Monday, April 22, 2019

From The Desk of the Dog

It's Runtly!  The ever so entertaining Jack Russel Terrier, JRT for short!  Mom told me a great story, but she said I had to tell a story about myself first.  Mom says I'm a thief.

I'm not really sure what a thief is, but Mom says I take things that are not mine.  Well, duh!  That's what JRT's do!  I like to get up on the tallest seat in the house.  I do this so I can scan my surroundings, the things I don't see when I'm on the floor.  Then when I see something out of place, I can make my plan of attack.  

For instance, Mom has two dried lemons in the front room.  One is on the bookcase and the other is on a small table.  Mom says lemons help to take away any negativity in the area......yeah, I know, Mom's weird.  Anyway, I have spent many moons contemplating just how to get those lemons.  So far I have not succeeded, but that does not mean I have given up.  Just the other day, Mom left her chair pulled out from her desk.  I hopped up there and proceeded to walk all over Mom's work space until I found something most delightful.  It was Mom's tape dispenser.  Mom was doin' yoga, so she didn't see me.  She could hear something, but by the time she went to look, the tape dispenser was in about a zillion pieces.  That's the whole point, search and destroy.  Mom has these crazy balls she keeps in the clothes dryer and they're made of of them has a flat side to it...heh, heh, heh.  I think my very favorite thing is the bag of bags.  It is in a bottom drawer where Mom works.  It is a small plastic bag that has a whole bunch of smaller plastic bags in it.  Mom still hasn't learned to keep that drawer shut.  There's nothin' better than the sound of shredding plastic.

Mom says that is enough confessing for now and I can tell the story.  A long long time ago, way back in 1795, there was a man named John Russell.  He was a minister and he liked to hunt foxes.  Oh, and I tagged Squirrel this morning!  Dad said he ran like a deer!  Mom says to pay attention to what I'm supposed to be doing.....anyway.  Parson John Russell came across a dog called an English White terrier.  Rev. Russell thought this dog was the most incredible animal he had ever witnessed when it came to hunting foxes.  So, over the next few years, the good parson began to breed the terrier in search of the best fox hunting dog ever.  Somewhere along the line, things came together and behold!  The Jack Russell Terrier was born!  

The original breed, the English White Terrier, does not even exist anymore and the exact recipe for the JRT is not known, but Mom thinks otherwise.  Mom thinks ol' Rev. Russell wrestled with the devil and put some of him in the mix.  

I don't know what the devil is, but, say, is that a paper towel on the counter.....?  Woof! 

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