The marriage experts use the following phrase: Don't go to bed angry. Good advice. But I think I'm safe in saying there isn't a married couple alive today who didn't spend the night perched on the edge of the mattress, holding on to the carrying handles so as to not fall off, because they weren't going to get anywhere close to the other person. Even if the other person was the last person on Earth.
Here's some more sage advice: Don't go to bed feeling guilty.
I did that last night. Why? Because I didn't blog yesterday. I was tired, I was blank........and those are the only lame excuses I can come up with at the moment.
I did play the Yard Goddess though. Yes, I became one with the lawn. It had rained the night before so I rolled out early, fixed my hair, put on some makeup, donned my knee high rubber boots and headed for the shed. You never know when fixed hair and makeup might come in handy whilst doing some yard work.
It was time to apply the weed and feed. I gathered up my little hand held, hand crank spreader and filled it to the brim. Then I noticed something. The grass really wasn't wet. I'm not sure how that happened because we got some heavy rain, but as I did a little closer inspection, the weeds were dry as a bone.
Not to be outdone by Mother Nature, I decided to wet down the grass before I started. For some reason I have enough garden hose to go dang near up town. I don't know why, but at the time of purchasing garden hoses, I must have thought the more the merrier.
I plodded back through the yard to where the hose was and proceeded to take it off the rack that it hangs on. It was cool yesterday morning, in the mid 50's. Those are not user friendly temperatures when it comes to trying to unwind 200 feet of garden hose full of cold water. It would have been easy if I'd had a straight shot from the hose to the end of the yard, but no, my yard is full of stuff. A couple of raised patios, a flower garden, a huge slab of concrete that serves for a basketball court or race track depending on the game of the day and numerous articles of yard art.
I wrestled that stupid hose from the back yard to the front, but by golly, I succeeded in getting the grass wet so the weed and feed would be applied as to the directions. A local farmer stopped by, while I was out front, to ask me if I had a license to apply said chemicals to my lawn. I assured him that my trusty hand crank spreader and rubber boots were all the license I needed and was certainly glad I had taken the time to fix my hair.
By the time I got finished and got the garden hose returned to its rightful spot, I knew right then and there, I did not want to be a fireman.
The rest of the day was spent in the studio, working on orders. It was at the end of the day I realized there wasn't enough of the special protective coating, that I use on the beads, to get a first coat on them. This was not good. The only place that carries it was 45 miles away. I didn't have the time or energy to go that far, so I said the heck with it and called it a day.
This morning I hopped out of bed at 4 a.m. to finish an order, then jumped in the car and drove the 45 miles to buy the finishing product. It was a nice drive and early enough that the traffic was minimal. Of course, there was a "the left lane was made for me" driver who passed me and then decided to get in the right lane. About four miles down the road, she decided to hit the brakes and drive under the speed limit. Maybe she had a wasp in her car, I don't know, but I flew around her and headed on my merry way.
The return trip was more interesting as I got to draft with an 18-wheeler. That makes for a shaky ride, but I figured if it helped with the fuel consumption I could drive white knuckled for as long as possible.
The beads are resting quietly with their first coat, on the drying rack and I've had the time to write. The title of today's blog has absolutely nothing to do with what I wrote, I just liked the way it sounded. It reminds me of a movie with a similar title and despite what the critics said, I thought it was the dumbest movie I'd ever seen.
Today's going to be a good day, hope your's is too.
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