Thursday, January 30, 2014

Short & Snarky

     There's nothing like a good old sinus infection to make you feel like crap.  I've tried to ignore it, thinking it would go on its way to some other unsuspecting customer, but it didn't.  My granddaughter had it last week, I suspect that's where I picked it up.  

     I've sneezed so many times in the last couple of days that this morning I literally hobbled out of bed.  I read somewhere that a sneeze uses every muscle in the body.  I believe it's true.  Perhaps I will be lean and toned by the time this stuff is over, but for now I feel as if an eighteen wheeler ran over me.

     The last time I had this I did some research online for a home remedy.  I found an interesting article on vinegar.  It said to put a couple of ounces in a bottle of water and sip it all day.  Or, you could just drink it straight.  I chose the latter.  Yep, filled up a shot glass and down the hatch, bottoms up......I nearly died.  It was much like the time my older cousin, who I thought the sun rose and set in, offered me a shot of his dad's whiskey.  I was about 8 at the time and he was probably close to 16.  I nearly died then too.  That was some bad stuff.  I gagged and gasped while he was trying to get me to be quiet, so we both didn't end up in trouble.  I don't remember if we did, but I learned that if he told me to go play in the traffic, it probably wasn't a very good idea.

     Did the vinegar work?  Well, sorta.  I had to work really hard to keep it down and it didn't want to stay down.  I figured if it came back up, that was going to be really ugly.  You can't throw up without some of it coming out of your nose.  I think it did work, if nothing but to give my body something else to focus on.

     My nose feels like I have taken a piece of sandpaper to the end of it.  One should never use tissues when one has to blow their nose 1400 times a day.  Paper tissues, being made from wood, are not kind to the end of the nose.  Today I have one of my husbands' huge red bandanna hankies.  It is much softer on my nose and I may just cram it into each nostril and save myself the trouble of having to blow.

     Off to the kitchen to find the vinegar.  Think I will water it down this time.  Vinegar has a ton of uses and one of them is dissolving calcium deposits.  I hope it doesn't dissolve my bones, but if it does I'll just slither out of bed tomorrow.


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