I'm back already! The ever so entertaining JRT returns! (Jack Russell Terrier) Here to give you a report on my latest shenanigans while Mom continues to search for her marbles. I've tried to help, but so far, no luck.
This last week has been the 'week of the towel'. I had to have three baths in as many days! I will never understand the human nose. So many things they like to wrinkle their noses up about. They have no idea the amount of scents that waft through the air at any given moment. For instance, just because I seemingly bark at nothing every morning, does not mean that there isn't something out there. There is! I can smell it! Right through the walls and windows! A dog's nose can pick up scents that come from far away and ride on the wind. It's important to me to sound the alarm when such a thing happens. I'm all about keeping tabs on the perimeter. My momma does that and she taught me well.
To explain how well my nose works, I gonna share a little story. I was sound asleep in Dad's lap. That's one of my most favorite things, nappin' with Dad. So, I'm sleepin' and across the room, Mom slowly and carefully took the plastic lid off of a can of nuts. In less time than it takes to cross a dog hair, I was wide awake and looking in Mom's direction. The nose knows. Plus, I love nuts!
Where was I? Oh yeah, bath time. The reason I had to have three baths is not my fault. It was not me who told the raccoon to do his business in my yard. (But I was so glad that he did!) Humans just do not understand that there is something simply more than delightful about raccoon poop. The aroma is heavenly! When I find some and this particular gift from Mr. Ringtail was exceptionally fresh, there is only one thing to do. The famous 'Dip & Dive'!
The D&D is a maneuver........oh, that rhymes with manure! Mom says I'm getting off track. Anyway, I have been perfecting the D&D for most all of my 6 years. Mom says if there were a scoring system, I'd get a 10 every time. First, when I come across that mesmerizing scent and find the source, I gently dip my head enough to dab some behind each ear. When I'm overcome with the scent wafting between my ears, it's time for the dive. I stand up on my back legs, turn my head to one side and dive for the prize! Once the dive is completed, the roll over begins. This helps to grind the delicacy into my fur so the scent will last for as long as possible. I musta executed a perfect 10 this time cos' when I ran full speed to Mom, to show her, she was none too happy. She said I had a smile running from ear to ear, like some crazed clown.
And that's how the beginning of the 'week of the towel' started. I didn't even get to enjoy the fruits of my labor! Mom snatched me up and headed straight to the bathtub. She even had to give the buzzing collar a bath too. It always takes two towels per bath, sometimes three. I might be little but, I gots lots of fur and it stays wet for a long time.
The next day, I did it again. Two days after that, I dug a hole half way to the other side of the planet, in the mud. I'm pretty sure there was a mouse down there.....somewhere. Mom's washin' towels. Woof!
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