Friday, January 3, 2014

Very Ho Hum

     I did it again.  This is the second time in as many weeks that I have fallen victim to this day wrecker.  I over slept.

     I was wide awake at 4 a.m. and should have gotten up then.  But no, by the time it was time for me to rise, I was somewhere far, far away.  No colorful fish or turtle eating alligators this time, just complete blankness.

     I think I will blame it on a prescription I was supposed to take.  When I received this medicine, I was to take it for ten days.  Since I got it during the busiest time of the year, I decided to wait and start it when life calmed down.  

     I started it Wednesday night, before bedtime.  I had to go downstairs to get it, but I made the mistake of stopping off in another room before I got back to my bedroom.  I had taken the first pill, while I was downstairs, then when I was sidetracked to the other room, that is where I set the bottle down.  Luckily, I did not share this faux pas with my husband and saved myself from the "if you would put things in the same place...." he is so fond of sharing with me.

     I remembered this at 4 a.m. this morning so I jumped out of bed, retrieved the meds, took one and hopped back into bed.  That alone should have made me realize it would have been easier to just stay up, but since the outside temperature was below zero, the bed felt pretty toasty.  

     One side effect of this medicine is that it promotes sleep....that obviously worked.

     Of all days to sleep in, this was not the day for it.  Today is paperwork day.  Yuk, I do dislike paperwork.  I've actually been working on it for three days, after I pulled the cardboard box from beneath the desk where I had swept it all out of sight, so the desk would look good.

     I had put it off long enough that it took all four of my TV trays, arranged in a neat semi-circle behind my chair, to sort it.  They are empty now but the remains of the last one are plopped in front of me, on the desk, waiting patiently.  I try not to look at them, never make eye contact with an angry animal, but I can see its tail twitching. 

     This is also the day I must go to the closest office supply store, which is 30 miles away.  There is no putting this assignment off, not with another winter blast headed our way, I just won't get there as early as planned.  At least the added delay gives me more time to think about all the goodies I will need and maybe add to my list.

     Speaking of lists, I get ten times more done when I make myself a to-do list each day.  I think the very act of physically marking off each chore is the only reason I make a list in the first place.  There is some sort of deep gratification I get from looking at a list with all the chores marked off.  I like to put mundane to-do things on my list, like "make a list", just so I can have more to check off.  That makes it look like I really accomplished a lot in one day.

     The weekend, even though it has felt like the weekend for the last two days, will bring about the return to normal.  That will be a good thing, I need to get back into my routine, back to my list making.

     Well, I've made the mistake of looking at the stack of angry paper on top of my desk, and it's starting to hiss at me.  I could show it a thing or two, whack it with a ruler and shove it back in the box, but sigh, I would have to deal with it later.  

     Happy Paperwork Friday to me, hopefully the trip to the store will enlighten me with more interesting content.



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