Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Collateral Damage

Unfortunately, during the last move, we suffered some casualties.  There seems to be a limit on just how much bouncing and jiggling certain household items can take.  I had even taken extra care this time and started packing a week before the move date, but it did not seem to matter.

The first casualty was found while unwrapping items labeled for the kitchen.  Two dinner plates did not survive the trip.  Since I started out with ten, for two people, I do not foresee a problem, unless the dishwasher quits.

Second in line was the microwave.  It worked fine when we unpacked it, but a couple of days later it began to have some sort of laser death ray that shot down in the center of the revolving plate. This was discovered when it started making a weird noise.  After opening the door and realizing the middle of whatever food had been placed inside was now nuked beyond repair, we knew it was time to lay the appliance to rest.  We really were not using the microwave very much any more, so it should not be missed.....other than it was handy to put little suction cup hooks on its side for the key rings.

Next in line was the TV.  We worked all day to get it mounted on the wall, way up high off the floor, only to discover when we turned it on, there was a black stripe right down the middle of the screen.  After watching a few YouTube videos on how to possibly fix the ailment, we wallowed the TV down from its lofty perch, took the back off and discovered an unfortunate truth.  The black line was there to stay.  At least it is in the middle of the screen and we just pretend we are watching it through someone's window. 

Last, but not least, was the printer.  No matter how many forums I read on what the problem was, it was not to be fixed.  This was one thing that had to be replaced because I use a printer for my work.  I found one that not only had bluetooth (couldn't they have come up with a better word for wireless wifi capabilities?) it was on sale for about half the original cost.  

I do not know why something that is supposed to make life so much easier has to be so hard for the un-technological mind.  It took me all morning to get the printer set up so it would finally print.  This episode of collateral damage did not star Arnold Scharzenegger, but it would have been nice to have had him here.  I would have paid him to see how far he could chuck the printer right out the window.

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