Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The Devils' Real Name

     We've heard him called by many names.  Satan, Lucifer, the fallen angel, Beelzebub.  We've seen him portrayed as a figure with red skin, a goat head complete with horns and a long tail with a sharp point on its end.  Usually with this description he is packing a long pointy pitchfork with which he can administer pain and suffering on his victims.  That conjures up a pretty awful scenario and if he really looked like that I don't think he would have too many followers, we'd all be running for the hills.

     In the movies we have seen him portrayed as handsome, charming, wealthy beyond belief offering his prey all of the above for the price of their soul.  That may be a little closer to who he really is, but he can only get a small percentage of the people with that ploy.

     In order for him to get a lot of followers, he has to be a smooth operator, after all, he is after the masses.  He wants to be number one and prove a point.  He is really nothing more than a spoiled child wanting attention, it's all about him.  I believe he has found the perfect solution to his goal and it doesn't require him to do much at all, in fact he's probably saying to himself, "This is just too easy."

     Oh yes, he is crafty.  He's lured untold thousands with his simple plan.  He has encouraged an entire generation into believing he is right.  He comes into our lives and quietly pulls us into his way of thinking.  He is probably sitting on the couch right now, the remote in one hand and the other in a bag of chips with a frosty cold beer close by.  He watches us being so busy, running around doing all the things that need to be done or the things we want to accomplish and he whispers ever so softly, "It will be there tomorrow."

    The promise of tomorrow has taken the dreams of countless people throughout the ages.  He doesn't want us to succeed, to follow a life long ambition so he offers us something that really doesn't exist.  He loves it when we take on an attitude of "I will do it later" or "as soon as I do this, I will do that".  He knows once we get in that endless circle of thought, his job is done. Then he looks through the frig for another beer and a ham on rye sandwich, he pats us on the back and says "Atta boy" and moves on to the next house.

     The devils' name is Procrastination and he knows that tomorrow never comes but he wants us to believe that it will.  If he is in your house, do your best to ignore him.  He will eventually leave if he can't get your attention and probably take all your beer on his way out.  But that's OK, keep your focus on your goal, don't fall for his lie and if you see him, please tell him I moved. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks...I think he has been at our house lately...its time for him to go. ;)
