We are in for another blast of bitter cold Arctic air. The meteorologists are referring to it as a vortex. I think they just give cool sounding names to weird weather anomalies to make us think we might enjoy it more if we don't call it what it is......super freaking cold air swooping down from the north.
If I want to experience a vortex, I'll go to Sedona, Arizona. They have vortexes that are portals of time/space warps that let us access a higher plane of existence. They allow us to raise our vibration and gain inner wisdom and peace. Don't roll your eyes, that kind of vortex sounds a whole lot more fun and interesting than one that is going to bring -30 degree wind chill factors.
I have had another item added to my schedule. Dog sitting, or granddog sitting. Yes, for the next four days, I have a small bundle of pure energy to care for. Josie is a pure bred Jack Russel terrier. For those of you who may not be familiar with the breed, let's put it this way, there's going to be lots of boinging going on. She can go from all four feet on the floor to eye level with me instantly and can continue this bouncing for as long as it takes for her to get her message across. That message usually means she needs to go outside. Small dogs have small bladders. I had her during the last arctic vortex so my only saving grace is the fact that she has very short hair and doesn't like the cold any more than I do.
My granddaughter arrived in pretty good humor, but alas, it didn't last long. Yesterday I thought we were going to get through our four hours together without a meltdown.....that didn't happen either. But, it was close, we only had fifteen minutes to go. This morning she was mad because the i-pad, or whatever it is, that she knows how to operate, wasn't picking up the internet signal, therefore interrupting her movie. I tried to explain what the problem was but trying to explain an internet connection to a 3 year old is like trying to explain that water really comes from someplace further away than the faucet. She is now reading a book to the dog.
The morning paper even came this morning, but since that hasn't happened in so long, we've stopped looking to see if it's on the front porch. The only reason I knew it was here was because of the above mentioned small bladder syndrome. I don't know if they have found someone new to deliver it or if it was just a fluke. Regardless of how it got here, I'm out of the mood to read it.
Yesterday marked a turning point in my life. I started my book. Not reading one.....writing one. Five hundred words down, 45,500 words to go. It was a liberating feeling, like having a veil lifted. Now that I have shared this intimate info, you have my permission to continue to ask me, "Are you done yet?" for as long as it takes.
Hopefully I will not stop the car and tell you to get out.
We need some warm temps and sunshine....January is almost over.
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