Monday, June 29, 2020

We Never Know

Although I had given some serious thought to making one, I couldn't pass it up.  After all, it was only $5 and in a weird sort of way, it was cute.  A small piece of corrugated metal curved over a backing of hard fiber board with another piece of fiber board for the front.  The front had been decorated in a southwestern theme, complete with a cactus and a 'Welcome' sign over the opening.  It was a bird house and just the size I was thinking about.

Living in the country has been a treat when it comes to the bird world.  There are so many different species that I had never seen all the years I lived in town.  But, one of my favorites, even in town, is the house wren.  When spring arrived, it wasn't long before I heard the familiar chatter of a wren looking for a nesting spot.  

The handy, ever at the ready, bird book states that the male wren will place two or three twigs in two or three locations.  When the female shows up, she will choose which site she likes the best and finish with the nest building.  

I attached my bargain bird house to the top of one of the post on the back deck the day I brought it home.  The next morning, there was a twig sticking out of the hole.  From that point on, the nest building was a frenzy of activity.  It was amusing to watch the wren navigate a long twig into a small opening.  Most times she was successful and other times the longer twigs were laying on the floor of the deck.  Once I broke some of these cast offs into smaller pieces and the next day they were all gone.  She really didn't need my help, but I was pleased that I had contributed to the project.  Within a few days, eggs were laid and the incubation period had begun.

The bird book also stated that the incubation period would last a couple of weeks and then another two weeks after that, the fledglings would be nearly ready for first flight.  There was never a time, during the day, that the adult wrens were not tag teaming to raise their brood.  After the first two weeks, tiny chirping could be heard and not long after that, they were big enough to peek out of the hole.

Then, one morning, as I walked out onto the deck, it was very quiet.  My first thought was that I had missed the first flight event and I was disappointed because it is always a treat to watch the adults protect their young as they learn how to make their wings work.  Suddenly, one of the adults landed on the railing and began to chatter, chatter, chatter.  When it quit, there was no response.  There was no response from the mate and no response of chirping from the chicks.  I just happened to look down at the floor and my heart sunk.  The deck was littered with nesting material and tiny feathers. The family was gone.

The one remaining adult continued to call for its mate.  The next day another adult did show up, but it did not stick around long.  Now, every morning, the lonely wren sits on the deck railing, tilts its head toward the bird house, listening for some sign of life.  At times, it sits in the house with its head sticking out of the hole but there is no other wren around and this adult has quit chattering.  It just sits silently.

It's a heart breaking scenario.  I do not know if it is grieving, but by human standards, it seems to be.  I have no idea what got into the nest, it could have been a raccoon or possibly a feral cat.  It really does not matter who or what did the damage because there is no changing the outcome.  We never know when something will come along and take the wind from our sails, but we must carry on.

Monday, June 22, 2020

From The Desk of The Dog: Mom's Really Bad Day

Hello everyone!  It's Runtly, the ever so entertaining Jack Russell Terrier, JRT for short!  Boy oh boy, do I have a story for you all!

See, I live in the country now and I just love it.  There are so many things to sniff each day and a new adventure waits around each corner.  I have a nice big yard that I can explore and the other day a deer was in my yard.  I didn't know what it was, but I sure gave it a run for its money!  Even though I have a big place to roam, I pretty much stay close to the house.  I really don't like to be too far from my peeps.

Mom bought a gadget for the house awhile back that is supposed to get rid of the mice.  It took a couple of days for it to work and the last mouse in the house had the misfortune of setting off a trap at 4:30 in the morning.  THAT was a lot of fun!  Mom had hoped I didn't hear the trap spring, but I did!  I shot out of Mom and Dad's bed like a SpaceX rocket headed for Mars!  That crazy mouse was between the clothes dryer and the wall.   J
ust enough room for the mouse, but not enough room for me.  I was in mouser mode and began to scratch and claw and howl like a banshee!  Mom had to pull the dryer completely out of its spot and as soon as she did, I was on the mouse!  This turned out to be a good thing because the mouse had only been caught by one of its tiny back feet and it got loose just as I got to it.  I was so proud that I wanted to take it back to bed to show Dad, but Mom thought it was better to take it outside.  Mom decided after all that excitement, going back to bed was out of the question.

