The trip to the office supply store proved to be rather uneventful. There's not a whole lot of excitement to be had buying 3 tab files, envelopes and storage boxes to put all of last years' 3 tab files in.
I did pick up a new calculator since the 5 button kept sticking on the old one, making some of my calculations way out of whack. I think I will like the new one as soon as I make some small adjustments to it. The crazy thing doesn't sit level on the desk. Brand new, out of the box and it wobbles whilst entering numerous numerals. Sounds like an angry woodpecker and it drives me nuts. Guess I will cut its tiny rubber feet off and see if that solves the problem.
The trip home was boring too until I met the idiot coming across my lane of traffic. I could see them getting closer and closer to the center line and I had a pretty good idea of what was going on. After crossing the line and then yanking their vehicle back where it was supposed to be, they whizzed by me. Just as I thought, he had both hands on top of the steering wheel, holding his phone, texting.
I wonder what we all did before we had cell phones. They seem to have become a body part we can't live without. Cell phones give us constant communication and most of that communication we'd rather not see. Sometimes I like to write poetry. There's a poem in the back of my head that could go something like this:
'While you are sitting high upon the throne,
Please do not send pictures from your phone.'
This previously mentioned idiot had forgotten that it's illegal, in the great state of Illinois, to text while driving. Now thanks to idiots like him and many others, it's illegal to talk and drive. Probably should have been a no-brainer, but now we have it as a law.
Speaking of tax payers money well spent, the state has introduced 14 new laws this year. 14 for 14, someone was being really clever and probably received a nice bonus for that one. Anyway, one of the laws is having to be 18 years old before you can use a tanning bed. This only applies to commercial tanning beds, the ones people have in their homes are still fair game. I guess this is the state's way of taking over where a lack of parenting has left that particular area of the brain.
It seems to me one of the best ways to show a group of young people the adverse effects of fake baking would be to line up a group of adults who have been doing it for decades. There is no amount of wrinkle reducing cream on the planet that will reverse the damage.
Maybe I'm just being bias, my skin has always been dark. I'm not black, no room for political correctiness here, or Hispanic. Most of my ancestors heralded from England and Ireland, but somewhere in the mix was a full blooded American Indian. She chose to raise her genes in my sister Lela, and myself. We have scores of old group pictures from school years past and we stand out like, yellow in snow.
Speaking of snow, there is another ma' honkin' storm headed our way. Not only are we supposed to get possibly 6 to 12 inches of snow, but its going to be followed by a blast of cold that hasn't been seen around here in over 20 years. The weather apps on my phone tell me to expect 15 below zero by Monday morning. I don't care who you are, that's cold. I hope people not only remember to check on other people but remember their pets. Most outside animals can find shelter, but if you're tied to the end of a chain and the dog house isn't heated, you're in for a rough time. They need water too and it will be a whole lot easier to give them water if they are inside. Going out with a pan of water with temperatures of -15 and a wind chill factor of -30 makes for a pan of ice by the time you get there. Take care of your critters.
There may be one thing this winter shocker might be good for. Over the last decade or so, we have been plagued with a small insect commonly referred to as the Buffalo Gnat. They look like a small house fly and begin to emerge at the very hint of spring. They are beyond annoying. They will get in your ears, eyes, nose, mouth and hair. If you use any kind of product in your hair, such as gel, mousse or "glue", not only will they get in your locks, you will look like an insect version of Medusa. They are so thick in our area, they have been known to smother small animals and chickens, death by gnat is a gruesome thing indeed. They also bite and the only way to keep them off is by marinating yourself in a vat of vanilla or the ever so pleasing smell of bug repellent.
They can winter for several months but since our winters have been rather mild maybe this blast will freeze dry their little carcasses to the point of extinction. That would be a good thing.
Time to prepare for the storm, batten down the hatches and stock the pantry. "Something wicked this way comes" and for those of you in its path, take care.
For those of you who may be basking in the sun.....nana nana do do to you......sister Lela.
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