Wednesday, January 6, 2016

A World of Changes

     When sunlight passes through a prism, it changes the white light into a spectrum of color.  As we experience this sojourn on Earth, we refer to as life, we walk through many changes.

     It is part of a package deal, for without changes, life would become rather stagnant.  It could be likened to the fish that spends its entire existence in a glass bowl.  How boring and sad that would be.

    That does not mean that a change is always welcome. Sometimes we can be found digging in our heels, kicking and screaming or hanging onto some solid object, to avoid having to go through a change in our comfort zone.  We react much like the cat that does not want to go into the bucket of water or the child who is not ready to enter through the school door for the first time.

     With some of the changes we experience, we find out that they really were not so bad after all.  We wonder why we were afraid to try something new.  Other times, changes can be extremely difficult and heart wrenching, but as we wake up to each new day, we discover that we have survived and can continue to do so.

     Having decided to dive head first into a pool of information, that I long ago turned my back to, I know I will go through many changes.  If you have not seen me physically dive into a real pool, I can assure you, it is not a pretty sight.  But, in my mind's eye, I have executed a perfect 10 point landing with nary a ripple left behind.  There will be times of uncertainty and most likely many sacrifices, but in the long scheme of things, it will prove to be the right thing to do.

     Watching my better half pack his belongings into a truck and move a thousand miles away for work was one of the hardest changes either of us has ever experienced.  We flashed each other a peace sign as he drove off, even though there was no peace in our hearts at the time.  A very difficult change indeed.

     Another interesting thing about a prism is that if the spectrum of color is sent through another prism, it turns back to white light.  In a recent book I read, the author compared this to the soul's journey. We come from the white light of God, pass through the colors of life and return to where we came from in the first place.

     Accept the changes.  Walk through the colors of your life and be not afraid.

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