Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Believe It Or Not

I like weird things.  Things like UFO's, sasquatch, aliens and conspiracy theories.  My three favorite listed weird things fall into  conspiracy theories.  The best part about conspiracy theories is when they are proven to be true.  UFO and alien proof are now backed up by, not only witness testimony, but tons of government documents.  Even the Navy has admitted to alien craft, sighted by skilled pilots and videoed, that are capable of speeds that far exceed anything our military branches have. Did you know there is a list of nonterrestrial officers? Believe it or not.

Sasquatch, that huge hairy critter who lives mostly in dense forests and mountains is a real thing.  I must add here that the main stream network  TV shows about the Sasquatch are far from being truthful on this subject.  They need ratings, so relying on facts doesn't happen much.  The truth about Sasquatch is that there is plenty of proof of their existence, they are not apes and their DNA leads to a human mother and a father that is not yet in the DNA database.....not of this world.  Believe it or not.

Why, if there is proof, are we not told these things?  Would it cause mass panic?  It would certainly upset the apple cart as far as what we have been drilled with to believe is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.  Who sits behind the curtain, with the control button, deciding what we can and cannot be told?  Do the powers that be want to keep us asleep?  

Now, as I stated in my last blog post, we, as a country, stand on the precipice of going one of two directions......entering a black hole or a great awakening.  What brings me to this belief?  I will list a few things, but first I want to explain something.  I never gave much thought to politics, or how the government works.  I did not even vote in the last presidential election because I had pretty much given up hope in a system that was full of so many flaws.  When, after the election, people began to lose their sanity, out of curiosity, I began to take notice.  It has been nearly four years and here is what I have found.

First, we were fed, nearly intravenously, that Russia had interfered in our election.  Russia.  Russia.  Russia.  Over and over again.  Then a bazillion dollars was spent investigating this idea, which was debunked.

Next, a member of Congress stood in front of the main stream media and read a completely bogus, made up, statement that stated, word for word, what the President had said to the leader of  Ukraine.  When the transcript of that call was instantly revealed, that statement was not in there.  But, that was never questioned, there was a new road to run down now, looking to for ways to get rid of the POTUS.  

Then came the impeachment process.  Meetings behind closed and locked doors.  Witnesses were hand picked to give the best damning evidence.  When they had reached their vote of impeachment the next weird thing came into play.....

The articles of impeachment were not handed to the next branch until the first mention of COV-19 hit the airways.  How weird is that?  Coincidence?

The MSM hit the ground running with the COV-19 scare.  The country was shut down for three months.  Nursing homes, in certain states, were forced to take back, into their facilities, from the hospitals, their COV-19 positive residents.  This backfired as nearly 44% percent of the COV-19 deaths, in the states that mandated this, were from nursing homes and the elderly who were infected by the return of positive patients.  

We were told to stay home.  Graduates did not get to celebrate with Pomp & Circumstance.  Weddings were put on hold.  Family members died, in lonely isolation, at hospitals.  Family owned businesses crumbled while Wal-Mart was considered essential.  Daring business owners were arrested and told they were selfish for wanting to provide for their families.  People isolated themselves from each other, in fear.  Social distancing rules were put into place.  Tape was put on the floors of businesses, considered essential, pointing to the direction of which to shop.  Masks had to be worn.  

Then a man died at the hands of another man.  Someone videoed this event.....that's called murder porn.  Yes, that's a real thing.  The city of Minneapolis exploded into riots and was nearly burnt to the ground.  From there, people in cities across the nation took to the streets.  In some of those streets were conveniently placed pallets of bricks.  Where did those come from? 

I know, I mentioned all this before, but there was something else that happened during this that is really weird.  80% of the rioters arrested in Minneapolis were from out of state and then, as law enforcement were preparing to diffuse the situation, their entire computer system was hacked with a denial of service.  Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz said, "Before our operation kicked off last night, a very sophisticated denial of service attack on all computers was executed.  That's not somebody sitting in their basement.  That's pretty sophisticated"................WHAT?!?  Does that not make you scratch your head and go hmmmmmm?

Then suddenly, COV-19 is gently swept under the rug as thousands of protesters gathered together.  The MSM now tells us that people who may have been carriers of covid, but who were not sick, RARELY infect other people.

Now, the weirdest thing of all is happening and little is being said about it.  There is now proof that the last administration formed a coup to take out a duly elected POTUS.  Is this not an act of treason?  The American people have been played once again in the biggest scandal in our government and no one seems to care.  This isn't about Russia, Ukraine, COV-19 or police brutality. It's about an election.  People all over the world are not laughing at us, they are watching us, they are praying for us because this country is the greatest country in the world and they do not want to see it crumble.  Believe it or not.

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