What is it about human beings that makes fiction more interesting than truth? Is it just in our nature? Even book titles that are described as non-fiction implicate the absence of something and I reckon that 'something' is imagination.
It never ceases to amaze the amount of hoopla that can be created by ignoring the facts. The recent upheaval in Ferguson is an excellent example. No one listened to the facts.
Twelve people lost their lives in a stampede on the Brooklyn bridge due to a rumor that the bridge was about to collapse.
It only takes a search on Google to find numerous incidents where tragedy was the results of rumors, non truths, fiction.
We are the only creatures on the planet that do this. I guess we enjoy the attention that comes with fiction as we search for our fifteen minutes of fame.
It gives new meaning to the phrase, "silence is golden" because it is pretty obvious the best way to avoid these nasty situations is to keep still. Don't share your troubles with someone you think you can trust, trust has a very thin shell. Keep them to yourself, write them down on a piece of paper and then burn it. Let the smoke rise to a higher plane, a higher being. If you think this isn't true, tell something completely outrageously fiction to someone you think you can trust and see where it goes. If it goes nowhere, you have found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
I hope to be wiser and from now on I will use a lot more of today's 'word of the day' on the dictionary app..........floccinaucinihilipilification. It means, "the estimation of something as valueless. I would try to pronounce it, but that would start a new round of fiction.
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