Monday, March 9, 2015

If I Could, I Would

     The sun was shining.  The weather was absolutely wonderful, with a hint of Spring in the air.  Only a week before the temperatures had been in the single digits.

     I was driving up the street when I saw her.  A young girl, probably about 8 or 9 years old.  She was walking on the sidewalk, head down, a cell phone pressed to her ear.  If I could, I would have told her to put that thing away.  Look around you, there is so much to see.  Listen!  Listen to the sounds around you.  There are birds singing, dogs barking, leaves scuttling across the street, carried by a fresh warm breeze.   Play a game, don't step on the cracks, maybe even hopscotch.  Much easier to do when both hands are free.  She walked along, head down, never noticing someone had driven by.

     The advertisement on the radio was calling out to all the young high school girls in the area.  Bring a friend and get a great beauty makeover for prom.  A spray on tan, which I suppose should be much safer than a fake bake, a facial, make-up and false eyelashes and a hair style, all to make sure you will be beautiful on that special night.  If I could, I would tell the young girls they are beautiful just the way they are.  That natural skin tone is really better than false skin tone.  I would tell them that false eyelashes, although they do enhance the look of the eye, are just that, false.  I would tell them that walking into the restroom and discovering that one false eyelash is sticking up like a flag is not near as attractive as their real lashes.  I would tell them that their long hair, swinging wildly as they dance, looks fantastic.  More so than a hair-do that is caked in place with an entire can of hairspray.  

     I would tell them that there are few boys, or men for that matter, who enjoy wearing a tuxedo.  If prom attire were left up to the boys, they would prefer blue jeans and boots.  I'm sure I would get a look that spoke of "what planet did you come from", but I bet some of the boys would agree.

     If I could, I would tell Taylor Swift how much I love her songs.  She is such a hopeless romantic, the world needs more of them.  

     If I could, I would tell the world to just slow down.  Things do not really make us happy.  If they did, there would never be a reason to have a yard sale.  

     If I could, I would advise everyone to live in the now, it's the only time there is.  The past is gone and the future is never really here.  Enjoy the moment and make the very best of it, regardless of the circumstances.  

     If I could, I would do these things.  Maybe I just did.


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