Monday, November 4, 2019

Were We Meant To?

I have a deck of cards that I use daily during the week.  They are Chakra cards.  Chakras are the seven power centers of the body.  The root chakra, located in the pelvic region, sacral chakra located between the pelvic region and the naval.  The solar plexus chakra located at the naval.  The heart chakra, location same as the name.  The throat chakra, at the throat.  The brow, or third eye chakra located right between the eyes, in front of the pituitary gland which is located deep in the lower region of the brain.  Last but not least, the crown chakra, located at the top of the head.  These are seven of 114  chakras.  Each chakra has a related color: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple and white.  Back to the cards.  There are seven cards for each chakra and each card has a story that goes with it.  These cards were created by Tori Hartman and the stories were told to her by angels as she healed from a severe accident that had caused her to have a NDE, near death experience.

I put these cards on an online social media platform during the week, Monday through Friday.  Now, before someone goes running down the hallway screaming "Good grief!  She's conjuring up demons!  Run for your life!"  No, I am not.  It's just a helpful thought for the day that may help someone else who reads it.  The card for the day was the "Workaholic".  The meaning behind the card is very much like the old adage, "All work and no play, makes Joe, or whoever, a dull boy.   It means that it is necessary to take time to have fun and enjoy life.  By doing so, ones' work can be enhanced and  performed possibly even better than before.   Plus, it helps to alleviate getting burned out.  The card can also mean that perhaps a person is keeping themselves so busy as to avoid what they really should be doing.  That particular meaning resonates with me way too often.

The card for the day got a response from a person who said work, work, work was what they did to keep out of the nursing home.  That comment made me think.  Were we meant to work until we fall into that six foot hole?  Is work good for us?  Maybe we are getting work confused with a job.  We all know that a job is something we must do, so to speak, to make ends meet but we shouldn't have to do that job until death do us part.   Should we retire?  Then what?

That may be the answer.  Retirement should not mean doing absolutely nothing.  Sitting in a recliner or on the couch watching TV for hours on end and eating junk food or staring at a cell phone all day can do as much damage physically as smoking.  That is why the new catch phrase is, "sitting is the new smoking".  Our bodies were not made to be docile.  They were made to move and when we quit moving them, they begin to break down.  So, if you have retired from a job or are working your fingers to the bone be sure to take time for yourself.  Have fun, try something new, take a walk or turn on the radio and dance like there is no tomorrow.  Take nothing for granted and leave no stones un-turned.  Keep on keeping on, even when you don't want to.  At the end of the day, you'll feel better about yourself and your body will thank you.  

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