Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Symptoms Of WDS

In the beginning, metaphorically speaking, but more like back in 1928, Walt Disney breathed life, again, metaphorically speaking, into a large eared cartoon rodent and named him Mickey Mouse. From that time forward, many species of animals became beloved cartoon characters of whom have entertained us for nearly a century.  

It also seems from that time, ordinary people began to think more in human terms when it comes to animals, especially pets.  If you have a pet, or better now known as "fur babies" and have any of the following symptoms, you may have WDS (Walt Disney Syndrome)

1.  Your pet has more toys that some children do.

2.  Each of those toys has a name......and they all start with Mr. ;
Mr. Rabbit, Mr. Flat Squirrel, Mr. Fox, etc.

3.  Your pet sleeps in your bed.  This arrangement usually can be described as two full grown humans clinging to their own side of the bed while above said pet is stretched out in the middle.

4.  Your pet has a special toy that they cannot leave home without.  In case of the toy being left behind, you see no problem with spending whatever it costs to overnight it to wherever you are.

5.  You talk to your pet as if they are as human as your next door neighbor.  This behavior will undoubtedly lead to your pet possibly understanding just as many words as you do and also leads to odd looks from people you meet on the street, during walk time.

6.  You purchase your pet a new toy each time you have to go restock the pantry......and the pet expects it when you walk in the door, arms loaded with plastic bags.

7.  You find a pet hair, in a crockpot, that has been  sitting inside of a cabinet, 3 feet off the floor, for at least a month....and you're OK with that.

8.  Your pet has its own cup in the bathroom for those late night 'my tongue is glued to the roof of my mouth' moments, even though their water dish is just a few steps past the bathroom door.

9.  Your pet also has its own bath towel.

10.  Your pet has its own Facebook page, with more likes than some people.

This is just a small listing of the symptoms of WDS.  If you have more than three of the symptoms, it's a pretty good bet that you have WDS.  It is also a pretty good bet that you can add to the list.

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