The other morning, I went outside with Mom and Dad.  They like to sit on the front porch, drink their tea and coffee and watch the meadow to see if the deer are moving.  This is the time I get to investigate around the house.  Of course, the first rule of engagement is to check the bench on the porch.  There was no mouse there, so I headed out and around the house.  The next thing to do was to see if anyone had left the shed door open.  When it is open, I can sit in there for hours, in the seat of the lawn mower and watch for mice.  It's like the easiest job ever, like shootin' fish in a barrel, whatever that means.  The shed was all closed, but I was in luck, the garage door was up.  That gadget thing Mom put in the house did not seem to work in the garage area as far as mice were concerned.  

Mom and Dad sat on the porch for about an hour that morning.  It had been really quiet and they even thought that there had been no traffic, cars or people.  Mom decided to come look for me.......and I was nowhere to be found.  She searched the garage and then she searched the house.  She thought maybe I had gone back inside, but neither she nor Dad was sure about that.  She looked everywhere in the house.  She checked the pantry because one day I got shut in there and stayed for over two hours and never made a peep.  I wasn't in the pantry.  She searched everywhere imaginable and still no me.  Then Dad got in on the search.  They figured I had been MIA for at least and hour, maybe more.

They walked around the yard and the house, calling for me and whistling.  Still no me.  The yard is surrounded by forest on three sides with a gravel road in the front.  They were sure if I had gone down the road, they would have seen me.  They began to search the tree line, still calling and still no me.

Mom began to cry.  Her youngest human pup came over and together they drove around the lake looking for me.  They spotted something white, against a tree, at the far end of a trail that lead to the edge of the lake.....but it was just an empty gallon jug.  They returned to the house, empty handed.  There seemed to be only two explanations, either someone, somehow, had taken me or something had decided I was lookin' like a tasty snack.  Mom cried more.  They searched for blood, but none was to be found.  By this time, Dad was even a bit upset.  They searched the woods behind the house, clear to the waters' edge looking for whatever remnant might be left.....but there was nothing.  

Mom cried some more.  She tried to tell herself that she was being foolish.  After all, I's just a dog, but Mom was really sad.  I had been missing three or four hours and although Mom had posted my disappearance on social media and lots and lots of folks had shared it and were praying for my return, there was still no me.  I had simply vanished.

Mom finally sent a message to her friend, who is a psychic, to ask if I was dead.  Her friend immediately called her, to tell her that I was not dead, but Mom was too sad to talk.  Her friend told her that I had chased something, I was near a foundation and that there was a wooden gate, or something that was painted a bluish color.  

Mom and Dad decided to go look for such a place at the neighbors' house.  Mom grabbed the car keys and as she and Dad went out the door to the garage, she heard something.  

See, the garage is hooked to the house, but it is on ground level.  There are steps and a landing, that sit in the corner, that go up to the door to get into the house.  There is a door, or gate, on the side of the landing, facing inside the garage, to be able to store stuff under the landing.  On the other side of the landing and steps, next to the wall is a gap of about 4 inches.  The reason for this is because the foundation for the house runs through the garage walls, about two feet high and extends into the garage.....about 4 inches. 

Mom stood on the landing, shook the car keys and again heard a scratching noise.  She ran down the steps, opened the door and there I was!   She picked me up and put me on the landing.  I looked at Mom and Dad and after realizing they were really not going to leave in the car (hey, jingling car keys are always my cue that I might be getting left behind) I noticed the shed doors were open.  I trotted out of the garage, into the shed and took my place on the mower seat.  Mom and Dad didn't know whether to be happy or wring my neck, but I guess they were happy.  

Mom's friend had sent her a message at 2:28.  It was a picture of a note from me and it said, "I'm Home!"  They found me ten minutes later.  

