Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Back Under My Tinfoil Hat

Excuse me while I tighten my chin strap and give the whirlygig on top of my hat a spin.  I think that helps me spin my words onto the page!

I'm going to share a few excerpts and ideas from a book I am presently reading.  The title of the book is, "Voices From the Cosmos" by C.B. Scott Ph.D and Angela T. Smith Ph.D.  The entire book is filled with interviews with different races of the universe and this book is NOT considered fiction.  

Some folks are already rolling their eyes, but bear with me and consider this idea for a moment.  We now know that the galaxy we live in is but one in a million or trillions of galaxies that fill the universe.  Science tells us that there are hundreds if not millions of earth-like planets orbiting stars, in the same proximity as earth orbits our sun, in what they refer to as the "Goldilocks Zone", where all the components of life are 'just right'.  So maybe, just maybe it is a bit smug of us to think we are the only intelligent beings swirling through the cosmos.

The authors interview 18 different ET races.  They ask the same questions of each race and the questions were chosen on the premise that if we were to meet a group of people we had never met before, what questions would we ask them.

The group I would like to focus on and share with my readers is the Angels.  Whether or not you believe in this sort of thing really is not the point.  The point is the message to mankind.  

When asked if they received benefits for helping the humans, the Angels said there were no benefits to them, it is simply what they do, guide and help. "Humans always have to have something back for what they do, we do not have to have something back."  When asked if we, as an earthly population, would be destroyed, the Angels answered, "The human race is always trying to extinguish itself.  Why is this?  Humans are always doing things to end their lives by risk and danger.  We do not understand this.  Life is precious.  Why would humans keep trying to end their own and other human's lives?  We do not understand." 

Although there were many more questions asked, I would like to end with the answer given about what shape our planet is in. They suggested that if the big corporations at the top would start to take responsibility for what damage they have produced, that would have a trickle down effect for the rest of us.  When told that sounded like common sense, here is what the Angels had to say, "It is common sense but humans have lost their common sense.  They have become complacent.  They expect other people to clean up their messes instead of cleaning up their own messes.  Everything can be cleaned: the air, the water and the land.  All of these elements are self-sustaining without human help but with human interference they cannot sustain themselves.  Humans think that they have to manage everything: the air, the water, the animals and the land, but they are self-managing...(4 farmers just quit reading)...They were self-managing before humans and can do so again.  Managing is control and control is not needed when an element is independent and self-sustaining.  Leave them alone once they have regained balance.  Humans have become overwhelmed with trying to manage." 

So, are we to believe we have become zealous about control and management along with looking like we are our own biggest threat?  Since 8 people, all of whom are billionaires, own as much money as 3.6 billion of the worlds poorest people, I would say that was a pretty good evaluation.  

One last thing, never wear your tinfoil hat out in a thunderstorm.

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