Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Because Of This

There is compelling and mounting evidence that civilized civilization has been around a lot longer than five or six thousand years.  Following this line of thought and if one takes the time to delve into this information, one will find there is a plethora of evidence backing up this claim.  

Searching for the real answers can sometimes lead a person to a point where they must take a step back and look at things from a distance, if only for a little while.  Not doing this, especially when going against the grain of everything we were told as truth, can nearly lead a person down the path of madness.  

We are told that, right now, in this time in history, humankind is the most advanced intellectually as it has ever been.  Many times my searches into this topic take me to places, via the computer, where people have the opportunity to post their own thoughts on whatever topic is being discussed.  Reading through these posts brings me to the realization that if we are the most advanced, smartest and wisest of the homo-sapiens, I would beg to differ.

It does not matter what the subject is, someone will throw in a comment that either deals with religion or politics and from there the entire discussion begins to disintegrate into a mindless mess of meanness.  During the quagmire of 'having the last word' posts, someone will ALWAYS toss in the "End Times" are upon us.  

People have been predicting the end of the world for a really long time.  One of the dates of end times found goes back to 66 CE, 
nearly two thousand years ago.  Following is a list of 5 of the most recent dooms day predictions:

5.  William Miller had quite a following back in the 1840's.  He predicted that Christ would return in 1843.  When that didn't happen, he changed the date to 1844.  This was known as Millerism.

4.  In 1910, the approach of Halley's Comet had so many people believing the end was near, that someone had the brilliant idea to sell bottled air.

3.  1988 was the year, according to True Way, that the earth was going to be destroyed.  But, people could survive the end by purchasing a ride on a UFO that would take them somewhere else, although that 'somewhere' was not mentioned exactly.

2.  A man by the name of Harold Camping, who strangely enough had a large following, predicted the end of the world.....12 times.

1.  The Mayan Calendar.  This is one of the most recent predictions of the Apocalypse and to  make a long story short, that didn't happen either.

What people fail to realize is one very important truth.  There is a Bible story that tells how one man talked God out of destroying an entire nation of people.  There are hundreds of thousands of people, all over the earth, who spend a great deal of their time in petition.  Meaning, they pray.  They pray for peace and for a healing of our home, the Earth.  They pray for the spiritual awakening of the rest of humanity.  Many do it silently and even though it is not plastered all over the evening news, it still goes on.  It is because of this, that I do not believe the end is coming anytime soon.  We have far too much to learn yet, and hopefully, if we look back far enough, we can learn from our mistakes.  

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