Monday, June 29, 2015

What's Going On?

     When the mighty media in this country, and maybe everywhere else, gets on a roll, they sure know how to stir up the masses.  Most times, the subject matter is really not all that important.  But it is over inflated, blown way out of proportion and the majority of the people jump right on the band wagon.

     The news media has been filled with items of fluff.  I really do not care if someone decided to change their gender.  I really do not care who marries who.  I really do not care what some celebrity has to say, from their lofty mansions, about the rightness or wrongness of this country.  I really do not care to hear about crooked politicians, as that seems to be the norm.  And I really do not care what team picked what person to whack a ball, kick a ball, throw a ball or chase a ball in order to have the best season ever, not to mention make a crazy amount of money for doing so....but then, I'm not too sportsy.  It's all fluff stuff.

     For those striving to be Christ like, a lifelong journey, I have always felt that if He were silent on the subject, so should we be. "Judge not, lest you be judged", seems like pretty good advice.

     What concerns me the most when the nonsensical news is whirling around like seed pods off a maple tree is, what is going on behind the scenes?  What is it we are being distracted from that really makes a difference in our lives?  When the masses are marching around like a herd of sheep, where are they being led?

     Pay attention and be watchful.

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