I've spent the greater part of three hours wandering. I've wandered from room to room, outside a couple of times, then back in to wander some more.
I do dislike being unorganized, but seem to be in a constant state of it. I see those advertisements for organization, which usually consists of numerous baskets in which to put stuff. I need some for my brain. Little brain organizing baskets, I could stack them in my frontal lobe like rolls of toilet paper. Then I could pilfer through each basket, admiring how organized I have become. That might eliminate my wandering, but at least I'm getting some kind of exercise.
I'm trying to pinpoint the exact cause of my disorganization. I have a ton of stuff to do, but it seems I just think about doing it. It may be because I'm trying to redo a schedule that I have followed for years.
I've always gotten up early, dressed, with my beloved shoes on, hair fixed, etc., before I ever leave the bedroom. I don't know what it is about shoes, but mine are on my feet all day long, they don't come off until I'm back in the bedroom, getting ready for bed.
It might have something to do with taking on a couple of other projects, one involving a small blonde haired, blue eyed 3 year old little girl. My youngest granddaughter is now staying with me three mornings each week. She is a delight and I figure once I get used to the change, she will be an endless source of fun information.
Right now though, with Dora the Explorer droning in the background, all I want to do is sing "The Map" song.
I let the Queen in the house too. She would like to sit on my desk and watch me, but since it is once again covered with endless amounts of paper and 4 days worth of mail, she has commenced to walking on my keyboard. I thought maybe she would make more sense than me, but her words are obviously written in a feline code and are undecipherable.
If I can find my notebook, I will make a list. That always seems to help. The first thing I should probably put on it is, "fix hair" because, as my wonderful Aunt Lela used to say, "it looks like the cats have been sucking on it."
Maybe tomorrow, yeah tomorrow, I'll be better.
I'll put that on my list, "better tomorrow", and follow it up with, "good luck with that."
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