Friday, May 9, 2014

What's Next?

     I asked my electrician buddy the following question:  "If, while the oven is preheating, you walk past and peer in the window and you see something that looks like a welding arc on the heating element in said oven, is that a pretty good indication the element is toast?"

     He chuckled and assured me it was.  

     I don't remember what it was that I was going to put in the oven, but I'm sure it ended up in the microwave.  I believe that appliances today only have about a 10 year working life, but I don't believe the stove is that old.  I have yet to replace it, if it's not working, then I have an excuse not to bake.

     Next was the ice maker.  It has churned out ice all through this past winter.  Now that it's time for cold icy drinks, it decides to shoot craps.  Back to the good ole plastic ice trays.  At least they are reliable, even though they do work much better filled and in the freezer than sitting empty on the counter.....which is where they are now.

     We were told last summer that the central air conditioner unit was on its last leg, but it made it through the summer.  I'm not turning it on until I'm about in melt mode, besides it's only May and there are a few cool days in the forecast.

     All good things must come to an end, but is it necessary that they all come to an end at the same time?  Hope I'm not next on the list!

     Today I'm off on another road trip.  "It's only a couple of hours.", he said.  He lied, it's more like way.  Oh well, if I'm on the road the rest of the working appliances in the house can have a break.  No pun intended.

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