Mom is covered in chigger bites and has been overheard muttering something about never having another dog.  Why would she, she's got me!  Woof!

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Believe It Or Not

I like weird things.  Things like UFO's, sasquatch, aliens and conspiracy theories.  My three favorite listed weird things fall into  conspiracy theories.  The best part about conspiracy theories is when they are proven to be true.  UFO and alien proof are now backed up by, not only witness testimony, but tons of government documents.  Even the Navy has admitted to alien craft, sighted by skilled pilots and videoed, that are capable of speeds that far exceed anything our military branches have. Did you know there is a list of nonterrestrial officers? Believe it or not.

Sasquatch, that huge hairy critter who lives mostly in dense forests and mountains is a real thing.  I must add here that the main stream network  TV shows about the Sasquatch are far from being truthful on this subject.  They need ratings, so relying on facts doesn't happen much.  The truth about Sasquatch is that there is plenty of proof of their existence, they are not apes and their DNA leads to a human mother and a father that is not yet in the DNA database.....not of this world.  Believe it or not.

Why, if there is proof, are we not told these things?  Would it cause mass panic?  It would certainly upset the apple cart as far as what we have been drilled with to believe is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.  Who sits behind the curtain, with the control button, deciding what we can and cannot be told?  Do the powers that be want to keep us asleep?  

Now, as I stated in my last blog post, we, as a country, stand on the precipice of going one of two directions......entering a black hole or a great awakening.  What brings me to this belief?  I will list a few things, but first I want to explain something.  I never gave much thought to politics, or how the government works.  I did not even vote in the last presidential election because I had pretty much given up hope in a system that was full of so many flaws.  When, after the election, people began to lose their sanity, out of curiosity, I began to take notice.  It has been nearly four years and here is what I have found.

First, we were fed, nearly intravenously, that Russia had interfered in our election.  Russia.  Russia.  Russia.  Over and over again.  Then a bazillion dollars was spent investigating this idea, which was debunked.

Next, a member of Congress stood in front of the main stream media and read a completely bogus, made up, statement that stated, word for word, what the President had said to the leader of  Ukraine.  When the transcript of that call was instantly revealed, that statement was not in there.  But, that was never questioned, there was a new road to run down now, looking to for ways to get rid of the POTUS.  

Then came the impeachment process.  Meetings behind closed and locked doors.  Witnesses were hand picked to give the best damning evidence.  When they had reached their vote of impeachment the next weird thing came into play.....

The articles of impeachment were not handed to the next branch until the first mention of COV-19 hit the airways.  How weird is that?  Coincidence?

The MSM hit the ground running with the COV-19 scare.  The country was shut down for three months.  Nursing homes, in certain states, were forced to take back, into their facilities, from the hospitals, their COV-19 positive residents.  This backfired as nearly 44% percent of the COV-19 deaths, in the states that mandated this, were from nursing homes and the elderly who were infected by the return of positive patients.  

We were told to stay home.  Graduates did not get to celebrate with Pomp & Circumstance.  Weddings were put on hold.  Family members died, in lonely isolation, at hospitals.  Family owned businesses crumbled while Wal-Mart was considered essential.  Daring business owners were arrested and told they were selfish for wanting to provide for their families.  People isolated themselves from each other, in fear.  Social distancing rules were put into place.  Tape was put on the floors of businesses, considered essential, pointing to the direction of which to shop.  Masks had to be worn.  

Then a man died at the hands of another man.  Someone videoed this event.....that's called murder porn.  Yes, that's a real thing.  The city of Minneapolis exploded into riots and was nearly burnt to the ground.  From there, people in cities across the nation took to the streets.  In some of those streets were conveniently placed pallets of bricks.  Where did those come from? 

I know, I mentioned all this before, but there was something else that happened during this that is really weird.  80% of the rioters arrested in Minneapolis were from out of state and then, as law enforcement were preparing to diffuse the situation, their entire computer system was hacked with a denial of service.  Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz said, "Before our operation kicked off last night, a very sophisticated denial of service attack on all computers was executed.  That's not somebody sitting in their basement.  That's pretty sophisticated"................WHAT?!?  Does that not make you scratch your head and go hmmmmmm?

