video of an 86 year old gymnast, performing on a set of low parallel bars.  She was really good and her younger audience applauded and gave high fives when she was finished.  As I watched her, I thought, I wished I could do that.  The thought was followed by the memory of showing my children that I could still perform a cartwheel.  I lost the best fitting pair of jeans I had with that performance.  Yep, blew the seat right out of them.  

     Then I recalled the time my sister, Lela, had the brilliant idea of showing her grandchildren that she could still stand on her head. She spent the rest of the day at the E.R. with her neck out of whack.  

     I don't think I will attempt the parallel bars because the key word for the 86 year old lady was "gymnast", and that I am not.

     What else did I find?  There was another short video of a woman speaking at a school board meeting about this new common core thing.  She explained that a simple division problem that usually takes just two steps to complete, would now be required to use 108 steps, plus, if you accomplished it in just two steps, it was considered wrong.  Math was not my favorite subject, if I'd had to learn this way, I'd still be in kindergarten.

     Next it was on to the web, to see what breaking news it had to offer.  One spot I enjoy has several different news worthy items that float across the screen.  Today there were 10 choices and I figured surely I could find something interesting there.

     There was a story about people digging out from the winter storm   Been there, done that....... still doing that.  

     Then there were tips on weight loss and a section about all the weight loss products in the market place and whether they worked or not.  None of them really worked.  This weight loss thing is such a huge industry and I wondered how long is it going to take for us to understand that eating less and moving more seems to have to best effect.  I guess that just takes too much effort.  If they come up with a pill for brilliant blog ideas, I may buy some.

     A story on the fear of spiders caught my eye, but anyone who knows me, knows how I feel about spiders, and it's not pretty.  I do have a very unusual species of cricket that takes up residence in my basement each winter though.  It is a funky looking bug, with long legs and twice as long antennae.  At first glance is does kind of look like a spider, the dreaded wolfy spider, but after close examination, it really is a cricket.  I just leave them alone as they do not seem to do much other than hop around and they don't do that very well. They can jump pretty far, but never land upright.  I guess that is why their skeleton is on the outside of their body, keeps them from extinction by not turning to mush each time they land.  It also helps in cleaning up their carcasses.

     Let's see, there's sports.  No, can't go there.

     Hairstyles, stocks and fashion.  I've worn my hair the same way for over ten years and don't see that changing any time soon.  I love to read books on stocks, but don't own any.  My fashion consists of bluejeans and hoodies during the cold months, bluejeans and tank tops during warm weather and my beloved tennis shoes throughout the year.  No fashionista here.

     The last thing I looked at was the clip about the best places to live.  If everyone moved there, they would no longer be the best places to live.  Grow where you're planted is the best advice I've ever heard.

     I have to get out of this house today.  Mostly because it's beginning to look like Mother Hubbard's cupboard and I still don't have any eggs.  Sure hope the chickens have been working overtime.

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