Monday, May 5, 2014

Fraudulently Frazzled

     The weather this past weekend was fabulous.  I spent most all of two days outdoors.  I should have stayed in.  I should have worked all weekend.  Today I'm overwhelmed. 

     I had to go back and read some of my own sage advice.  Easy to dish it out, not always so easy to apply it.  "Let go and let God" someone said.  Such silky words to fall from our lips, but oh so hard to do.

     I thought this morning I might explode from the pressure I was feeling.  Last Friday, I felt I was all caught up with my time schedule.  Today I felt like I was in a landslide and going down hill fast.  How could I have gotten so far behind?  Then I looked at the calendar.  It's May 5, 2014.  I thought it was the 12th.  Somewhere I had lost an entire week and was near panic mode.  

     I'm not sure what brought this sudden rush of paranoia into my brain, but it seems it was all self induced.  Why do we do that?  Why do we let ourselves get so worked up over things that aren't really so?  I don't know the answer to that.  Maybe it's the negative thought waves trying to convince us that they are right and everyone else is wrong.  They can be so deceiving.  That's the nature of their game.  If you aren't happy, content, they're throwing a party at your expense.  Negative thought waves like us to stay at their low frequency.

     After I realized I hadn't actually lost seven days of my life by some mysterious force, Ms. Sassafrass and I went out side for a break.  She played, I cut weeds out of the garden.

     "Why are you cutting out the dandelions?" She asked.

     I explained to her that they were really weeds.  

     To her, that made no sense at all.  They were flowers as far as her almost 4 year old self was concerned.  She told me, "We love dandelions, we have a yard full of them."

     As I cut the next one out I remembered a time when I would gather as many dandelions as I could carry and deliver them to my mother or any other adult I would come in contact with.  They were beautiful yellow flowers that needed to be shared.  

     Maybe God speaks through small children.  I believe that children have a much closer and better understanding of just how God works because they haven't been away from him as long as we have.  They still have a memory of where they came from.

     I couldn't see the forest for the trees or the flowers for the weeds.  I will still cut them out of the garden, but I will take the time to reflect on how the universe does not work on my time line. For that I am deeply thankful.


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