Friday, December 22, 2017

A Year in Review, Runtly Style

First, let me, Runtly, the ever so entertaining Jack Russell Terrier, start out by stating that if Mom said 'she would never be one of those people' once, she has said it 100 times.

It seems like my year started out with a lot of miles spent riding in a vehicle.  It was scary.  It made my heart go pitter patter and Mom had to give me some 'sleepy' medicine.  It did not really make me go to sleep, but it helped with the sound of the traffic roaring by.  I do not like traffic.

I like my new home and have made many friends.  I also have made some not friendly friends and as luck would have it, they all live in my building.....right next door.  Their names are Layla, Biggie and Claire and they would like to eat me for a snack.  Layla tried to the other day, but Mom had me on the leash and swung me around like a helicopter until Layla's mom got her under control.  It was fun, sort of and sort of not.  When Biggie and Claire are outside, I bark at them and show them my teeth.  I do this from the second story deck, I show them who is the boss.  I have more people friends than I do dogs and all the kids at the school bus stop think I'm really cute.

This year I have acquired a wardrobe.  I have a blue t-shirt that has the words "BOW WOW" in glittery sparkles on the back and a grey sweater that reads "woof".  I do not like them, but Mom seems to think they are great fun.  I might like the sweater when it is cold outside, but I'm not telling Mom.  She always tries to take my picture when I have the ridiculous shirts on.  I hide as soon as I see her reach for that picture taking thing.  I do not like it either, Mom spends way too much time looking at it.  Valuable time she could be spending looking at me.  

I take a big walk almost every day.  Mom and I walk almost two miles!  When I get tired of walking, I tap Mom on the back of the leg and she carries me.  Mom is nice.

I did my very first sleepover away from home this year and spent the night with my buddy, Franklin.  I did not like it, but I used his bathroom just like I do at home and Franklin was impressed.  Mom says I'm really smart.

Dad and I spent NASCAR season on the couch together.  It was a lot of fun and Dad is warm.  Now that NASCAR season is over, we like to watch funny videos.  Dad is fun.  Dad shares his chips too.

I've been trying really hard to not be afraid in the vehicle.  As soon as I hear Mom pick up the keys to the truck, I tell her I want to go.  I am very brave and stand in the passenger seat, at least until we pull out of the complex onto the busy street.  When I see all the traffic, I have to sit next to Mom.  But, as soon as she turns the truck back into our complex, I get very brave again.  Maybe next year I will be able to go farther than two blocks.  

I had a package under the Christmas tree this year and it was from my Grandma!!  Grandma is nice.  Mom said it was time to go through my toy basket and get rid of a few things.  Mom is mean.

Once this year I ate something I found in the middle of the road, when Mom wasn't looking.  It seemed tasty to me, but then I puked for two days.  Mom says she has been looking at muzzles.  Mom should pay better attention to me.  

My cousin, Boy, sent me a text message.  He said he and his dad watched the movie 'Goodfellas' together.  After it was over, Boy told his dad he wanted to be called Henry from now on.  I think Henry is a nice name.

It has been a fun year.  I have a nice place to live, food and water in my coffee cups on a blue place mat, toys galore and I get to sleep in Mom and Dad's bed. I always take up as much room as I want.  Mom says she has become one of those people.  I do not know what than means.

Mom says it is time for me to get out of her chair.  I hope everyone has a barkly and sparkly Happy New Year!!

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