Tuesday, May 23, 2017

A Yellow Raincoat

The rain had been peppering down for most of the night.  When I donned the yellow raincoat, the rain had subsided for the moment, but I decided not to take the chance of getting soaked.  I left alone this time, without the dog. 

Runtly, the ever so entertaining Jack Russell Terrier and I have been walking each morning.  We strive for at least a mile and a half and there are many times he would rather bail at the 3/4 mark. With his recent dip and dive into a pile of goose poo, while I was chatting with a new acquaintance, a following bath, that was not on the list of things to do that day, I decided to leave him home.   My husband had already had him out earlier and trying to clean him after a walk in the rain is like, well, it's like having to bathe him all over again.

Walking without Runtly meant I had no need to stop walking every forty steps or so.  There were no piles of leaves or pine needles that needed sniffed or places that needed re-marked from the previous day.  Once I started moving, I had no reason to stop.

As I walked, I encountered several geese.  This is nothing new, it is gosling season and there are geese everywhere.  Even when it is not gosling season, there are geese everywhere and most of the time they are ready to let a person know that we are invading their space.  

As I approached one group of geese, I noticed they did not seem to mind my presence.  Granted, they do not like Runtly and the feeling is mutual, but I was walking right into a group of them and they seemed to not even see me.  Not one of them hissed or honked at my intrusion.  

I began to wonder if it was the raincoat.  Maybe geese are color blind and cannot see yellow.  If that was the case, perhaps all they could see was my legs and since they are not any taller that a goose, I surely posed no threat.  

It looked as if I had a cloaking device.  I tried it again with the next group of feathered honkers and had the same result.  Although it was only a two test experiment, I believed it was true.

As the walk ended, the rain began to pepper down once again.  I did not hurry, my mind was filled with many thoughts.  Lately, I have been giving too much credence to my own problems. Problems that I know, in 150 years will not matter but, never the less, I have let them bother me now. 

This morning my thoughts turned away from myself and how bad I think I have it.  I thought about my cloaking raincoat.  I thought about how I wished all those people, who were leaving the concert in the United Kingdom, had been wearing a cloaking yellow raincoat.

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