Then suddenly, COV-19 is gently swept under the rug as thousands of protesters gathered together.  The MSM now tells us that people who may have been carriers of covid, but who were not sick, RARELY infect other people.

Now, the weirdest thing of all is happening and little is being said about it.  There is now proof that the last administration formed a coup to take out a duly elected POTUS.  Is this not an act of treason?  The American people have been played once again in the biggest scandal in our government and no one seems to care.  This isn't about Russia, Ukraine, COV-19 or police brutality. It's about an election.  People all over the world are not laughing at us, they are watching us, they are praying for us because this country is the greatest country in the world and they do not want to see it crumble.  Believe it or not.

Monday, June 8, 2020

Breaking Mine

It's always a good idea, to give oneself time to thoroughly think  a situation through, before making an important decision.  This allows us to think rationally and takes the emotional part of it out of the equation.  For instance, when in deep grief, major life changing decisions need to be put on hold for as long as possible.

I wanted to address the issue at hand when I was angry.  I thought of all the things I wanted to say and then the Voice, who lives in my head, whispered "Give it 24 hours."  For once, I took the Voices' advice without question.

The American people are in turmoil.  It has been one thing after another.  People are confused and do not know who to trust.  It is deeply disturbing.  One of these disturbing events, the riots over the death by police force, has awakened another sleeping demon.  The sleeping demon wants to divide people even more by encouraging them to turn on each other.    

The first one I noticed was an article about the New York Times.  They provided information, what they thought was the best way, to deal with people during the death protests.  They encouraged people, outraged with what happened, to not speak to their friends or family members who did not take to the streets to protest.  These people had two options: protest or give money to help the cause.  Then I saw a post from a young person that stated if your friends stay silent, then they are not your friends.  The final one that broke my camel's back was the sign, "White silence is compliance."  So, I decided to break my silence.

First, I have experienced racial ignorance, so has my husband.  As a young girl, my skin was very dark.  Looking at old photos of grade school pictures of the entire class, I was easily picked out of the crowd.  In junior high, I spent more than a day or two in the coat room, in front of the class, trying to compose myself before I had to walk back out in front of everyone to return to my desk.  The reason I was in there crying was because of being called the "N" word, or "blackie" or one of the numerous slurs used at the time.  My husband, being from a unique mixture of Polynesian and Chinese descent, was called Buckwheat....and still is to this day.  If you are unfamiliar with who Buckwheat was, do some research.
Now, do I think what happened to the man who died while in custody of the police is not a problem?  Absolutely not.  I think it was terrible.  I think it was terrible that someone stood there and videoed the entire thing.  I think it was terrible that no one would do anything to intervene, cops and bystanders included.  I think it was grossly mishandled by the powers that be.  Had the officers immediately been taken into custody, that might have thwarted the impending doom that was about to follow.  But, none of those things happened.  What did happen, in my opinion, was a complete, out of control, emotional response.  What good does it do to completely destroy your community out of anger?  Yes, racial profiling is a huge problem, but the riots certainly did nothing to fix that problem.  If anything, it poured more salt on the wound.

So, this is what is happening.  We are encouraged, by a massive main stream media, to turn on the people we love.  We are dealt the race card at every opportunity.  We are told over and over and over to stay home.  We are told change needs to happen and that all this is the fault of the white man.  We have been ordered not to gather, yet the streets have been filled with protests and riots.  We have been unable to attend family gatherings, funerals and hospital visits.  But suddenly, these orders do not apply to certain causes.  Do you see what is happening?  

