Thursday, January 9, 2014


     The grocery getting trip was certainly interesting.  Either I have been in the house too long, have stepped over the threshold of little tolerance or I'm just getting crotchety.  Unfortunately, it may be the latter of above mentioned ailments.  

     My tolerance meter seemed to bottom out while shopping when I had to endure two sales clerks following a shopper with a small child in their cart.  That doesn't sound like a big deal, they obviously knew each other and where having a conversation, albeit a very loud conversation.  The clerks were teasing the child, not in a mean way, just enough to get a reaction and when the reaction happened everyone burst into loud raucous laughter.  I reminded myself to not be so snarky, a word that has come into play quite frequently in recent days, and continued my shopping.  

     Since I had waited long enough between shopping excursions, I needed a lot of groceries, which meant I was going to have to peruse every isle in the store.  So did this team of happy people.  I tried to slow down my pace, as to put some distance between us, but it didn't work.  I crossed paths a time or two with an older couple, we exchanged glances and pleasant smiles and continued on.  

     I was in the store approximately 40 minutes and had to endure this celebration of fun the entire time.  When I finally exited the store I was thinking maybe the local bar would be my next stop.  As I approached my car, the older couple I had passed earlier were parked next to me, loading their groceries.  I smiled and told them I guessed I was just feeling mean, because no one seemed to know how to act in public anymore.  The gentlemen's response was, "Yeah, that was kind of annoying, wasn't it."  At least I wasn't alone in my observations.

     The next stop was filled with more loud chatter about body piercings.  It is said to never go grocery shopping on an empty stomach so as not to purchase unneeded items.  Well I had, but by this time I was ready to barf, so I was glad I hadn't eaten.

     The word for today on my dictionary app is 'comport'.  It's meaning is "to bear or conduct (oneself); behave.  There was a huge lack of comportiness going on in the grocery stores yesterday and has embedded even further in my soul to wait again until there are no groceries left in the house, before I venture out into such madness.  Money is hard to come by in this day and age, a person should be allowed to rid themselves of it in peace.

     Speaking of money, poor Mr. Ty Warner.  He's the guy who came up with the "Beanie Babies" and he's in a whole lot of deep do do.  It seems he got a bit greedy and didn't pay his taxes.  Not only did he not pay them, he didn't report most of his earnings and tucked mucho monies away in Swiss bank accounts.  The feds want to put him in jail, even though he is really sorry and can and will pay what he owes.  This guy has a net worth of $1.7 billion and I got to wondering just when did the greed factor jump in his head.
I don't know, but somewhere along the road he must have lost his comportiness too.

     Then there's the story about the nations' largest bank, JPMorgan having to pay $2.5 billion to settle charges in the Bernie Madoff's huge Ponzi scheme.  The bank claims that none of their employees knew what he was doing, so no one should go to jail.  Sure, throw the maker of the warm, cuddly, cute, puts smiles on kid's faces, make people collect them by the ton maker of the Beanie Baby under the bus, but not any of these people.  

     I'm thinking they probably didn't have any comportiness to start with.



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