Wednesday, October 30, 2013

A Good Read....Or Two

     Anyone who knows me knows that I'm just a tad bit odd.  I've never been the person who followed all the rules, colored inside the lines or walked with scissors.  I tend to be the go-to person in my small community when it comes to things like encounters with "the other side", UFO stories, religious debates or anything that is usually considered out side of the box.

     I love to read books on all the above topics and have stacks of them sitting by my chair.  My Kindle is equally loaded with off the wall subjects and when I have the time, I read them to my heart's content.  I like to absorb material that most people never think about because I believe there is so much more to life than the daily routine most of us fall into.

     Just to give you an example, here are just a few of the titles in my oddness repertoire:

     Into The Light by John Lerma M.D.  My all time favorite book.  If you have lost someone or in the process of, this is a must read, regardless of your religious preference.

     The Shack by Wm. Paul Young.  This one is a quantum leap into the understanding of how God works versus how we think He should.  It's an excellent re-read too, you'll be amazed at what you missed the first time.

     Transformation by Whitley Strieber.  UFO and alien stuff of the finest form.

     Mastering Astral Projection by Robert Bruce & Brian Mercer.
Talk about one that makes my kids roll their eyes.  No, I haven't mastered it yet, but if I do, I'll try and tap you on the shoulder.

     The Essential Zohar by Rav P.S. Berg.  This is about Kabbalah which is usually defined as the mystical tradition of Judaism.  This book contains a description of Creation that sheds a whole new light and understanding of the story in Genesis. 

     I think it's important to have a broad view of different subjects. I like the literature that challenges the mainstream belief system. Recently I read The Hidden History of the Human Race by Michael A. Cremo & Richard L. Thompson.  This is a book that will really make you stop and scratch your head.

     It challenges the theory of the evolution of mankind coming from apes.  Something that tends to be taught today as truth, instead of theory.  The authors have done tons of research on archaeological finds of ancient man that were anatomically like modern humans. What that basically boils down to is, there were documented finds, of human bones, that were millions of years old, that looked just like we look today.   The mainstream archaeologists said that since these finds didn't fit into the evolution theory, they could not have been that old.  

     The authors also included some fascinating stories, handed down by word of mouth. One was about finding a gold chain inside a piece of coal and another, a glass brick wall found at the bottom of a mine.  Neat stuff.  Stuff you won't likely hear in the classroom or on the evening news.  If you read this book, be sure to get the condensed version, unless you enjoy reading scientific data.

     Walking on the wild side and thinking outside of the norm is my way of life and I doubt I will change any time soon.  If it's mystical, magical, spiritual or down right crazy, that's were you will find me. 

     If you're tired of all the mainstream hoopla, step off the merry-go-round that everyone seems to be riding and take a good look around.  You might find a good book, one that will make you go "hmmm" and get your mind heading in a new direction.  If you can't find one, I'll share one of mine.







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