We are living in the most amazing times.  It is nearly biblical.  We have been hoodwinked by a force so powerful, that they have used Nazi propaganda to turn us against each other.  Guess what happens if this continues.....the right to speak out will be forever silenced and it will apply to both sides of this great conflict.  United we stand, divided we fall and divided is right where the Deep State wants us to be.  They want us to not think for ourselves.  They want us to believe they can do it better and if we let that happen, there is going to be a huge amount of collateral damage.  You know why?  Because the ones screaming in the streets, encouraging each other to turn against their fellow man are the minority.  Like it or not, that is the truth and these people have been played like an old deck of cards. If the Deep State wins, this minority of people will be dealt with quickly because they will no longer be needed. 

There.  I spoke out.  I broke my silence.  Do not preach to me about 'white silence' or white privilege.  Violence and hate only produces violence and hate.  We are all in this together and 'where we go one, we go all'.  There is no skin color among Patriots.   It's time to wake up and turn against the mind control that is being used against us, before it's too late.  In the meantime, although I do not agree with the rhetoric that is being pumped through the airways, I still have the right to voice my opinion.....don't I?

Monday, June 1, 2020

Just Like That

It hangs on the wall among several different works of art.  None of the art is original, just a copy of a Van Gogh and favorite photos that have been canvassed.  For the most part, it has no function, other than taking up wall space and there is nothing about it to draw one's attention.  It's the flat screen TV and it is rarely on.

In all seriousness, we rarely watch television.  It hasn't been turned on in days.  But, a couple of weeks ago, when my better half was feeling a bit under the weather, he let the beast roar back to life.  He was watching major networks via the antenna on the side of the house. 

I give two hoots about watching the TV, but I was listening in the distance.  The first thing that got my attention, no pun intended, was the commercials.  After all, that's what commercials do, they get our attention in the hopes of selling us something.  What that something is can be a myriad of products, services and beliefs.  Commercials, one of the most prominent mind control systems in the entire universe, pummels people daily with the same rhetoric. The biggest player in this game is the pharmaceutical companies.  They spend billions upon billions of dollars convincing us that they have a drug to help with whatever ailment comes along and we listen intently, or even subconsciously.  It matters not that the list of side effects is enough to make us want to run to the hills for cover, they know that if we hear something enough times, we will believe it.  Kind of like when we learned the multiplication tables.

For weeks now, the major news networks have been giving us all kinds of information about the dreaded COV-19 virus.  This information has been more confusing than helpful, as it changes weekly or even daily.  But, we the people still listen to it and believe what we are told.  The reason we do that is because the majority of people in this country do not believe that these entities would not tell us something that was not the truth.

So, in the background, I heard, over and over again, to stay home.  Stay home, social distance, wear a mask....rinse and repeat.  Then, tragedy strikes.  A man loses his life, while people stand by and video his death and cities across the nation erupt in violence.  

Suddenly, COV-19 has lost its appeal.  The race card has been played and the powers that be know there is nothing like a race war to keep people divided.  Just like that, the narrative changed from a deadly pandemic, that was front line news every stinking day, to the second page in a internet search.

When someone, or group, does not like another someone or group because they look different, think different, live differently that is not being racist.  It's being stupid.  It's being ignorant and uniformed.  But, as long as the card is played, so then have the people been played.  The only thing that will ever cure this particular disease, is when people start thinking for themselves and teaching their children that we are all in this humanity thing together and stop listening to the mind control machine.  Take the race card out of the deck, then it no longer exists.  Will it happen overnight?  Absolutely not, but until it is left completely out of the equation, it will never go away.  Keep in mind, the Lee Harvey Oswald narrative has been playing for decades and many still believe it, so please, do not think the government would not mislead its people.

My plea would be this.  Turn the TV off.  For the next 30 days, go without it.  If you can't go without it, mute every commercial and watch zero news broadcasts.  I promise, the world will not stop spinning, but your mind will.  Spend time in some really deep thoughts and petitions about how to be more kind to our fellow man.  Take the time to enjoy nature or a neighbor you barely know.  If we would all do this for the next month, just like that, we would see the world around us and all of humanity in a completely different light.  

If you cannot unleash yourself from the main stream babble, remember this, in the end, God wins the battle....Just Like That.