The size and scale of the predator is massive. It is everywhere. It is hard to hide from it. It's power reaches not only coast to coast, but its tentacles circumnavigate the earth.
It has the extraordinary ability to cloak itself in harmless fashion. Most everyone thinks it is wonderful, would follow it wherever it leads and not think twice about offering it to their families.
Walking the isles of any store that sells groceries, it is in nearly every product, from floor to ceiling. It comes in a variety of forms and it is tasty. We call it sugar.
From here on, I'm going to give a movie/documentary review, rather than bore anyone with how the body uses foods to fuel itself. The information is out there, for anyone to research in case what you are about to read seems impossible.
The Magic Pill (Netflix)
What if most of our modern diseases are really just symptoms of the same problem? The Magic Pill is a character - driven documentary that follows doctors, patients, scientists, chefs, farmers and journalists from around the globe who are combating illness through a paradigm shift in eating. And this simple change --embracing fat as our main fuel -- is showing profound promise in improving the health of people, animals and the planet. *
This documentary begins with a group of Aboriginal people. When they were first discovered by westerners, they were a robust people. They were healthy, lean, had great teeth and lived long lives. When asked what was the main cause of death, before the Europeans came, their answer was "old age". In less than two decades, this once strong vibrant group, after being introduced to western foods were decimated. They had illness, they were over weight and many had diabetes.
The doctors take 11 Aboriginal women, all who have diabetes. They change their diet back to the way they used to eat, pre European times and in ten weeks, the diabetes was all 11 women.
This is just one of the astounding changes that happen when the diet is changed and sugar is removed, but it goes way beyond the white stuff in a bowl on the table. Take just about any pre-packaged food from the pantry and look at the carbohydrate amount. Then look at the ingredients. Any word with 'rose' in it, is sugar, refined sugar. Keep in mind that the amount of carbs is per serving. So, if the entire bag of tortilla chips is eaten in a single setting, 208 carbs have been consumed. Since these carbs are refined, it does not take the body long to realize it doesn't need all that fuel. The body then takes the excess and stores them as fat. The soft drink industry does not want people to understand this.
The Magic Pill shows what happens when healthy fats are introduced again and the change is phenomenal. Also, according to the doctors, the claim that meat fat is a leading cause of heart disease, is false. That claim is due more investigating.
The list of disease and illness that can be turned around contains, cancer (which thrives on sugar), asthma, diabetes, autism and many others.
My only hope is that someone will watch this documentary and take away from it something that will change or save your life and the lives of your family.
* IMDb website: story line information
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