Monday, November 23, 2020


A square of tin foil sits on top of a small tripod.  The tripod is supposed to be used for soldering.  Something not yet mastered.  On the tin foil is a small pile of sugar.  Not real sugar, but small grains of some kind of organic sweetener none the less.  Next to this contraption lies the tuning fork.  Tuned to 528hz.  It also has a 'C' below the number, but scholarly minds and musicians do not agree on this connection.  Way deeper than a need to go.

The experiment was to try and see a pattern form.  The small grains of sweetness were to dance into formation from the vibration of the tuning fork.  This had been tried before.  Without much luck.  But, it never hertz to try again.  No pun intended.  The grains did dance, but not long enough.  This was due to the tin foil stopping the vibration of the tuning fork.  Another world wide web search produced many ways to achieve the desired outcome.  None included tin foil and a tuning fork.....imagine that.  A new weekend project may be in order.

The science behind this magical phenomenon makes visible part of the invisible world.  Seeing sound equates to an oxymoron.  Right?  Just as light has different waves, some seen and some unseen, so does sound.  A good example of how light works is the small bird called the Indigo Bunting.  It is really a black bird, but the feathers refract the sunlight making it appear blue.  Back to sound.  Tones have different vibrations and those vibrations have a pattern.  The patterns are not just random shapes.  They are complex and unique.  When seen, they give the viewer a sense of wonderment.  A sense of being part of something that is much bigger than imagined.

The theory behind the 528hz is that the frequency has the ability to positively affect water.  Since the human body is nearly 70% water, it stands to reason that vibrations play a part in how the body functions.  Does not music soothe the savage beast? 528hz is even considered to be divine, or supernatural.  Perhaps even connected to God.   It is also interesting to note that the earth is also covered 70% in water.  Another connection that might be considered, to be given more consideration.  

If being surrounded with good, soothing vibration can help to heal the body and soul, can it be said that being surrounded by the opposite has the opposite outcome?  Constant yelling, fighting, bickering must surely take its toll on the physique.

In a universe so vast and unknown, it is comforting to know that there is a vibration of not only sound, but of a design that comes from something not of this world.  Something that, perhaps, would like humanity to be still and listen.

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