It seems like eons since I've let my fingers caress the keyboard. Why I do that is anyone's guess. Writers, good writers, write. They write everyday. I could make the excuse that I write in my head on a daily, 24/7 schedule, but that does not count.
Life, or our journey through this plane of existence, does one thing. It continues. It continues on for each and every one of us, regardless of what we may or may not be going through. It waits for no one, it stops for no one.
Things happen along the journey that can throw a wrench in the gears, but all in all, our reaction to those particular curve balls is part and parcel the whole of the sum. How did we handle some of the trials? How much attention did we pay to the times that were so smooth it felt as if we were cruising on an endless highway with the top down? That one favorite song blasting through the speakers.
Is it the trials that shape us? Do they hone us like a stone to the blade? Or, do they shred us like the blade to grass? Perhaps both. It is whatever we allow ourselves to feel. We can either react with emotion or logic. It does not seem fair to think that it is merely a decision to be us.
Right now, I'm walking that fine line between emotion and logic and it's breadth is about as fine as frog hair. Its length seems to be endless. But, I'm not alone. "Legion, for we are many.", comes to mind.
Just like that, in the blink of an eye, things change. We must choose to sink or swim and no matter which we decide, life goes on.
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