Sunday, July 21, 2019

From The Desk of the Dog

Hello!  It's Runtly, the ever so entertaining Jack Russell Terrier, JRT for short.  I told Mom it was my turn because I had a lot of stuff to get off my chest.

First, I want to tell you something about my Mama that I forgot to mention the last time.  She is so brave!  When I was at her house, the neighbors stopped by to visit with the other humans and they had a dog with them!  She was a pretty dog named Abbie and she was big!  Way bigger than me and Mama.......Mom says Mama and me....whatever, I'm tellin' the story!  Anyway, my Mama does not like any other girl dogs on her turf.  The next thing I knew, Mama took off and poor Abbie had hardly put her feet on the ground and Mama was on her!  I'd never seen anything like that before and I didn't know what to do!  There was all kinds of barking, snarlin', yelpin' even the humans were whooping.  Well, that Abbie had enough of that and she decided to defend herself and she bit my Mama!  I can't say that I blame her, I've seen Mama in a bad mood before.  When that happened, Mama's Dad scooped her up and she wailed all the way to the house!  Boy was that exciting!  Fun times with the fam.  I was disappointed though by not getting to meet Abbie up close.

But, I've had a rough few weeks this summer.  First Dad left.  He went somewhere to work and Mom and I stayed home.  I don't like that.  I didn't eat for three days and I slept on Dad's pillow just about every night he was gone.  Then, the very worst happened....Mom left too!  I knew something was up because there was this box thing in the front room that Mom always puts stuff in when she is going to be gone.  I had to stay with some people that I barely knew, even though I do like them a whole bunch, but I didn't know what was going on.  I only had to stay with them for one sleep and then Dad came home!  I was so happy to see him when he came to pick me up, but when we got back home, Mom was still gone.  She was gone for a really long time and I looked and looked for her.

Then one day, Dad left for just a little while and when he came back, he had Mom with him!  I was so happy to see her!  She even let me get in that box thing and I found a present she brought me!  Mom and Dad just don't seem to understand how upsetting it is for my routine to be upended.  But, I've been showing Mom what I thought about it.  I slept on Dad's side of the bed for several sleeps after she came home.....I showed her.  

But, I'm over it now and I'm back on Mom's side of the bed.  I always try to make sure she's got enough room to not fall off the side, but rarely does she have enough blankey to cover up with. Mom says it's about six inches of bed, but I don't know what that means and if there are six of them, I better try to catch em'! 
Until my next adventure, Woof!

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