Monday, March 18, 2019

From The Desk of the Dog

Hello!  It's me, Runtly, the ever so entertaining Jack Russell Terrier, JRT, for short.  I'm looking around at Mom's desk and it's a mess!  There are papers of all shapes and sizes everywhere!  Boy oh boy, I could clean this up in a heartbeat, but Mom said no, I could only tell a story.  If it was up to me, all these papers would be under Mom and Dad's bed.  That is where all things paper and plastic go to die.

It is spring time here in the southeast.  That means the geese are coming in like crazy.  They are so noisy.  I have a leash that Mom walks me on.  It is really long, Mom says 16 feet but I don't know what that means.  I have four feet and that is plenty for me.  Anyway, when me and Mom go for a walk, I always walk way out ahead of her, at the very end of the leash.   That's cause' I be the boss.  But, when I see those dumb geese way up ahead of me, in my path, I start slowin' down.  I do this because when I finally get to the geese, I'm gonna have all that leash saved up for the plunder.  Sadly, Mom has figured out that I do this and has put the brakes on me a few times.  Even though it up ends me, it's still worth it.

There are lots of kennels in this place.  Our kennel is at the end of one of the kennel buildings, on the top.  My friend, Squirrel, lives in the trees right next to us. Squirrel likes to get on our deck because Mom has a bird feeder and Squirrel eats the seeds that fall from it.  He used to get on the feeder....THAT really made me crazy, but Mom fixed it, so he can't do that anymore.  Sometimes when me and Mom come back from our walk and the coast is clear, Mom will turn me loose at the top of the sidewalk that leads to our kennel.  This is the time I get to do what JRT's do best....RUN...flat out, peddle to the meddle, hammer down, ears pinned back, faster than a speeding bullet run.  I get off that sidewalk and into the pine needles and make them fly!  I run as fast as I can until I get to the end of our kennel building and then I stop on a dime, or maybe it was a nickle.....anyway, I stop and look up at our deck to see if Squirrel is there.  And lots of times he is there!  

You know what Squirrel does?  He jumps!  He jumps off our deck to the ground!  One time he landed right on top of me!  I really did not know what hit me! But, I be wise to Squirrel now and I watch for him to make his move.  Sometimes he jumps into the the trees and that makes a fast end to the game.  But, the other day, he jumped and landed right beside me.  It was on like Donkey Kong!
First, me and Squirrel ran one way!  Then we ran the other way and all this time we be running right side by side!  Then I found out Squirrel can stop on a quarter too.  He stopped and I kept goin' for just a second, but it was long enough for Squirrel to zig instead of zag and he made a break for the trees.  I woofed him good, just to let him know I meant for that to happen.  Until next time Squirrel!

Well, I be tired, had to take the big walk today and it's time for me to go shred the bed.  You know, dig to China, where ever that is, and walk in endless circles until I find that 'just right' spot to lay in.
Till' next time, Woof! 

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