Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Wings n' Things

     So, I've been reading these books about how our thoughts create reality.  Sounds weird, but I've always walked on the weird line.

     One of the experiments to try was thinking about a certain colored vehicle, giving yourself 24 hours to see it.  Easy enough, I thought, and proceeded to conjure up what color I wanted to see.  I decided on green, not grass green but dark deep ugly green, I also thought that funky lime green would be another choice, but left it in the back of my mind.  I was driving on the interstate at the time and set out to see what happened.  About ten minutes down the road, there it was.  A dark ugly green car sitting along side the road with one of those bright orange tow stickers on it.  Hmmmm.......Later in the day I saw the bright funky lime green color, and I'm still seeing them.

     One day, before I read these books, I was thinking.  I was thinking about turkey vultures.  There are lots of them around here and it is a common site to see them feasting on a recent road kill.  I was wondering if they would land inside the city limits, if the opportunity was there for them.  After all, every once in awhile, an unfortunate squirrel or bunny does not make it across the street. About a week after having this thought I was returning from the post office and there it was, or rather, there they were.  Two turkey vultures having a quibble over a squished critter in the street, about 50 feet from my front door.  

     Some folks would call this a coincidence, but not me.  Life is too full of things we take for granted to just casually toss off a "wow" moment as coincidental.  Take, for instance, the bean experiment.  Plant bean seeds in an egg carton.  Place the intention or thought that one side of the carton of seeds will grow faster and taller than the other, water and wait.  That worked too.

     I really wanted a dog.  Not just any dog, but the small, tiny runt of the litter.  I never voiced this out loud but I now have the small, tiny, anvil chewing runt of the litter.  There have been several occasions when the phrase "be careful what you wish for" has come to mind.  I think that is true of all of our thoughts, they should be good ones, filled with positive vibes and good will toward others.

     Maybe you are rolling your eyes, but let me share one more with you.  My husband and I were having a conversation the other day about the dog.  I said that since he, the dog, not the husband, is small and white and there are several species of large birds of prey in our area, that maybe it was not a good idea to have him loose out in the open.  Large birds of prey can snatch up animals like the above mentioned squirrel and bunnies, perhaps a small white shape speeding through the grass looks like an equally tasty morsel...AND if you have seen the video of the eagle picking up a small toddler about six feet off the ground, anything is possible.

     I decided to take the dog with me yesterday to get the mail.  Runtly has yet to master the thrill of the car ride and since this would be a short jaunt I thought it would help get him used to riding.  I had parked the car in the driveway on the north side of the house instead of putting it in the garage.  As I rounded the back end of the car and opened the driver's side door, out of the corner of my eye I caught a six foot wing span.  That's probably an exaggeration, it was more like four foot, but at the time it was pretty darned big. Yes indeed, a large bird of prey had hit the ground right behind me and the dog.  Standing with my mouth hanging open, I watched as the bird lifted and landed in the neighbors tree.  

     This hawk had actually grabbed a small bird from around the bird feeder, which is just a few feet away from the driveway.  

     Think what you want, but I put the dog in the house and went to the post office by myself.

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