Monday, March 11, 2019

But, What If?

I believe we live in the greatest country in the world.  Yes, there are things that need to be updated and made better, but on a whole, the USA can't be beat.  As a member of the House of Womanhood, being here in this country offers us more freedoms than anywhere else.

This isn't supposed to be political, but I'm sure some will see it that way and that is surely their right.  We all interpret things in a different way.  After the last presidential election, the House of Womanhood lost their freaking minds.  They threw their genitalia on top of their heads, grabbed their small daughters and took to the streets.  There, they screamed and chanted, followed a few has been entertainers around, bared their chests and cried about injustice to their kind.  While doing this, they expected the rest of us to take them seriously.  As far as I am concerned, that one single incident did more to set women back from all their accomplishments to date.  They shouted about inequality and wanted men to take them seriously......Seriously?  It reminds me of the time Mother got caught in the middle of a gay parade in New York City.  All of a sudden, the car she was riding in was surrounded by giant sex organs marching and chanting in the street.  Seriously, she never quit giggling about that while she was still alive.  Delivery of ones' heartfelt message is so important.

Women are afforded the same rights in this country as men.  Yes, yes they are.  Every woman has the right to choose what she wants to be or do.  She has the right to stand up to workplace inequality, if she is suffering that, and make a difference or simply move on to something better.  The one important thing to remember is the fact that although we all have equal opportunities, as female and males, we are different in design and we are different in thought process.  No doubt, for many centuries, it has been a man's world and in order to gain a level playing field in that world, we as women have had to adjust our thinking skills.  We tend to think more emotionally  and lots of men can not wrap their minds around that idea. When they witness a whole lot of emotional unfounded drama, their minds will, in many instances, shut down to taking anything the female population says as serious, or even useful.  

Indeed, there are many women in our government today.  When they all wore white for a showing of solidarity, or whatever, once again, in my opinion, that was an emotional choice that, once again, put a barrier between the male and female species.  If you want equality and to be taken seriously, be your own individual self because you have had to work harder than most to get into that position in the first place.  It's not about being better, or above men, it's about being able to meet them at the same level.  It is supposed to be a team effort.

Women could be considered superior in design, after all, we are the carriers of the human race, which bounces on to another topic.  Abortion.  The battle cry of  "her body, her choice" has been blasted loud and far for so long that now, law makers stand and applaud infanticide.   This is a topic that could and will be debated, unfortunately, forever.  But, what if there is an inconvenient  truth about the women's body, women's choice slogan that no one wants to talk about?  What if the fact that the small body growing on the inside, is not her body.  Think about this, our children really are not ours.  Their body is a separate being, just as we are.  If the body is a house for the soul, are there any consequences for not allowing a soul to enter this plane of live and march in the make the planet a better place?  

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