Hello everyone! It's Runtly, the ever so entertaining Jack Russell Terrier, JRT for short! Boy oh boy, do I have a story for you all!
See, I live in the country now and I just love it. There are so many things to sniff each day and a new adventure waits around each corner. I have a nice big yard that I can explore and the other day a deer was in my yard. I didn't know what it was, but I sure gave it a run for its money! Even though I have a big place to roam, I pretty much stay close to the house. I really don't like to be too far from my peeps.
Mom bought a gadget for the house awhile back that is supposed to get rid of the mice. It took a couple of days for it to work and the last mouse in the house had the misfortune of setting off a trap at 4:30 in the morning. THAT was a lot of fun! Mom had hoped I didn't hear the trap spring, but I did! I shot out of Mom and Dad's bed like a SpaceX rocket headed for Mars! That crazy mouse was between the clothes dryer and the wall. J
ust enough room for the mouse, but not enough room for me. I was in mouser mode and began to scratch and claw and howl like a banshee! Mom had to pull the dryer completely out of its spot and as soon as she did, I was on the mouse! This turned out to be a good thing because the mouse had only been caught by one of its tiny back feet and it got loose just as I got to it. I was so proud that I wanted to take it back to bed to show Dad, but Mom thought it was better to take it outside. Mom decided after all that excitement, going back to bed was out of the question.
The other morning, I went outside with Mom and Dad. They like to sit on the front porch, drink their tea and coffee and watch the meadow to see if the deer are moving. This is the time I get to investigate around the house. Of course, the first rule of engagement is to check the bench on the porch. There was no mouse there, so I headed out and around the house. The next thing to do was to see if anyone had left the shed door open. When it is open, I can sit in there for hours, in the seat of the lawn mower and watch for mice. It's like the easiest job ever, like shootin' fish in a barrel, whatever that means. The shed was all closed, but I was in luck, the garage door was up. That gadget thing Mom put in the house did not seem to work in the garage area as far as mice were concerned.
Mom and Dad sat on the porch for about an hour that morning. It had been really quiet and they even thought that there had been no traffic, cars or people. Mom decided to come look for me.......and I was nowhere to be found. She searched the garage and then she searched the house. She thought maybe I had gone back inside, but neither she nor Dad was sure about that. She looked everywhere in the house. She checked the pantry because one day I got shut in there and stayed for over two hours and never made a peep. I wasn't in the pantry. She searched everywhere imaginable and still no me. Then Dad got in on the search. They figured I had been MIA for at least and hour, maybe more.
They walked around the yard and the house, calling for me and whistling. Still no me. The yard is surrounded by forest on three sides with a gravel road in the front. They were sure if I had gone down the road, they would have seen me. They began to search the tree line, still calling and still no me.
Mom began to cry. Her youngest human pup came over and together they drove around the lake looking for me. They spotted something white, against a tree, at the far end of a trail that lead to the edge of the lake.....but it was just an empty gallon jug. They returned to the house, empty handed. There seemed to be only two explanations, either someone, somehow, had taken me or something had decided I was lookin' like a tasty snack. Mom cried more. They searched for blood, but none was to be found. By this time, Dad was even a bit upset. They searched the woods behind the house, clear to the waters' edge looking for whatever remnant might be left.....but there was nothing.
Mom cried some more. She tried to tell herself that she was being foolish. After all, I's just a dog, but Mom was really sad. I had been missing three or four hours and although Mom had posted my disappearance on social media and lots and lots of folks had shared it and were praying for my return, there was still no me. I had simply vanished.
Mom finally sent a message to her friend, who is a psychic, to ask if I was dead. Her friend immediately called her, to tell her that I was not dead, but Mom was too sad to talk. Her friend told her that I had chased something, I was near a foundation and that there was a wooden gate, or something that was painted a bluish color.
Mom and Dad decided to go look for such a place at the neighbors' house. Mom grabbed the car keys and as she and Dad went out the door to the garage, she heard something.
See, the garage is hooked to the house, but it is on ground level. There are steps and a landing, that sit in the corner, that go up to the door to get into the house. There is a door, or gate, on the side of the landing, facing inside the garage, to be able to store stuff under the landing. On the other side of the landing and steps, next to the wall is a gap of about 4 inches. The reason for this is because the foundation for the house runs through the garage walls, about two feet high and extends into the garage.....about 4 inches.
Mom stood on the landing, shook the car keys and again heard a scratching noise. She ran down the steps, opened the door and there I was! She picked me up and put me on the landing. I looked at Mom and Dad and after realizing they were really not going to leave in the car (hey, jingling car keys are always my cue that I might be getting left behind) I noticed the shed doors were open. I trotted out of the garage, into the shed and took my place on the mower seat. Mom and Dad didn't know whether to be happy or wring my neck, but I guess they were happy.
Mom's friend had sent her a message at 2:28. It was a picture of a note from me and it said, "I'm Home!" They found me ten minutes later.
Mom is covered in chigger bites and has been overheard muttering something about never having another dog. Why would she, she's got me! Woof!
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