Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Knowing The Difference

There seems to be a new disease or plague sweeping across the country.  Unfortunately, the CDC does not even list it as a disease and offers no protection or vaccine to help make us immune to it. The sickness does have a name and it is called Disrespect.

During the last week, I have read several articles addressing this issue of disrespect.  They ranged from college graduates walking out of a speech being given by the VP of the USA, to doctors talking about how many times they see this epidemic in their practice, with young children and their parents.  

The saddest part about this is that the problem starts at home.  I am reminded of this daily while I am walking.  There is a small transport vehicle that comes into the complex every day during the work week.  It is there to pick up a child for some sort of schooling and I'm assuming it is probably a Pre-K type of program because the child does not look to be too old.   Everyday, the driver pulls up in front of the building and honks the horn, then the waiting game begins.  Sometimes the driver's wait isn't too long and other days they sit there for several minutes.  I once knew a driver of student transportation who had a 3 minute egg timer hour glass that he would turn over at each stop.....and wait 3 full minutes for the child to come out, while periodically honking the horn.  If the vehicle holds 18 small students and it has to wait three minutes on each one, that makes the ride time for the first child over an hour long and that does not count the travel time between stops.  This always takes me back to a time when I drove a similar vehicle.  It did not take long for the children on my route to understand, that if they were not coming out the door by the time I got there, they would have to find another way to school.

I hear the words privilege and rights used a lot lately too.  My dictionary app defines these words as:  privilege; a benefit enjoyed only by a person beyond the advantages of most...rights; that which is due to anyone by just claim, legal guarantees, moral principles, etc.  It seems to me that the definitions today are one in the same, but I beg to differ.

It is a right for children to go to school.  If the child lives a certain distance from the school, it is a privilege to have the transportation provided but, it is disrespectful to make the driver wait. It is a right to exercise your freedom of speech, but it is a privilege to have the Vice President of the United States speak directly to you, regardless of your political preference but, it is disrespectful to get up and walk out because of that preference.  It is a privilege to have a child and it is their right to receive love, guidance and discipline and to learn to be respectful.  It is not their right to have every whim fulfilled by their parents, nor should it be a privilege.  

So, the last couple of generations of raising children with no boundaries does not seem to be paying off in the long run.  While the thought of being their friend, instead of their guidance, seemed like a good idea, the results of that are rather terrifying.  I shudder to think about them working in nursing homes, taking care of our beloved elderly.  If they are lacking respect of their elders now, what happens to their parents when the parents are elderly?

Just one more thing.  These days I hear a lot about "white privilege" and my reaction to that phrase and its meaning is always the same.....it makes me want to puke.  If you live and breathe in this country, regardless of color, it might be a really good idea to take a look at how other people, in other lands, live.  It will not take much of a search to discover just how privileged we are.  That privilege is also a right, so it might be a good idea to understand the difference and respect that.

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