Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Feeding The Beast

"Living your life solely on one's emotions can certainly be interesting.  There will be lots of ups and downs and twists and turns.  But, just like a roller coaster, it will always bring you right back to where you started."                              R.E. Reeves

Emotions fall into many categories, but a basic definition of what emotions are would be, a state of feeling.  We can feel happy, joyful, sad, guilty and be filled with intense anger and most everyone has experienced these feelings.  

Usually, along the course of one's lifetime, people learn how to control some of these feelings.  For instance, it is never a good idea to break into a fit of hysterical laughter during a funeral, unless you hail from my family and there may be a story like that somewhere down the lineage.  Wailing out of the top of one's head during a happy celebration is usually frowned upon too.  

Making decisions during an emotional crisis can lead to disastrous results.  There have been many bonds broken by words spoken during times when anger has been at an all time high and that can lead to years of guilt and sadness.

Regardless of religious beliefs or lack there of, most people will agree that there is evil in the world and the remote control is only one click away from proving its existence. I believe this evil, or darkness, is an actual living thing or entity.  If my opinion of evil is true, then just like every living thing in the universe, it needs something.  It needs to eat.  In order for it to eat, it needs to be fed and I believe the food it eats is made of the energy that comes from emotions.  

I do not visualize evil standing at the edge of a happy birthday celebration, sucking up the high frequency energy because evil vibrates at a much lower level.  It needs dark energy, like the kind that comes from mobs of people filled with anger and they do not even know why.  It feeds off of any energy thought of greed or causing harm or mayhem.  It likes to hang around with people who can whip the masses into states of hate filled frenzy.  Then it can become gluttonous and just like living cells, divide to make more evil that needs more food.

If people of planet Earth do not learn to control their emotions and figure out how to use some logic to come to peaceful solutions, then we will continue to feed the beast.  Feeding the beast and becoming complacent to its existence could be compared to that young man who lived with the grizzly bears.  That did not work out so well.

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