It's always a good idea, to give oneself time to thoroughly think a situation through, before making an important decision. This allows us to think rationally and takes the emotional part of it out of the equation. For instance, when in deep grief, major life changing decisions need to be put on hold for as long as possible.
I wanted to address the issue at hand when I was angry. I thought of all the things I wanted to say and then the Voice, who lives in my head, whispered "Give it 24 hours." For once, I took the Voices' advice without question.
The American people are in turmoil. It has been one thing after another. People are confused and do not know who to trust. It is deeply disturbing. One of these disturbing events, the riots over the death by police force, has awakened another sleeping demon. The sleeping demon wants to divide people even more by encouraging them to turn on each other.
The first one I noticed was an article about the New York Times. They provided information, what they thought was the best way, to deal with people during the death protests. They encouraged people, outraged with what happened, to not speak to their friends or family members who did not take to the streets to protest. These people had two options: protest or give money to help the cause. Then I saw a post from a young person that stated if your friends stay silent, then they are not your friends. The final one that broke my camel's back was the sign, "White silence is compliance." So, I decided to break my silence.
First, I have experienced racial ignorance, so has my husband. As a young girl, my skin was very dark. Looking at old photos of grade school pictures of the entire class, I was easily picked out of the crowd. In junior high, I spent more than a day or two in the coat room, in front of the class, trying to compose myself before I had to walk back out in front of everyone to return to my desk. The reason I was in there crying was because of being called the "N" word, or "blackie" or one of the numerous slurs used at the time. My husband, being from a unique mixture of Polynesian and Chinese descent, was called Buckwheat....and still is to this day. If you are unfamiliar with who Buckwheat was, do some research.
Now, do I think what happened to the man who died while in custody of the police is not a problem? Absolutely not. I think it was terrible. I think it was terrible that someone stood there and videoed the entire thing. I think it was terrible that no one would do anything to intervene, cops and bystanders included. I think it was grossly mishandled by the powers that be. Had the officers immediately been taken into custody, that might have thwarted the impending doom that was about to follow. But, none of those things happened. What did happen, in my opinion, was a complete, out of control, emotional response. What good does it do to completely destroy your community out of anger? Yes, racial profiling is a huge problem, but the riots certainly did nothing to fix that problem. If anything, it poured more salt on the wound.
So, this is what is happening. We are encouraged, by a massive main stream media, to turn on the people we love. We are dealt the race card at every opportunity. We are told over and over and over to stay home. We are told change needs to happen and that all this is the fault of the white man. We have been ordered not to gather, yet the streets have been filled with protests and riots. We have been unable to attend family gatherings, funerals and hospital visits. But suddenly, these orders do not apply to certain causes. Do you see what is happening?
We are living in the most amazing times. It is nearly biblical. We have been hoodwinked by a force so powerful, that they have used Nazi propaganda to turn us against each other. Guess what happens if this continues.....the right to speak out will be forever silenced and it will apply to both sides of this great conflict. United we stand, divided we fall and divided is right where the Deep State wants us to be. They want us to not think for ourselves. They want us to believe they can do it better and if we let that happen, there is going to be a huge amount of collateral damage. You know why? Because the ones screaming in the streets, encouraging each other to turn against their fellow man are the minority. Like it or not, that is the truth and these people have been played like an old deck of cards. If the Deep State wins, this minority of people will be dealt with quickly because they will no longer be needed.
There. I spoke out. I broke my silence. Do not preach to me about 'white silence' or white privilege. Violence and hate only produces violence and hate. We are all in this together and 'where we go one, we go all'. There is no skin color among Patriots. It's time to wake up and turn against the mind control that is being used against us, before it's too late. In the meantime, although I do not agree with the rhetoric that is being pumped through the airways, I still have the right to voice my opinion.....don't I?
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