First, me and Mom and Dad have moved! Mom says I'm not supposed to list myself first or use so many 'ands'. I don't know what she is talking about, it's pretty clear than I'm #1 in the family AND what's the big deal with AND? Anyway, we have moved to what Mom calls the Wonderful Land of Pike, I just call it home. We used a great big truck to come back and I sat in the front seat, on Mom's lap. We didn't stop, except when I needed to, and I stayed awake almost the whole trip! Mom finally gave me a treat that has hemp in it. I don't know much about that, but Mom says I said "far out" a lot for the remainder of the trip.
I live in the country now and I LOVE it! I can run and run and run and run! I be looking pretty fit too, cos' all that runnin' makes for some mighty fine looking muscles. I can bark all I want too! I bark in the morning, afternoon, nighttime and at 3o'clock in the morning. That last one usually gets me in trouble, but I'm sure there might be something out there in the dark that needs a good barking.
I have a new friend too. I've known him for awhile, but this is the first time we have got to spend lots of time together. His name is Max and he is a giant German Shepard. He makes about 10 of me, but he is a gentle giant....until that time he put his giant paw on me to try to slow me down. I let him know that was not acceptable in my book. We have only had one fight. I sorta came out on the short end of the bone too. It was over a whiffle ball. Max had it, I wanted it. The next thing I knew, my head was in Max's mouth. I even have a boo boo on my nose, right between my eyes, for proof. Max's mom and my mom say we can't play whiffle ball anymore.
I live by some water now. It's way bigger than the puddle we lived next to in the big city. Mom says this water is called a lake. Me and Mom walked down to the water the other day. Mom says she likes to go there to ponder. I don't know what that means, I just like to go to sniff new smells and perhaps find something delightful to roll in. Mom makes me wear my shock collar when we go. See, I hear just find, but everyone says I don't listen. Humans are so confusing at times. So, we went to the big water and as usual, I went off to explore, ahead of Mom. When Mom got to the edge of the water, I was no where to be seen. Mom said she listened for the sound of rustling leaves and there was no noise. Mom called me and she pressed the button on the remote for the shock collar, still nothing. Umm, that's another thing about humans, they think we canines don't know why sometimes the shock collar just makes a noise or sometimes it bites. I could hear Mom calling me and I could see her. Every once in awhile, when I was close enough, I could even hear the collar make a noise. See, it had been really cold for a few days, before this adventure and all the water had turned white. It was white and cold and slippery and made for some great new territory to explore. Mom says the water was frozen. She says that she caught something moving out of the corner of her eye and it was me. Way out on the frozen lake, just emerging from the fog that was beginning to rise off the ice. We had to go back to the house after that, Mom said I ruined her ponder time. The next time she went, I didn't get to go. Mom is mean.
Mom says enough adventure sharing for the time being. Besides, there's a leaf moving outside in the breeze and I'm sure it needs a barking! Woof!
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